Tears Fairy

Chapter 574 Slashing the Iron Thorn Tiger Demon

Chapter 574 Slashing the Iron Thorn Tiger Demon

Feng Tianyu looked at the Iron Thorn Tiger Demon, and immediately beamed with joy, as if she saw a ninth-level demon crystal beckoning to her.

Ma Ying, the leader of the elite team, noticed when the iron-thorned tiger demon and the porcupine demon rushed towards the dangerous pass.

Feng Tianyu smiled when Ma Ying rushed towards her position.The Iron Thorn Tiger is destined to be the most important one among her many demon crystals.

When the iron-thorned tiger demon and the porcupine demon were attacking her with all their strength, the commander Ma Ying arrived in time, and he met the porcupine demon immediately without hesitation.

Feng Tianyu placed the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, on the battlefield.She flew up to meet the ferociously approaching Iron Thorn Tiger Demon.

The iron-thorned tiger demon was full of confidence, and the porcupine demon came to attack Feng Tianyu fiercely, but before their blow was effective, a mighty Renxiu popped out halfway.

Ma Ying successfully intercepted the violent porcupine monster that was pinching Feng Tianyu with the iron-thorned tiger. Ma Ying summoned, and his summoned flying griffin flashed beside him.

The porcupine demon suddenly became dangerous, and was caught in the pincer attack of Ma Ying, a man and a beast master and slave.Under the ruthless attack of the master and slaves, the porcupine monster roared again and again, and it seemed to be full of remorse.

The porcupine demon regretted being too impulsive. At the beginning of the beast horde, they were only responsible for supervising the battle, and had no mission to charge.

Now danger is everywhere, and the breath of death has enveloped it.Its death is like a small animal charging at the bottom, just a drop of water in the tide.Invisible, invisible, and silent.

When the iron-thorned tiger faced Feng Tianyu, who was smiling like a flower, he was even more frightened. It was terrified but fierce and softly roared to Feng Tianyu:

"Humans, take your life!"

Feng Tianyu is not afraid of the Iron Thorn Tiger monster, in her eyes, the Iron Thorn Tiger is a ninth-level demon crystal in her pocket.

When the iron-thorned tiger demon swung a long iron pen to stab her, Feng Tianyu had already waved his sword to meet her.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Boom!"

Feng Tianyu's sword and the iron-thorned tiger monster's long pen thorns, the sound of metal and iron colliding with each other, was buried in the thunderous thunder that was triggered by Tianlei's extinction.

The golden thunder sword flashed thunder and lightning amidst the crackling of thunder and lightning.The iron-thorned tiger demon's stylus pierced against the windy and rainy golden thunder sword.

Amid the thunder and lightning, the electric current passed from Feng Tianyu's golden thunder sword to its iron pen stab, and then to its body.

The iron-thorned tiger felt a numbness in its body, and its movements slowed down in the convulsions of the electric current paralysis.

Feng Tianyu reached out and punched out.

One punch, one world!

Feng Tianyu punched the Iron Spiked Tiger on the chest.boom!A bloody mouth exploded on the Iron Thorn Tiger Demon's chest.


Amidst the howling sound of the iron-thorn tiger demon, the iron-thorn tiger demon's body has appeared.

The ten-foot-long and two-foot-tall Iron Spiked Tiger Demon opened its mouth amidst the sound of howling in pain, and shot towards Feng Tianyu with its three-foot sharp teeth.

Feng Tianyu's figure flickered, and she had disappeared into the air. She assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke.The iron-thorned tiger's sharp teeth are like electricity, but it can't help the invisible mist like smoke and fog.

The invisible mist, like smoke and mist, is assimilated by wind, sky and rain, moving with the wind in the air.

After the iron-thorned tiger's sharp-toothed arrow failed, it was furious again and again.The Iron Thorn Tiger, who was insane due to the injury, had long forgotten the initial panic.

The wind, sky and rain assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, and in the wind, it floated towards the barbed tiger demon roaring violently in the air.

Suddenly, a hand with great spiritual power appeared in the invisible fog like smoke and mist.Lingli's big hand has already slapped the iron thorn tiger on the forehead.


The iron-thorned tiger's forehead shattered.A monster crystal flew out of a cloud of blood mist.Feng Tianyu's figure flashed, and he had caught the ninth-level demon crystal that was about to fly away with one hand.

Feng Tianyu pursed her lips and smiled, and the Iron Spiked Tiger really became the most dazzling one among her thousands of demon crystals.

When Feng Tianyu flew back to the position, the battle between the leader Ma Ying and the porcupine demon had already been decided.The winner lives, the loser dies.

The porcupine demon died, and became a dazzling demon crystal in the heart of Ma Ying's hand.

Ma Ying was shocked by Feng Tianyu's combat strength, and even more shocked by Feng Tianyu's invisible supernatural powers. What kind of cultivation is Feng Tianyu?
Feng Tianyu's cultivation has always been a mystery to everyone.No one is ashamed to ask, those with high cultivation bases who can't see through wind and rain don't ask, because they are afraid of weakening their prestige.

Those with a low cultivation base dare not ask, because it is disrespectful to the strong.Feng Tianyu would not tell them that she actually has no mind power cultivation base.

When Feng Tianyu assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, Ma Ying was fighting the porcupine monster with all his strength, and did not witness the scene where Feng Tianyu showed his supernatural power.

But the elite sergeants who witnessed Feng Tianyu's supernatural powers were shocked.After following Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianyu's team has already seen all kinds of strange and magical powers of Feng Tianyu.

They have long been used to all kinds of methods and magical skills in the face of wind and rain.

After Feng Tianyu harvested a ninth-level demon crystal, he was very happy.A ninth-level demon crystal can be exchanged for [-] crystals at the military headquarters.

The exchange of demon crystals for spars at the military headquarters is done in grades.

One first-order demon crystal can be exchanged for one spar.A second-order demon crystal can be exchanged for two spars, and a third-order demon crystal can be exchanged for three spars.

A fourth-order demon crystal can be exchanged for ten spars, a fifth-order demon crystal can be exchanged for fifty spars, and a sixth-order demon crystal can be exchanged for one hundred spars.

One seventh-order demon crystal can be exchanged for one thousand spars, one eighth-order demon crystal can be exchanged for ten thousand spars, and one ninth-order demon crystal can be exchanged for one hundred thousand spars.

Feng Tianyu aims to do his best for the human race, and try his best to get the wealth he wants from it.

The army of monsters suddenly lost two monsters who supervised the battle.The animal horde in the border city of Beifu suddenly lost a lot of momentum.

After Ma Ying, the leader of the elite team in the border town of Nanfu, reached a consensus with the leader of Beifu, after reinforcements arrived one after another.

The commander of the Beifu launched a general attack on the monsters outside the natural danger. At this time, it is the best time to recover the border city of Beifu.

The monks in the Nianli Continent have the ability to summon, and every monk whose cultivation base reaches Nianzong or above has a powerful summoning beast.

After the Psychic Army launched an offensive against the monsters, the monsters began to retreat step by step as one man and one beast cooperated seamlessly to strangle them.

Feng Tianyu's team was sandwiched between the elite teams in the border city of Nanfu, and they chased and killed Beifu City without any danger.

When the elite team had a good harvest, Feng Tianyu's team also had a good harvest, and Feng Tianyu couldn't help but be overjoyed that he made a lot of money.

After Beifu City was rebuilt, the Fengtianyu team followed the elite team back to Nanfu City.During this trip, in addition to obtaining countless monster crystals, they also obtained a registered military merit.

After Feng Tianyu returned to Feihu Camp, Xiang Huihong, the head of the sky mercenary group, came to him.He excitedly told Feng Tianyu that the Sky Mercenary Corps had been nominated by the Grand Commander as an elite reserve army.

The Sky Mercenary Corps had already moved out of the Flying Tiger Camp and entered the Elite Corps. The Fengtianyu team had no choice but to obey the regiment leader Xiang Huihong's arrangement and live in the Elite Corps' East Camp after entering the Flying Tiger Camp.

With the honor of registered military exploits, the Fengtianyu team was assigned an independent tent.Since then, the Fengtianyu team has become the leader of the sky mercenary group.

(End of this chapter)

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