Tears Fairy

Chapter 549 Black Soul Sea

Chapter 549 Black Soul Sea
Feng Tianyu was in a happy mood and confirmed to the turtle Xiaoxi: "You can go back to the Chuangshizhu to practice in seclusion with peace of mind.

After three to five years, the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, will surely appear alive and kicking in front of you. "

After receiving another affirmation from Feng Tianyu, Xiaogui Xiaoxi was overjoyed, and immediately swept away the previous depression.

The aura of eclipse wrapped around it also dissipated in Feng Tianyu's two calm fingers.

"Thank you master, master, I am going to retreat to practice at the Genesis Pearl!"

Turtle Xiaoxi was very happy to return to the Genesis Orb to practice in seclusion from the shared channel opened by Feng Tianyu.

After Feng Tianyu entered the Creation Orb after the turtle Xiaoxi, she continued to practice the sixth form of the Taiyin finger, the soul finger.

The Lord Wanli and the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, were caught by the ghost ribbon and were involved in the falling black hole.The Wanli City Lord struggled hard.

The Wanli City Lord finally stretched out his hand from the tight ribbon, and he stretched out his hand to grab it.

The Wanli City Lord finally grabbed the ghost ribbon wrapped with the golden-threaded treasure mouse, and the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse Jin Baobao.

Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunter, can't do anything to him, otherwise, he won't need the five young masters to drive him away.

He also has no face to face her in his whole life, he can only spend his whole life in the deep mountains and great swamps.Xiantu also missed him from the beginning.

After catching the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, the hanging heart of Wanli City Lord finally fell into place.

In fact, his fairyland and his future have already been tied up with the golden treasure mouse, Jin Baobao.

City Lord Wanli held the golden baby with one hand, and uncontrollably sank towards the black hole as he was dragged by the ghost ribbon.

The black hole seemed to be bottomless, and the city master Wanli and the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao kept sinking into the black hole while being pulled by the bundled roll of black ribbon.

The Wanli City Lord who entered the black hole at the beginning still had a concept of the elapsed time, one day, two days, three days, four days... ten days... 20 days... one month.

Five months later, Wanli City Lord no longer had the heart to remember the lost time.As a top monk, he no longer had the composure he had when he first entered the black hole.

In addition to breaking free from a big hand at the very beginning of entering the black hole, Wanli City Lord struggled to grab the golden silk treasure hunter Jin Baobao who was not far away from him.

After that, Wanli City Lord sank into the black hole for a long time, with his current peak cultivation strength.

While sinking into the black hole, he completely lost control of himself.It could only sink uncontrollably.

As City Lord Wanli continued to sink into the black hole, his heart also began to sink.

He doesn't know what is the end of the black hole?I don't know if the black hole has an end?
Three years passed in the blink of an eye during the long days when the Wanli City Lord kept sinking.

On this day, when the Wanli City Lord was hopeless, his sinking body suddenly floated up.

In the hopeless and gloomy heart of Wanli City Lord, a wave of hope suddenly rose.His mind moved, his eyes fixed.

He finally saw a faint and deep black black sea.In the Black Sea churning, layers of black gas rise from the Black Sea.

The falling bodies of Wanli City Lord and Golden Treasure Mouse Jin Baobao were stopped by the black gas soaring into the sky.

As soon as Wanli City Lord's deep eyes touched the black sea, his eyes suddenly shrank.

Black soul sea?

City Lord Wanli was worried and happy, and the black soul sea was the best place to gather and scatter souls across the world.

City Lord Wanli began to control his body with great effort, floating in the black sea of ​​souls.

The Wanli City Lord began to work hard to gather a wave of energy. He intended to send the golden treasure-hunting mouse Jin Baobao, which he held in his palm, into the black soul sea to gather souls.

The Wanli City Lord, who was floating above the black sea of ​​souls, finally condensed a force to grab the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao's palm after an hour.

It's now!

The master of Wanli spit out the spiritual power in his palm, and the thin blade of the spiritual power blade flashed, and it had successfully cut off the black ribbon that bound the golden treasure hunter golden baby.

As soon as the black ribbon was broken, the spiritual power spit out from the palm of Wanli City Lord instantly turned into a spiritual power mask.

The moment the spiritual power mask was formed, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, was enveloped in the spiritual power mask.

With a thought in his mind, Wanli City Lord moved forward with his will, covering the spiritual power mask of the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

In the mind of Wanli City Lord, after making a sound of Hulin, he slowly sank into the rising black gas.

The Lord Wanli looked at the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, who was sinking gradually, as if he saw a ray of light in his immortal journey.

As long as the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, has been raised in the black soul sea for three years, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, will definitely be able to obtain the prerequisites for resurrection from the black soul sea.

As long as the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, gathers the souls scattered in the left world in the black soul sea, and undergoes soul rebirth in the warmth of the black soul sea, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, will definitely be reborn in the black soul sea.

As long as the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, is reborn, it's time for him to return to Wanli City.

Since Wanli City Lord received the hundred strange energy light clusters given to him by the fifth young master from the tortoise Xiaoxi.

In the process of absorbing and refining the strange energy light group, he finally understood how Feng Tianyu and the others broke through this checkpoint and entered the yellow war zone.

He also finally understood the reason why he failed to break through the level.In a word, if the external spiritual power of a lower level cannot be cultivated normally in the ancient battlefield, it will experience the transformation of the mutated spiritual power in the ancient battlefield.

Cultivators will eventually have great supernatural powers, and they will still be hindered in the process of breaking through the pass.

Even if the team is at the cost of other people's lives, if they are lucky enough to clear the level, they will stay in the next theater.

It is impossible for the monk's aura of luck to be hit by luck every time.

The success of breaking through this time is the result of others giving their lives for you, and the next time you break through the level may be when you use your life to help others.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, the ancient battlefield has seven major areas and seven independent spaces.

If the monk is lucky enough to pass through the seven major regions, and pass through the seven independent spaces in the battle.

In the battle of the seven independent spaces, some latent mutated spiritual power will be incorporated from the leather watch, and in the accumulation of time, the conditions for going out of the seven levels and out of the ancient battlefield will be met.

This kind of lucky one is the darling of the Heavenly Dao, which is unique in the world of cultivating immortals. How many people can there be among the thousands of monks in the ancient battlefield?

Therefore, after entering the ancient battlefield, monks must perform spiritual power conversion in the seven major regions. Only after the spiritual power conversion can they transform their physical and powerful self in the gradual purification of mutant spiritual power in the seven major regions.

If the monks who entered the ancient battlefield did not find a way to transform their spiritual power in the major theaters that they were lucky enough to enter.

As a result, if the transformation of spiritual power cannot be performed, except for the lucky darling of heaven, they can only die in the ancient battlefield in the end.

When a monk's cultivation reaches its peak saturation in the war zone he belongs to, if no monks are fighting for you when you pass the level in an independent space, it will be as difficult as climbing the sky to succeed in the level.

After Wanli City Lord refined and absorbed more than two dozen strange energy light clusters, he completely released the invisible shackles in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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