Tears Fairy

Chapter 595 Seven Ridges

Chapter 595 Seven Ridge

The wind, rain, and invisible mist like smoke and fog floated in the air, and gently floated on a huge chestnut tree, covering it in a bunch of green leaves.

Huo Zun, the captain of the ninth team of the first battalion, personally took the lead and led the whole team of sergeants into the surging beast tide.

Huo Zun was a monk in the early stage of Nianhuang, and he attacked the rolling monsters with all his might.

There are more than 1000 people in the Ninth Team, and there are more than 1000 summoned beasts.Under the master's call, the powerful summoned beast simultaneously shoots out from the master's eyebrows and rushes towards the tide of beasts.

The offensive battle of one battalion and nine teams began when Feng Tianyu's team plunged into the beast horde.There are more than 1000 people in the ninth team and more than 1000 summoned beasts. Under Huo Zun's extremely worried and full command and attack.It was more intense than any Allied attack.

He was afraid that Feng Tianyu would be swallowed by monsters, turning what was originally a good thing into a disaster.If something happened to Feng Tianyu, he didn't know how to face the young suzerain's anger.

The wind, rain, and invisible mist, like smoke and fog, cling to the dense green leaves and watch the Allied Army leisurely and leisurely, fighting the horrible bloody battle with the monsters.

Drums of war!The beast roared all over the sky, the alliance army harvested a wave of monsters, and another wave of monsters pressed on.

The invisible mist like smoke and mist from the wind and rain has been falling down from the giant tree after the allied army called for gold and retreated.

Only then did he quietly integrate into the team, and when the teams were reorganizing, he moved Ah Shui and the others out of the creation bead and released them from the space room.

When the Fengtianyu team appeared in front of the anxious Captain Huo Zun again, Huo Zun was relieved and at the same time felt a deep sense of weirdness.

How did the Fengtianyu team survive the surging tide of beasts?

Feng Tianyu didn't care what Huo Zun had in mind, after she handed over the results of the day, she went back to her camp while Huo Zun was probing.

In the General Staff of the Great Martial Army, Ma Changliang looked at the senior sister who was standing with her back to him.Unwilling and helpless, he said to his senior sister:
"Senior Sister, your cannon fodder strategy is not effective at all. The Fengtianyu team has been charging on the front line for several days. The team must come back every day.

If you want to use cannon fodder to force her to submit, it will not work at all.

Senior sister, you are teaching me, is there any other way to make her bow her head to me? "

The senior sister didn't look back, her eyes focused on the map on the wall.

"Here, you try to have the first battalion and the fifth battalion switch their attacking positions, and let the ninth battalion attack here.

Then let the captain of the ninth team personally hold the battle, and send the Fengtianyu team to capture Qikeling. "

Ma Changliang was stunned, and immediately said happily: "Senior Sister is a good planner. Qikeling is a natural soul guard array.

As long as the Fengtianyu team entered Qikeling, there would be at least half a month of weak soul power, and they would be unable to fight monsters at all.At that time, she has to bow her head if she doesn't! "

Qike Ridge of Golden Turtle Mountain is one of the top ten dangerous places in the inner circle of Dongji Mountain. The existence of Qike Ridge has always been the secret of Nianli Continent. Except for the records of the seven major sects, few outside monks know about it.

Because Qike Ridge is in the middle of the inner circle of Dongji Mountain, and the inner circle is the territory of the Demon Emperor. The seven major sects know this place because the seven masters of the last three generations suffered a lot from Qike Ridge.

Only then did I realize that this seemingly charming mountain was actually a place where soul consciousness was imprisoned.

Because Prisoner Mountain will be opened every hundred years, requiring countless monks to participate in the fight against the beast tide, the senior leaders of the Seven Great Sects are afraid that the monks will have preconceived fears about Dongji Mountain.

For their mutual benefit, they have unanimously concealed this dreadful place.Qikeling's dangerous situation, only the top leaders and direct disciples of the seven sects know about it.

The first battalion and the fifth battalion of the Dawu Army were exchanged by the commander-in-chief for the battlefield targets.The allied troops in the first battalion didn't even know that because of Ma Changliang's selfishness, they had changed from the original safe place to one of the ten most dangerous places in the inner circle.

On the seventh day, the Fengtianyu team rushed into Qikeling of Jingui Mountain under the order of Captain Huo Zun without knowing it.

As soon as the Fengtianyu team rushed into Qikeling, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the seven ancient trees formed a ridge, and the ridges intersected and criss-crossed.

In Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes, there was a sudden flash of light in his heart.

Is this a natural formation?

"Captain, it's not good..."

"Team...captain, my soul consciousness has been inexplicably imprisoned!"

Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes suddenly sharpened, imprisoning the soul consciousness?Is this a formation that confines the sea of ​​souls?Has she really become cannon fodder in the team?The face of the wind and rain is as sinking as water.

"team leader!"

The 12 members of Feng Tianyu's team looked pale and shouted at Feng Tianyu, who had a gloomy face.

Feng Tianyu took a breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't panic, isn't it just that you can't use your mind power to cultivate?
Everyone was forced to come in as cannon fodder, and we had no intention of attacking the Yaozu, it's the same everywhere.

Since this is a dangerous place in the inner circle, we should disappear from here.There is no need to continue acting with them every day. "

Wan Yingyue's tense heartstrings suddenly loosened when she heard the words: "Okay, when the Allied forces withdraw from Dongji Mountain, we will go back with a large force."

When Wan Yingyue said this, she stopped immediately. She looked hesitantly at Feng Tianyu who had recovered her calm face, and continued:

"It's just, Captain, you can't use mind power and summoning here, won't we be in danger?"

Feng Tianyu glanced at everyone who was anxious, and then looked at Ah Shui who was aside.Ah Shui understood, and slapped a distant cliff with his palm.


Amidst the rumbling explosion sound of Ah Shui's slapping palm, Feng Tianyu's uneasy heart suddenly settled down.

Feng Tianyu has never had enough time for her to practice, and this time just met her extravagant wish of finding a place to practice.

Feng Tianyu took out the space house and held it in his palm, "This place is not only bad for everyone, but also harmful. Don't resist, take the elixir, and I will move everyone into the space house to practice."

While Feng Tianyu was speaking, more than a dozen jade bottles containing a soul orb flew towards them.After everyone took the jade bottle and agreed.Feng Tianyu waved everyone into the room.

Feng Tianyu immediately blocked the space room after everyone entered the space room, and everyone in the space room has cut off contact with the outside world.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Ah Shui and said, "Let's go, let's explore Qikeling first. See if there is any unknown danger here?"

Ah Shui respectfully replied: "Yes, Fifth Young Master!"

Feng Tianyu was about to raise his feet and walk towards the first ridge of Qike Ridge.The voice of the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, rang in Feng Tianyu's ears at this moment.

"Master, let the golden baby out, the master wants to hunt for treasure, how can you let the golden baby go?"

Feng Tianyu's heart moved, yes, there are often rare treasures in dangerous places.It is really necessary for Golden Treasure Hunting Mouse, Golden Baby, to come out and explore.

As soon as the gold-threaded treasure hunting mouse, Jin Baobao, came out of the creation bead, he immediately jumped onto Feng Tianyu's shoulders.

"Wow! Well developed!

Master, developed, developed! "

(End of this chapter)

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