Tears Fairy

Chapter 59 The Three Talents Mystery Realm

Chapter 59
"Yu'er!" Xie Yunyan saw that Feng Tianyu was taken away by the ancestor, and hurriedly chased out of the attic door, only to see that her little granddaughter Yu'er had disappeared in the sky above Fengfu.

After waking up from the shock that his ancestor wanted to bring Yu'er back to the secret realm, Feng Mingchu came to the Red Maple Pavilion in a hurry after waking up thinking that Yu'er said he would give him a gift. Here, looking at the sky outside the door on the second floor of Hongfeng Pavilion.

Feng Mingchu went up to the attic with a few steps, "Mother, what are you looking at?"

"Look at the rain!"

"Yu'er?" Feng Mingchu patted the back of his head and looked up at the sky, "Mother, it was the ancestor who picked up Yuer!" Feng Mingchu explained to his mother.

"I know, come in, Yu'er has something for you!" Xie Yunyan suppressed her beating heart, and took the lead to enter the attic flower hall, closed the jade box with a wave of her hand, put it in the storage ring, and took it out from the storage ring A medium storage bag for the eldest son and a small storage bag for the great aunt in wind and rain.

Feng Mingchu then stepped into the hall door, but saw that the jade box reflecting the golden light had been put away by his mother, but he knew from the fruit fragrance and golden glow that the fruit was extraordinary, and when he was thinking, he saw his mother handing it to him. Two small storage bags, hurriedly reached out to take the storage bags.

"Chu'er, the medium storage bag was given to you by Yu'er, and the small storage bag was given by Yu'er to her aunt Lu Ying." The storage bag also has more expectations. Xiao Yu'er, who even has Thunder King Fruit, has encountered such a great opportunity, and what will these gifts be?

Feng Mingchu saw that his mother was staring at the storage bag in his hand in a daze, so he couldn't help but look down at the storage bag in his hand and said with a smile: "No matter what Yu'er sends, I will cherish it! Xiao Yuer has..." I was so upset, I got stuck before I could say these two words.

His expression froze suddenly, what did he see in his consciousness?Feng Mingchu's heart trembled, oh my god!Where did Xiao Yu'er pick so many fifth-order Qingling King Fruits?Feng Mingchu petrified a bag full of turquoise Qingling King Fruit, and he froze there unable to speak.

"Chu'er?" Xie Yunyan's heart jumped wildly, it couldn't be what she thought, and seeing that Feng Mingchu didn't respond, she couldn't help calling again: "Chu'er?"

Feng Mingchu was awakened by his mother's cry of Chu'er, his heart felt weak and his legs softened, and he sat on the ground, "Mother, take a look!"

Xie Yunyan's heart skipped a beat again, she took the storage bag, and swept away her spiritual consciousness, which was filled with aquamarine color, all of which were fifth-order Qinglingwangguo.

Xie Yunyan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and after being shocked by the thunder fruit, his ability to accept was much stronger than Feng Mingchu, so he handed back the storage bag to Feng Mingchu.

Xie Yunyan took out the storage bag that Feng Tianyu had given him, and Xie Yunyan's spiritual sense, having guessed it, poked it into the storage bag, and it turned out to be another storage bag of Qing Lingguo, which was only promoted from the fifth-rank Wangli to the tenth-rank Wangguo .

With a thought, Xie Yunyan took out all the gifts from Feng Tianyu and checked them one by one, except for the three-foot space brocade bag given to Feng Mingyuan of Ling Baicao Hall, which was a spirit grass and spiritual plant above the fifth rank and seventh rank , and the rest are high-level spiritual fruits, all of which are given according to their cultivation.

For example, Feng Mingzhi and Liu Yun'er were given half of the tenth-order heavenly-level spiritual fruit and half of the fifth-level holy-level spiritual fruit.

"Mother, Yu'er probably fell into the fairy orchard." Feng Mingchu was happy, and concluded weakly, remembering the fifth brother's family's love for Xiao Yu'er like pearls and treasures, and then laughed: "Yu'er , It really is the baby of the Feng family!"

"Yu'er is the hope of the Feng family to achieve glory again. Take out a piece of spiritual fruit and go to Dantang. The Feng family will go to another level because of these spiritual fruits." Xie Yunyan took out an empty storage bag from her own A portion of Wang Guo was removed from the storage bag, and another portion was removed from Feng Shihao's storage bag and handed to Feng Mingchu.

"Mother, can I get the spiritual fruit of my fifth brother and sister?" Feng Mingchu looked at Xie Yunyan and asked.

"Take a share! Remember to take [-]% of the elixir and share it with Zhizhi and Yun'er after refining it!"

"Okay, son knows!" Feng Mingchu took out a tenth of each storage bag, put it into a large storage bag, and then gave out the gifts left by Feng Tianyu for Xie Yunyan one by one.

Those who received the gifts were all ecstatic and shocked, and the benefits of the Feng Mansion were increased by [-]% because of this. The low-level disciples grew up quickly after [-]% more training resources, and the former head of foreign affairs, Feng Shichun, because of the family When rectifying the rules of the Feng family, he was sent to the spirit beast garden to manage the spirit beasts.

Feng Tianyu lived in the universe in the sleeve of the ancestor for half a month, and was brought out from the teleportation array by the ancestor, and the ancestor released Feng Tianyu from the universe in the sleeve, and the purpose of entering was a huge square. People coming and going are very lively. In the center of the square is a huge two-story white building. On the ground is a teleportation array that marks the region and place name.

Feng Tianyu was thinking, looking back at the place where he came out, and sure enough, there were two golden characters written on the door wall of the teleportation array hall, "Northern Territory!"

Inside the teleportation array hall of the Northern Territory is a teleportation room with the name of the place written on it, and there is a teleportation room in Black Rock City inside.

While Feng Tianyu was shocked, she was a little dazed at the same time. She suppressed the doubts in her heart and continued to follow the steps of her ancestors towards the square.

"Understood?" Feng Yuanwu's ancestor suddenly stopped and turned around and asked with a smile.

"A little bit, still very confused!" Feng Tianyu spoke the truth honestly.

"Hey!" The ancestor smiled and did not explain. The little man will understand this in a few days, so he continued to walk outside the square.

There are huge white buildings, outside the square there are many inns and shops, and there are many criss-crossing roads, passing through alleys and extending in all directions!

Feng Tianyu looked around the bustling teleportation square, and suspected that he had arrived at the station of that world. Outside the square, there were rows of luxury carriages pulled by dragon horses and beasts with dragon heads and horse bodies, parked in a white jade parking lot surrounded by fences. superior.

Feng Tianyu followed his ancestors into a luxurious dragon carriage, and the dragon carriage drove steadily towards the crowd under the superb driving of the driver.

After exiting a crossing alleyway, enter the main driveway of Longma chariot. The main driveway of Longma chariot is paved with bluestone. In the middle, a dividing line is paved with white jade. Xiangshun!
At the entrance of the driveway, there are two driveway envoys wearing yellow samurai uniforms supervising the dragon carriages coming in and out.

Feng Tianyu became more and more confused, is this a secret realm?This is obviously the center of the world!Think about the teleportation array, think about the teleportation place, this is where the talents are concentrated!Where is the family secret?
Thinking about it now, everything is clear.The unborn ancestor was in a secret realm, and it turned out to be a small world where all parties gathered.It turns out that the purpose of the family selecting core disciples to enter the secret realm is to come to the small world to study!It turns out that geniuses are gathered here!
"Yu'er figured it out?" the ancestor looked at Feng Tianyu, who was a little stunned, and asked with a warm smile.

"Yeah! Some understand." Feng Tianyu nodded.

"Very good! I slowly found out that it's much more interesting than other people's explanations." The ancestor smiled admiringly when he saw that the young couple didn't ask!

What kind of logic is this!She didn't ask because she didn't want to disturb her ancestors, and there was still a certain amount of pressure in front of her ancestors. The ancestors of the Mahayana period, who were tens of thousands of years old, rode in the same carriage with her, communicated warmly with herself and Ai You, and said it out. What an awesome thing!If this is said, it will stun a large number of people.

The dragon horse carriage was driving at high speed on the wide road. The wind and rain were in a good mood. Looking out of the car window, the picturesque mountains and rivers flew by quickly!Feng Tianyu couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts in his heart.

"Big Brother, Second Sister, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, Yu'er has joined you." Feng Tianyu could not suppress the excitement in his heart, and shouted silently in his heart with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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