Tears Fairy

Chapter 56 The Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse

Chapter 56 The Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse

The moment the wind and rain passed out!Jin Yuxiang flew out from between Feng Tianyu's eyebrows, stretched out his arms to hug Feng Tianyu, under the invisibility cloak, Jin Yuxiang hid Feng Tianyu in a gully several feet deep, and entered the Inside the Genesis Pearl.

When Feng Tianyu was blasted by the power of the late stage of transformation, he was swept by an attack. At this time, the gray mist was automatically repairing the injured body.Jin Yuxiang took out a king-level golden fragrant fruit from his own space, fed it into Feng Tianyu's mouth and channeled a trace of spiritual power, letting the golden fragrant fruit turn into juice and enter the abdomen along his throat!

At this moment, dozens of superpowers above the deity level in the periphery are searching back and forth in the ruins of the periphery. They don't believe that the fat old man can survive so many violent bombardments without incident!

Suddenly, a gold-threaded treasure-hunting mouse flew out of a master who was in the early stage of distraction!But seeing it sucking its sharp beak and nose, it suddenly shot towards the invisibility cloak!The invisibility cloak flicked slightly, and a huge gopher squirrel turned into a fleshy paste, mixed with a mouthful of blood spurted out by Feng Tianyu!
When the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse pounced on the phoenix feather cloak that had turned into an invisible cloak, the phoenix feather cloak slid across the lake like water, and after a burst of ripples, it turned into a treasure hunting mouse!
"Squeak, squeak!" Good baby!The baby is here!The Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse suddenly pounced!When throwing on the Phoenix Feather cloak!Immediately transformed into a treasure hunting mouse, the Phoenix Feather cloak bit his forehead, distracting and powerfully contracting the treasure hunting mouse's primordial imprint, instantly peeled off from the treasure hunting mouse's crystal nucleus!Distracted Almighty's expression changed and he quickly regained his composure!

The phoenix feather cloak opened and turned into the sharp beak of the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse. The golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse jumped when it was free, and quickly escaped from the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse formed by the phoenix feather cloak, and ran forward like a madman! "Squeak, squeak...!" This, what kind of baby is this, it killed the baby!Baby don't look for baby, baby wants to go back!Woohoo!
After the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse left the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse that was transformed into the phoenix feather cloak, after it couldn't feel the breath of the phoenix feather cloak, it stopped running and looked around!
The green grass is green at the sight, and the mountain peaks are full of aura, and the tempting fruit fragrance floats around from the mountains. The golden treasure hunter sniffs its nose, "squeak, squeak!" It is fragrant fruit, This is the baby's favorite!

The Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse opened its small, confused eyes, "Squeak, squeak!" This, where is this!

Another burst of tempting fruity fragrance floated into the nasal cavity of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, and the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse sniffed its nose intoxicated, "Squeak, squeak!" The baby didn't care, the baby was going to eat the fragrant fruit.

"Huh..." The small body of the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse flew out, drawing a strong wind and making a whirring sound, and the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse rushed towards the distant mountains!

After the phoenix feather cloak was transformed into a golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse, after receiving the contract imprint of the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse, it followed the golden-threaded treasure-hunting mouse's desire to escape.

Huang Yu Cloak took advantage of the master-slave relationship with its master to successfully send the gold-threaded treasure hunter into the creation bead.

When the golden-threaded treasure hunter ran towards the mountain fruit forest, there was a burst of water ripples!After disappearing for a while, the golden-threaded treasure hunter reappeared in the eyes of dozens of powerful people.

What the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse caught in its paws was a lump of bloody gopher mud!The owner of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse was distracted, his face froze to the point of ugliness, and with a thought, he took the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse into the spirit animal bag.

Dozens of great powers disappeared within a thousand miles of wind and rain, and after half a month of carpet-like searches to no avail, they finally left the outskirts of the boundless forest unwillingly!
After Feng Tianyu fed a king-level golden fragrant fruit to Jin Yuxiang, the gray mist immediately extracted the healing power of the golden fragrant fruit, and Feng Tianyu's injured body flowed all over under the efficiency of the gray mist and golden fragrant fruit fast recovery.

Jinxiangguo is the fastest spiritual fruit for repairing damage to the physical body. After a quarter of an hour, Feng Tianyu's damaged body recovered as before.

It was just the aftereffects of weakness after the fusion, which made her lie powerlessly in the bedroom of Tianyu Palace to rest.

The tortoise Xiaoxi and the four king beasts also came out of the retreat and waited beside the master. The tortoise Xiaoxi was already at the late stage of the ninth level of the king beasts!Feitian and Qingcui are already at the fifth rank of King Beast, and Wang Jia and Huo Huo have also advanced to the third rank of King Beast.

"Master, take me out! Xiaoxi is already a ninth-level king beast, and Xiaoxi can help master beat bad guys!" The turtle Xiaoxi stretched out her paw angrily and waved.

"Where is it! Master! Qing Cui can also beat up bad guys!"

"Master, take us out! I won't burn him to death, Lord Fire."

"Master Feitian listens to Master!"

"Master, Wang Jia has nothing to say!"

"Well! You are the most powerful beasts. Next time the master fights with someone, he will definitely let you go out and help me beat him up."

Feng Tianyu looked at the five beast pets who cared about him and wanted to help him beat up the bad guys, looked at his five pet beasts with his lips slightly upturned, and smiled with comfort in his heart!
Feng Tianyu's heart moved, "Xiaoxi! A little guy came in from the sky-level red fruit forest from outside and is stealing my master's red spirit fruit! You go and help the master and I will catch it back!"

"Ah! Master, you mean it came in from outside?" Turtle Xiaoxi asked in surprise, the gazes of tortoise Xiaoxi and the four king beasts all focused on Feng Tianyu's face.

Feng Tianyu nodded, "Yes!"

"How is it possible? You put it in, master! Yes, it must have been put in by the master." The turtle Xiaoxi waved his little paw self-righteously and continued: "Master, wait a moment, Xiaoxi will go and catch it right away." Come back!" As soon as the turtle Xiaoxi said, the beast had left the Tianyu Palace and flew towards the red fruit forest!
"Little mouse, come down quickly, the master wants me to catch you and go back to settle the score!" The turtle, Xiaoxi, saw the gold-threaded treasure mouse eating happily on the red fruit tree, and immediately called out to the golden-threaded treasure mouse angrily, look at this place If you look at the core of the fruit, you know that the owner must be heartbroken, so you let yourself catch this little thing!
"Squeak, squeak!" The baby won't go down, the baby is not a little mouse! "Squeak, squeak!" Baby don't go to see your master.

The little golden mouse danced its little paws, and shook its little head with its sharp beak!
"Huh! That's up to you!" The little claws stretched out by the tortoise Xiaoxi quickly enlarged, and in an instant, the golden-threaded treasure hunter appeared in the little claws of the tortoise Xiaoxi.

"Squeak" molestation!The Golden Treasure Mouse Chi Chi resisted.

"I'll be molested! What's wrong with you? Hehe!" The turtle Xiaoxi held the back of the Golden Treasure Mouse's neck, and the small mung bean eyes looked at the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse's belly. Tight rat legs!
"Squeak, squeak... squeak...!"

"Squeaky! It's just little Douding!" Xiaoxi the tortoise said with a smirk.

The eyes of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse are full of dissatisfaction and accusations "Zhi Zhi!" You are a bad beast.

"Master, I'm back!" The turtle Xiaoxi floated into the windy and rainy bedroom like a gust of wind.

"Okay, Xiao likes it!" Feng Tianyu knew that the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse was sent in by Huang Yu's cloak!And her divine weapon, the Phoenix Feather, was taken away by the Distracted Powerful Cultivator. If she wanted to get back the divine weapon, the Phoenix Feather Cloak, she had to make a contract with this Distracted Powerful Beast.Only then can we find that power of distraction and retrieve the artifact!

"Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, make a contract with me! You have become my animal pet, and you can eat all kinds of fragrant fruits in the fruit forest outside!" Feng Tianyu tempted.

"Squeak!" Really?The small eyes of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse made Feng Tianyu understand the question of the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse in an instant.

"Really!" Feng Tianyu laughed!

"Squeak, squeak!" Great!Babies love Hongguoguo! "Squeak, squeak!" The master, make a contract!Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse agreed with Feng Tianyu to contract it without any pressure.

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu's primordial spirit quickly imprinted a contract rune on the crystal nucleus on the head of the golden silk treasure hunting mouse.

"Master, the baby has seen the master!" The Golden Treasure Mouse clasped its paws and saluted Feng Tianyu. The Golden Treasure Hunter smiled.

"Baby, alright! You will be called Jin Baobao from now on!" Feng Tianyu looked at the golden-threaded treasure mouse fondly and gave it a name.

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the name, Baby Jin!" The childish voice resounded cheerfully in Feng Tianyu's sea of ​​consciousness, Feng Tianyu stretched out his palm, and Baby Jin jumped up, touching the baby's fist-sized golden treasure mouse The soft golden fur is full of joy in my heart!
(End of this chapter)

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