Tears Fairy

Chapter 591 Who is she?

Chapter 591 Who is she?
The Demon Emperor has trampled on the confidence of the leader Yu Rufeng and others.They finally realized the power of the Demon Emperor.The Demon Emperor is not something they can defeat or siege.

Three days after the battle between the Demon Emperor and Yu Rufeng and other 18 people, the training goal of seeing it washed away by the waves has been achieved.After a cold snort in his heart, he flipped out several palms.


Amidst the layers of palm shadows, amidst the powerful bombardment and explosion of the Rumbling Demon Art, all the Taoist attacks of Yu Rufeng and the seventeen commanders disappeared, and people were overturned by the explosion power of the Demon Emperor's Rumble Demon Art Arrived thousands of miles away.


The Demon Emperor looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, the unparalleled dragon mighty Haohao only made the eighteen summoned beasts attacking him terrified, and the attack froze, how could there be any attack power?All the trembling ones couldn't stand still, and shot electricity into the master's summoning array one after another.

The Demon Emperor smiled wantonly, his figure wavered for a while, and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

On the ground, the allied army fought brutally against the monsters.Under the oppression of the Demon Emperor's unparalleled might and might, his blood boiled for a moment, and his movements stopped short.

Amidst the roar of the demon emperor's dragon, the shape-changing demon has received the order to retreat.They had withdrawn from the stalemate while the Confederates attacked.

In the situation where the allied forces watched helplessly, the shapeshifter had withdrawn from the fierce battlefield in an instant, and flew towards the inner circle at high speed.

The two transformed monsters who were encircled in the demon-locking battle formation were strangled to death by Feng Tianyu and Ah Shui's master and servant one by one when Pepperless Longwei attacked the Fengtianyu team's demon-locking battle formation from the air in an instant.

The Fengtianyu team quickly integrated into the still chaotic team retreating from the Yaozu.

"who is she?"

As soon as the Demon Emperor left, a handsome and majestic middle-aged monk in a white robe appeared in the clouds and asked secretly, frowning.

He witnessed a series of actions of the Fengtianyu team, the battle formation was spread out, locked, circled monsters, and instantly strangled!All in one go.

Feng Tianyu didn't know that she had already been paid attention to. During the three days of killing, her harvest had already surpassed that of the previous nearly one year.

She was extremely happy in her heart but she didn't show it in front of others. She was as before, very low-key like a courtyard person.

She led her Fengtianyu squad, and quietly returned to the team. Together with the other battalions that fought, she returned to the temporary residence of the barracks with the first battalion of the Allied Army.

"Da Wujun?"

The white-robed monk standing on the cloud watched Feng Tianyu lead a dozen people, blending into the chaotic and orderly team, and then stared at the military flag of the Dawu Army.

After whispering, the figure that appeared slowly disappeared in the clouds in the sky.

As soon as the Fengtianyu team returned to their camp, their tense heartstrings finally relaxed. After a dozen people looked at each other for a few times, they relaxed and showed joy on their faces.

The members of Feng Tianyu's team, today's harvest is different from the past. In the battle of locking monsters, with the assistance of Feng Tianyu and Ah Shui.

They all obtained more than a dozen demon crystals of the transformation demon.After this battle is over, they can all obtain the high-level military medals set by the Allied Army with more than a dozen transformed demon crystals.

Feng Tianyu bent his lips and smiled, and after waiting for everyone to be happy for a while, he said to the dozen or so members of the team:

"Everyone, with the harvest of these three days, you must have the mentality of accepting as soon as you see it. In every battle in the future, everyone must put their own safety first.

Remember, don't expose the strength of Feng Tianyu's team too much. Feng Tianyu wants the team to keep a low profile as much as possible to avoid becoming cannon fodder for the Allied forces. "

cannon fodder?Hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled, and everyone suddenly agreed in a solemn voice: "Yes, Captain!"

Feng Tianyu nodded in satisfaction, waved everyone back to rest and said, "Everyone, take advantage of this limited time to practice and recover.

The middle circle has been turned into scorched earth by this battle. It is estimated that the order to attack the inner circle will not be far away.

Strength is the best way to save your life. Everyone must always preserve their own cultivation strength, and recover from the consumption of each battle in the shortest possible time. "

Everyone exited the tent in response, Feng Tianyu took a look at Ah Shui and said, "You said, when we returned to the camp, there were big monks in the air paying attention to Da Wuzong?"

Ah Shui nodded and replied, "Yes!"

Feng Tianyu thought for a while and said: "The leader of the alliance army and the seventeen commanders were defeated in the battle with the demon emperor. The great monk who appeared in the cloud at that moment was definitely not any one of them.

It is estimated that they came from the mainland!Today is July [-]th, and there are only eleven days left until August. "

Ah Shui frowned silently.

Feng Tianyu looked at the silent Ah Shui and said, "Nothing should happen tonight.

Ah Shui, you should also go down and recover well! "

Ah Shui glanced at Feng Tianyu, and smiled gently: "Fifth Young Master, Ah Shui doesn't consume much, so there is no need to deliberately recover!
Fifth young master, you can go rest at ease, Ah Shui will guard your safety in this tent. "

Ah Shui sat down on the wooden chair in the big tent. After a battle, his cultivation base consumption was equal to nothing.He is the guardian of wind and rain.Protecting the safety of wind and rain is more important than anything else.

Feng Tianyu saw that Ah Shui was a little stubborn and dedicated to his duty, and it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.Feng Tianyu got up and went into the captain's exclusive rest tent.

After three days of harvesting and fighting, she also had the desire to get a good night's sleep.In the large tent outside the inner tent, Ah Shui was guarding her, and she never thought that she would be in any danger.

When the night was thick, the wind and rain had fallen asleep soundly.Sitting quietly in the big tent, Ah Shui suddenly opened his closed eyes.

His sharp gaze suddenly pierced through the black screen and shot into the void hundreds of miles away. The inexplicable palpitation caused Ah Shui to suddenly feel vigilant in his heart.

He knew that Dongji Mountain was full of dangers, and it was definitely not as harmless as it appeared on the surface.A battle between the Demon Emperor and Yu Rufeng and other 18 people.

Ah Shui thought to himself that he was by no means the opponent of the Demon Emperor.When he felt uneasy, he found the white-robed monk in the clouds.

The coercion hidden inside still shocked him.He knew that this person was also someone who could pose a threat to him.

He didn't know if Feng Tianyu had noticed something strange.But he didn't tell Feng Tianyu his scruples.He just secretly became a little more vigilant and less calm.

"Uncle, how are you? Are you injured?"

As soon as Shi Zhengfang, the commander-in-chief of the Dawu Army, returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, Ma Changliang suddenly rushed out of the tent, stretched out his hand to support Shi Zhengfang, and asked nervously.

Shi Zhengfang glanced at the frizzy Ma Changliang, and secretly sighed in his heart:

"Go back to the camp first, uncle is fine, just recover from your practice."

Ma Changliang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good that uncle is fine. The demon emperor's attack on uncles' tyrannical sorcery almost scared Chang Liang out of his mind."

Shi Zhengfang returned to the camp, took off the black cloak and handed it to Ma Changliang, and said:

"Liang'er, uncle is fine. Tomorrow the Allied Army will enter the inner circle. Go down and have a good rest. You must be ready to attack the inner circle."

Ma Changliang was surprised and asked: "The army has been fighting for three days, don't they need time to rest?"

Shi Zhengfang said solemnly: "Time waits for no one, driving away the Demon Emperor is imperative!
(End of this chapter)

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