Tears Fairy

Chapter 601

Chapter 601

While everyone was wondering, Feng Tianyu smiled lightly, and answered Wan Yingyue, "Well, the battle is over!"

Wan Yingyue glanced at Ah Shui, then at the sea of ​​flames in the distance that gradually shrank and faded out of the sky.

In addition to the adoration in her eyes, there is only the determination to practice hard.The captain can be so strong, I am the captain's soldier, how can I continue to be so weak?
Do not!
I, Wan Yingyue, must not lose face of the Fengtianyu team, nor the captain, I want to become a strong person in this world, I must climb to the peak of the Nianli Continent, and even ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Wan Yingyue clenched her fists.Her determination is as strong as iron, and there is a deep determination in her eyes.

Feng Tianyu took a look at her, she was taken aback by the change in Wan Yingyue's aura, and then smiled.

Wan Yingyue exudes a comprehensible aura, showing that her heart is as firm as iron, and her Dao heart is clear.The smile in Feng Tianyu's eyes deepened unconsciously.

The change in Wan Yingyue's momentum not only pleased Feng Tianyu, but also deeply affected the other 11 members of the team.

Yang Yang glanced at Wan Yingyue, then turned his eyes to be the same as the rest of the team, his heart was shocked, and his hands clenched tightly.

Getting stronger is their only constant goal!Ascension is a dream!He must also persevere.

The goal is clear, the heart is like iron!The dozen or so people in the team were full of excitement, and their state of mind had unknowingly improved by a big realm.

At this moment, they clarified their goals and stepped out of the shackles of self-sufficiency.They have taken a big step on the fairy road.

They were originally monks living at the bottom. At the beginning of cultivating immortals, they just wanted to break free from the shackles of ordinary people. After becoming monks, they never had lofty ambitions.

After becoming Great Nian Masters, they aspire to become Nian Zong, and only by becoming Nian Zong can they be regarded as a real monk.

Because Nian Zong can use his mind power to summon summoned beasts connected with his own destiny, thus becoming a real monk in the mind power continent.

In order to cultivate resources, they registered mercenaries and joined the sky mercenary group.In the end, their sky mercenary group took the task of fighting the beast tide in the border town.

Feng Tianyu served as the captain of their team.The strength of the captain is beyond their imagination.Feng Tianyu built their team silently, they are all in their hearts, and they are grateful to Feng Tianyu.

Feng Tianyu gave silently, and every bit of it was engraved in their hearts. The captain selflessly made everyone in the team successful.

In their minds, Feng Tianyu is far from being as simple as superiors and subordinates to them.

Feng Tianyu is like a teacher and a friend's guidance, and the resources are continuously supplied. In their hearts, they have long regarded her as the beacon of their fairyland, not in the form of a potential mentor.

Their team has become a battle hero in the border town, a role model for the sergeant to learn from the beast!The most important thing is that in just over two years, they all became Nianzong.Yang Yang also became Da Nianzong.

The long-cherished wish of cultivating immortals in their hearts has been fulfilled in this way.When Feng Tianyu was in trouble, they deeply felt that they were still too weak.

Wan Yingyue's imposing manner deeply shocked them. Originally, they were focused on revitalizing the sky mercenary group, but suddenly they had a deeper understanding in their hearts that they wanted to become stronger.

With arrogance and longing, the determination to become stronger rises infinitely, they finally have a lofty goal, soar!
Dao heart is like iron!Strong will, becoming stronger is their only goal in the future.This world is strong to the extreme, and dreams soar, who says no dreams come true?

Everyone's mentality has changed, and Feng Tianyu is happy to hear it. She has paid a lot and does not expect anything in return.But she expected that her short-lived here would leave a trace on the foreign continent.

Accomplishing a group of people is not a kind of perfection.

Ah Shui was unsure, he didn't know that they couldn't find a way out.With the two of them alone and weak, they faced the behemoth Great Wuzong.What's the future?

He was wary of bitterness in his heart, but he didn't show it. There was always a faint smile on his warm face.

Wan Yingyue looked at the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flying rapidly under her feet.His big, bright eyes blinked, sparkling with interest.

"Captain, is your aircraft the kind of artifact described in the divine book?"

The dozen or so members of the team, upon hearing Wan Yingyue's words, glanced brightly at the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft, and after a moment of envy in their hearts, they focused on Feng Tianyu's face together.

Feng Tianyu smiled, looked at everyone's envious eyes, and replied calmly and slowly:
"My flying machine has a good flying speed, and the divine artifacts are covered with a veil of mystery. I don't know, has my flying machine reached the realm of divine artifacts?"

Wan Yingyue's eyes were bright, regardless of the distance between the captain's flying machine and the artifact in the oracle, her eyes were wide open.

After all, the artifacts in the divine tree are only in the rumors, and the key point is the aircraft that can really see the real thing.

The rest of the team had the same idea as Wan Yingyue.They are even more curious about Feng Tianyu's origin.

Curiosity is curiosity after all, none of them want to step on this mine, and the captain has no intention of telling them that they must stick to their duties.Don't ask what you shouldn't ask.Don't inquire about what you shouldn't know.

Feng Tianyu piloted the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft and flew in the direction of Zizai City through the clouds and fog.

Ma Changliang ran into the Great Wuzong Deacon Hall with a worried expression on his face.In the hall of deacons, the senior sister is dealing with affairs.

"Senior Sister, Elder Wang and others suddenly disappeared this morning. I can't get in touch no matter what, what do you think is going on? What the hell is Elder Wang doing?"

The senior sister took a look at Ma Changliang and continued with the business at hand. She looked calm and said in a leisurely manner:

"Squad Fengtianyu, there has been no news for more than half a year. Their sudden return is inherently weird."

The senior sister frowned and thought for a while, and then said: "Ten days for the Allied forces to attack the inner circle is enough for Feng Tianyu and the others to rush across Qike Ridge and join the Allied forces smoothly.

But they didn't!Brother, I'm sorry, it's my sister who made a mistake! "Ma Changliang sat on the side decadently, and the senior sister who was talking freely suddenly apologized to Ma Changliang.

Ma Changliang waved his hand, saying that she was not to blame for this matter, what he cared about was that she was still alive, and he was happier than anyone else that she returned to the mainland alive.

He couldn't let go of it all the time. After receiving the call from his senior sister, he immediately sent Elder Wang from his Zhenwu Hall to invite Feng Tianyu to come to Great Wuzong as a guest.

However, Elder Wang didn't invite people on time, and instead lost the news.Ma Changliang was upset for a while.

"Senior sister, what do you mean when you say their return is weird?" Ma Changliang suddenly thought of what the senior sister said just now, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. His black eyes flashed with worry, and he was staring at With the senior sister.

The senior sister's eyes were deep and dark, and there were emotions that Ma Changliang could not see rolling inside. Her words hit Ma Changliang's heart directly.

"Normally, the Fengtianyu team should have returned with the Allied Forces as early as when the Allied Forces retreated.

However, they did not!If it was normal, how could they come back now after more than half a year?
You might as well think about it, just relying on the strength of the Fengtianyu team, even if they don't die, can they still come back from the inner circle of Dongji Mountain alive?

I'm sure, they must have been enslaved by the Yaozu! "

(End of this chapter)

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