Tears Fairy

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
Feng Tianyu let out a long and gentle breathing sound, and after Jin Baobao, the golden silk treasure hunting mouse, felt the peace of mind of its master, it also quietly curled up in a corner of the bed and fell asleep!
"Dong dong dong..."

In the barracks on the western outskirts of the border town, drums were suddenly summoned and loudly beat.Feng Tianyu, who was sleeping soundly in the tent of the barracks, woke up with a start to the sound of thundering drums.

Feng Tianyu asked, "Baby Jin, what happened?"

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, jumped from the small table to the corner of the big bed. Before it could speak, there were already chaotic footsteps outside the tent.

"Assembled, assembled, the East City Gate has been breached by monsters, the DC area is in chaos, and the Commander has sent a large team to fight against the monsters.

The mission of Feihu Battalion is the reserve battalion, everyone gathers quickly, Feihu Battalion has to go to the DC area immediately, and be ready for battle at any time! "

The flag soldiers were ordered to shout outside the major camps, and the sound of the assembly drums was booming, and the wind and rain were the same as everyone else. After putting on their clothes, they went to the assembly point to assemble.

Although the sky mercenary regiment was established in the Feihu Camp, it was still under the command of the regiment leader Xiang Huihong.

In order to better kill the invading monsters, the Legion Department in the border town, as long as they join the team to fight the beast horde, they will be promoted to the title of team leader and let him continue to lead their team to fight the beast horde.

stomping on...

The sound of uniform footsteps sounded on the avenue from the west city to the east city.Feng Tianyu followed the Sky Mercenary Group and more than 1000 people from the Flying Tiger Battalion to the DC area.

The streets and alleys of the DC area were full of battles, and the roar of magic spells and the roar of beasts were mixed with the screams of humans and beasts from time to time.

When Flying Tiger Battalion arrived at the DC area, they saw that the vanguard was building a temporary protective wall, and the DC area was outside the temporary protective wall, as if it had been separated from the border town.

The Feihu Battalion guarded a position, and the sky mercenary group was arranged by the Bronze Armored General Yu Fei of the Feihu Battalion to stand guard on a crenel of the new city wall.The entire Flying Tiger Battalion has changed from a reserve army to a city defense army.

After Feng Tianyu boarded the city wall, she raised her eyes to look at the frontline sergeants who were desperately fighting for blood, and she suddenly felt awe of the sergeants who were fighting bloody battles.

These sergeants, for the peace and stability of the rear of the border town, for their relatives and friends, they stick to this place where there is nothing but fighting.

The animal swarm in Dongji Mountain has a large animal swarm every three years, and a small animal swarm every year.This year happens to be the big beast tide that occurs every three years.

Feng Tianyu's respect for the warriors who were fighting also made her team look sideways. Although they were not the defenders of the border town, they still participated in the big beast tide every three years.

They have also had this kind of fierce battle before, so they are used to the fierce battle outside the city wall.

Therefore, they respected Feng Tianyu only as if it was the first time Feng Tianyu had seen such a tragic battle.

The gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, was lying on Feng Tianyu's shoulder with a small body. Its cat eyes glanced at the twelve monks under its master.

He also looked at the giant monsters outside the city. It was a gold-threaded treasure hunter with an incomparably noble bloodline, so he naturally looked down on these monsters with mixed bloodlines.

Feng Tianyu pulled down the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse Jin Baobao from her shoulders, and she looked deeply at the collapsed east city gate from the east city.

The continuous tide of monsters coming from the foothills of the East Pole has poured into the DC area.Once the gap for the monsters in Dongji Mountain to enter the human settlement was opened, it would be extremely difficult to close it again.

Fortunately, the border city has separated the DC area and defended it. The sergeants who fought against the monsters in the DC area could only retreat to the temporary new city wall when the battle was irreversible.

The surging monsters were once again blocked by the temporary city wall.In the all-out effort of the city guards to fight against the beast tide.The monsters that invaded the DC area of ​​the border city were unable to conquer the temporary protective city wall.

The DC area has been bombarded by the spells during the war of the monsters, and it has become a ruin.When the smell of blood drifts to the nasal cavity with the wind.She was stimulated by the smell of blood.

Looking around at the continuous wave of monster beasts, it can no longer be described as a big beast wave to describe the outbreak of the beast wave this time.

Feng Tianyu was looking in the direction of the main army of the border city, but after seeing the main army scattered back into the city wall, he immediately dispatched troops to reinforce the soldiers who were fighting on the city wall.

The commander-in-chief of the border city, Wang Anlong, climbed up the city wall and tower at a fast pace. He looked at the tide of beasts coming from the Dongji Mountain.He pondered for a moment with a heavy face.

Immediately issued an order to his subordinates, and after making a series of preparations, he personally led his guards to supervise the battle on a crenel.

The commander's deep eyes were full of worry. This was no longer a normal big beast swarm that happened once every three years. Looking at the onslaught of a beast swarm of this scale, it was already a once-in-a-hundred-year outbreak of a beast swarm.

With the current strength of the border town, they couldn't resist the tide of beasts.Beast Lake, once in a hundred years, is no longer just a matter of guarding border towns.This is already a major event in the entire Mind Power Continent.

He has sent special urgent emergency letters to cities in the interior.The border towns must defend the border towns during the reinforcement period of the cities in the interior.

Feng Tianyu had already noticed the commander-in-chief of the main army when he climbed the city wall, but she was just a young man who came here on a mission, and she had nothing to worry about.

Feng Tianyu calmly led her team of 12 to fight on the ground guarded by their team.

The monsters came rushing in like a flood, and Feng Tianyu and his team only took two breaks in the middle of the five days of hard defense of the city.

The tough battle keeps her and her team together.Feng Tianyu's calmness and calmness brought them the self-confidence to persevere.

Monster beasts flocked to their position like a tide, Feng Tianyu and they stood up to fight against the monster beasts that charged and attacked them, there was a burst of bombardment of magic spells colliding with monster spells of monster beasts.

Amidst the tragic howls of a large group of monsters and beasts in front of them.In the shock of teams of defenders not far from them.

In the heroic resistance of his teammates, Feng Tianyu's eyes were calm and he still fought calmly.She is never afraid of fighting, as long as she is famous, she only needs to stand on the commanding heights of morality.

Her methods have always been iron-blooded and ruthless. Although she is an outsider in this battle of protection, she is still obliged to do her part for the human race.

This time, the animal swarm was no longer what she had believed before, the three-year big animal swarm and the annual small animal swarm.

When the beast horde captured the east gate of the border city, Feng Tianyu had already guessed the danger of this beast horde.

The gold-threaded treasure mouse, Jin Baobao, was lying on the shoulder of its owner, Feng Tianyu, and it was dozing comfortably with its golden eyes slightly squinted.

The owner didn't greet it, let it stand up and show its heroic posture.It will be at ease and obediently do its part as an obedient pet.

Suddenly, from the foot of Dongji Mountain outside the city wall, there was a long roar of monsters one after another, shaking the four sides of the border city.

Feng Tianyu sensed something bad amidst the beast roars one after another.The gold-threaded treasure hunter, Jin Baobao, also opened his sleepy eyes.

The Grand Commander Wang An has already walked out of the tower.His solemn eyes looked straight at the rushing tide of thousands of beasts outside the city.

His dignified eyes have already seen the existence of the demon.This is no longer the third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier monster.

(End of this chapter)

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