Tears Fairy

Chapter 566

Chapter 566 Waiting for you to go home
Under the persuasion of Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Feng Tianyu knew that he was obsessed with money.

She has millions of soul crystals in her body. However, she will be entangled in the normal circulation of crystals in the world. She feels that it is time for her to reflect on her life.

Feng Tianyu pulled the Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse Jin Baobao from her shoulders, and gently placed it in her palm.

Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, awakened the dreamer with a word, and woke her up. Feng Tianyu re-faced her mentality.

Since when did my obsession with wealth revert to old ways?

Money is never an issue!But today, she had the idea of ​​touching her pocket.

Did the environment change her mentality?The weather was silent.This is a continent of mind power with no relatives or reasons.

She is completely an outsider from this continent.She can trust nothing but the Golden Treasure Mouse, Golden Baby, in the palm of her hand.

They are all the beasts who practiced in seclusion in the Genesis Orb.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, comforted him again as if he felt something in his heart:
"Master, in this Nianli Continent, we will be passers-by in the end.

As soon as the three-month period of the Heart-inquiring Secret Realm arrives, since we entered the Heart-Questioning Secret Realm from the Bainiao Chaofeng Valley, we will be teleported to the Bainiao Chaofeng Valley by the Heart-Questing Secret Realm!
This is the power of the land of the fairy world.Although the Secret Realm of Asking Heart is separated from the Immortal Realm, it belongs to the Immortal Realm after all.The strength that belongs to it is still there. "

Feng Tianyu caressed the little head of the gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, her eyes lit up, and her mood suddenly brightened. She swept away her previous sentimentality.

Cultivating immortality, cultivating the Tao, cultivating the body, cultivating the mind, and cultivating the worldly conditions are all indispensable. After she returns to the ancient battlefield, it is time for her to practice well.

Feng Tianyu was walking on the streets of the inner city where the name of the city was not known. She looked at the sky and finally decided to find an inn to stay.

Feng Tianyu supported the golden silk treasure mouse, Jin Baobao, in one hand, while looking at the inns and restaurants along the way.

Finally, the wind, weather, and rain all the way stopped at a "waiting for you to go home" home.Feng Tianyu raised his eyebrows.

And so you go home?interesting!That's all for you.

Feng Tianyu held the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao in one hand, and stepped into the waiting for you to come home shop.

"Welcome, my family. Waiting for you to go home, finally waiting for you to come back."

Feng Tianyu smiled, family!I hope that the family members who go home can really enjoy the treatment of family members.

"Excuse me, are you the parent of this family? What do I need to do for the family?" Feng Tianyu had a faint smile on his face.The voice relaxed and asked the middle-aged man who greeted her.

When the middle-aged man heard Feng Tianyu's very good words, the smile on his face became even wider. He said to Feng Tianyu with a deep smile:

"Let me first say goodbye to my family, thank you for your hard work!

The family members have discerning eyes, and when they see me, they know that I am the parent of this family.I am very happy as a parent.

Now that you're home, let's pick a room and have a good rest first!
At mealtime, your own servants will serve you delicious food and wine.

Family members, just go and have a good rest first. When you are ready to go out after rest, go there and contribute to this family. The contribution value you want to pay will be fine! "

The parents who are waiting for you to go home are very kind and warm words to Feng Tianyu. During his kind words, they very friendly pointed to the public financial box in the middle of the hotel lobby.

Feng Tianyu's eyes flashed, so that's the case, but waiting for you to go home like this, can you really stand up for a long time?

Feng Tianyu decided to do what her parents said. She chose a room on the third floor facing the lake among the many rooms with green lights in the room distribution map.

Under the warm eyes of her parents, Feng Tianyu lived in a single room with one bedroom and one living room under the guidance of the maid waiting at the side.

Feng Tianyu thinks that waiting for you to go home is really very creative.The suites are all brand new and decorated very warmly and comfortably.

Walking into the inner bedroom, Feng Tianyu put Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure mouse, on the big bed covered with silk quilts.

She finally had the idea to catch up on sleep.How long had she not had a normal rest?Looking at the big bed covered with orange mattresses.

Feng Tianyu suddenly felt drowsy, Feng Tianyu's hazy eyes looked at the golden baby who was lying on the silk quilt.

Jin Baobao, a gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse with a strong sense of responsibility, waved his paw at Feng Tianyu, and said to Feng Tianyu very caringly:

"Master, you can rest assured and have a good rest! Jin Baobao will always be by your side."

Feng Tianyu yawned again and again, she nodded to Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure mouse.She trusted Jin Baobao very much.

Feng Tianyu nestled into the large and soft bed very warmly under the strong promise of the gold-threaded treasure mouse, Jin Baobao.

Soon, Feng Tianyu fell into a sweet dreamland.In the dream, there are mountains and rivers, a home, and family to accompany her. She laughs constantly in the dream.

The gold-threaded treasure-hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, became uneasy in the dream of wind and rain.Because in the city where they are located, the city guards are imposing martial law.

When the city guards began to conduct a house-to-house search in the city, the gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, was not calm. It was very worried that the city guard's large-scale search would disturb its master's rest.

The master has not had a good rest for a long time, and now he can finally sleep with peace of mind.But the disturbing martial law in the city came again.

Martial law is martial law, so what is the purpose of such a large-scale search?The human world is really too difficult to understand, and it can't understand it even if it wants to.

Soon, under the very worried attention of Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, the city guards searched and waited for you to return home.

When the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, was extremely worried, the parents who were waiting for you to go home greeted the captain of the city guard who entered the store to search.

After the parents who waited for you to return home showed a jade pendant to the captain of the city guard, the captain of the city guard saluted the parents who were waiting for you to return home, and immediately led the city guard team to leave to wait for you to return home.

After the parent showed a piece of jade pendant, Chengwei went into the store without checking and left, after the gold-threaded treasure hunter Jin Baobao heaved a sigh of relief.

He looked at the jade pendant in the parents' hands with great perplexity.The spiritual exploration of Jin Baobao, the golden-threaded treasure hunting mouse, made the parents who were about to leave the lobby pause.

With the thought power of the parents together, the soul consciousness has spread outward.strangeness!There is no peeping of the soul consciousness in the soul consciousness.

However, subconsciously, he has a very weird and strange illusion, as if a pair of eyes that travel through time and space are watching him in the world.

There was a dark light in the parents' deep eyes.How many family members in the homeland have returned home today.

Under the consciousness of the soul, family members flashed before his eyes, and finally, he saw Feng Tianyu falling into a dream.I saw Jin Baobao, the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse who saw the world with his cat's eyes open.


The parents were wondering when two young monks in Tsing Yi walked in outside their home.

The parents quickly suppressed the doubts in their hearts, and walked towards the family members who came home from the door with a relaxed pace.

The ancestral precepts waiting for you to go home are not a family, do not enter a family.When the family goes home, it is a family.

As long as it is still a family, the family will eventually have a big secret. As the heir waiting for you to go home, he has the responsibility to protect the family's secrets.

So, grotesque is grotesque!Why did he have to explore and discover!
(End of this chapter)

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