Tears Fairy

Chapter 554

Chapter 554

Feng Tianyu was behind the three, supported by one hand in a good mood, and the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao came out of the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, Ah Shui and Wanli City Lord were already waiting there.This trip, Feng Tianyu did not let Saturn and Dong Guoyuan follow.Wanli City needs them to sit in town.

The Wanli City Master is the monk who has been in the yellow war zone for the longest time. The Wanli City Master has a history of 5000 years from the initial peripheral millennium to the middle ten thousand years, and the inner circle.

If Feng Tianyu wanted to fulfill his wish, who would he look for if he didn't look for Wanli City Lord?

After Feng Tianyu and the three people and one beast left Wanli City, Feng Tianyu sacrificed his five-color auspicious cloud flying machine.

Since she is calling for a tour of the entire yellow war zone, she will use the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft to measure every inch of the entire yellow war zone.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft was flying at low altitude in the sky. When the windy and rainy five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flew into the ghost domain, Wanli City Lord confronted the ghost commander Nan Bai of the ghost domain for the first time.

The battle of one person and one ghost is still as exciting as before.Feng Tianyu sat in the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft calmly and calmly, watching the battle with great interest.

Until the eighteen ghost kings who besieged Ah Shui pressed Ah Shui to fight.Only then did Feng Tianyu take out a stack of superimposed Thunder Talismans, and put them on the little paw of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

Feng Tianyu smiled, and said to Jin Baobao in a joking tone to Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse:
"Baby Jin, go and play for a while, Tianlei Rolling!"

Hearing this, Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, its golden eyes suddenly lit up, it clenched tightly the superimposed thunder talisman that Feng Tianyu placed on its paw, and happily agreed to Feng Tianyu: "Okay, master, I The ghosts in Huangquan must hear the thunder and flee!"

Feng Tianyu smiled, and stretched out his other hand to stroke the smooth and soft golden hair of the golden treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.


Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, let's go in the sound of wind and rain.It had jumped from Feng Tianyu's palm to the shoulder of Ah Shui who was being beaten.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, waved his claws, "Boom, boom, boom..." Thunder rolled in the ghost domain.

The eighteen ghost kings who were on the upper hand, under the bombardment of superimposed magic charms thrown by the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao, amidst the lightning and thunder, the eighteen ghost kings suddenly lost their soul power and were in danger of losing their souls.

Ah Shui took advantage of the situation and rose up, one sword, one world, and after eighteen swords, with the help of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, who constantly blasted out superimposed thunder charms.

The eighteen ghost kings are like Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunter, who told Feng Tianyu that all eighteen ghost kings have fled.

Feng Tianyu looked at one person and one ghost fighting in the gray void, Feng Tianyu said to Ah Shui and Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, who had returned to the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft:
"The ghost domain is really not suitable for living beings to stay for a long time. I am tired of this lifeless place.

Go and say hello to Guishuai! "

Feng Tianyu's words made Wanli City Lord happy, but Guishuai Nanbai was at a loss for words.When Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, and Ah Shui promised to fly to Guishuai.

After Guishuai let out a sharp howl, he resolutely let go of Wanli City Lord. When the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, flew into the void with Ah Shui, he stood side by side with Wanli City Lord.

Gui Shuai had already fled.After Wanli City Lord thanked Ah Shui and Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, he flew back to the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft with the two.

After Feng Tianyu returned to the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft with the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, Ah Shui, and Wanli City Lord, she stopped talking and flew directly to the exit of Zhongwei.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flew out of the ghost domain amidst countless howling ghosts, and Feng Tianyu flew out of the ghost domain with the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

The five-color auspicious cloud aircraft plunged into the deep mountains and swamps again.

Ah Shui always knew what the fifth young master seemed to be looking for?However, the Fifth Young Master never made it clear to them.

During this trip to the outskirts, Feng Tianyu still focused on drawing a full-scale geographical map of the yellow war zone.

Under the puzzled eyes of Wanli City Lord, Feng Tianyu drew perfect pictures one after another on the periphery.

The gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, happily jumps up and down on Feng Tianyu's shoulder, as long as he follows Feng Tianyu.

Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunter, never wants to appear in human form.Because it misses every interaction with its owner.

Being true to yourself is the golden treasure hunter golden baby, the best excuse you can find for yourself not to transform into a human form.

The idea of ​​the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Golden Baby, once convinced Feng Tianyu how much courage it takes to be true to yourself.

Feng Tianyu admired the courage of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.I am also ashamed that sometimes I have a comprehensive self when I have to.

Feng Tianyu has always doted on Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure mouse, and Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure mouse, is also the animal pet that has been with her for the longest time after the evolution of all the beasts.

"Master, there is danger ahead!"

In a clump of aquatic plants in the endless swamp.Falling on the water plants is trying to draw the last wind and rain.

The moment she put away her pen, Feng Tianyu heard the warning sound of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao.

When the gold-threaded treasure mouse, Golden Baby, made a sound.City Lord Wanli, Ah Shui and Yijian slammed into the water plant that Feng Tianyu had just drifted away from.


After a loud bang, when the grass on the swamp turned into ashes, a sword world appeared on the swamp, the swamp world blasted out.

A burst of lush greenery suddenly appeared on the swamp.In a blink of an eye, the Wanli Swamp has turned into a green jungle.

Feng Tianyu and other three people and one beast are in the greenery.He was stunned for a moment by the sudden change.

In just a split second, Feng Tianyu, three people and one beast were already in the green forest.Down to earth.

Where else is there any swamp?

There was a burst of birdsong and the fragrance of flowers floating in the wind. Feng Tianyu not only heard the familiar chat language, but also seemed to smell the familiar smell.

Feng Tianyu's heart moved.She looked around, and Feng Tianyu suddenly shouted to Fengzhong:
"Red-feathered kingfisher, are you speaking in the wind?"

The city master Wanli and Ah Shui who were shocked and secretly amazed.Hearing Feng Tianyu actually asked Feng Zhong a question.The two have different thoughts in their hearts.

When Ah Shui heard Feng Tianyu call the red-feathered kingfisher.After a sudden burst of heart, he immediately began to stretch his spiritual consciousness, exploring all around.

Sure enough, the detection of the spiritual sense was not more than a hundred feet, and it was blocked.Ah Shui thought secretly.

Did they stray into the natural formation and enter the valley of birds and phoenixes?

The owner of Wanli City never knew that there was such a place on the outskirts.While he was inexplicably shocked, he heard the wind and rain calling for the red-feathered kingfisher.

He was suddenly at a loss. He looked up at Ah Shui beside him, only to see that Ah Shui was exploring the area thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Wanli City Lord couldn't help but respectfully asked Feng Tianyu: "Fifth Young Master, do you know where this is?"

Feng Tianyu did not wait for the reply from the red-feathered kingfisher, but waited for the questioning voice of Wanli City Lord.

After Feng Tianyu glanced at Ah Shui who understood clearly, he then looked at City Lord Wanli who was questioning her.

Feng Tianyu exhaled and said to Wanli City Lord: "Here?
If, as I expected, this place should be Hundred Birds Chaofeng Valley! "

(End of this chapter)

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