Tears Fairy

Chapter 61 Zhongyuan College

Chapter 61 Zhongyuan College
Feng Tianyu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, hiding a sneer in it, looking at the balcony on the second floor of the Baiyun Building opposite with his clear eyes, the sunflowers were strangely red in the sun, a girl in red would not give way too much, At this time, her charming little face was full of mockery, country bumpkin!The red lips painted with vermilion spoke silently.

Feng Tianyu could understand it just by looking at the shape of her lips, and the coldness in the depths of her eyes disappeared in a flash!Don't worry, let you be arrogant for a while, Feng Tianyu went up to the fifth floor of Baiyun Building under the guidance of Uncle Feng Feng Wuxin.

On the corridor, there is a golden and black single-opening door, shining with formations. There is a groove beside the door wall. Feng Tianyu branded the gold and jade plaque given by the Welfare Hall with his own spiritual consciousness, and then placed it in the groove beside the door wall. On the groove, a burst of light flickered.The golden black door opened automatically, and Feng Wuxin first stepped into the suite on the fifth floor to check around.

"Young master, everything inside is normal, please live in peace, young master!" Feng Wuxin respectfully bowed to Feng Tianyu and bowed.

"Okay, Uncle Feng go down and rest! Tianyu will summon Uncle Feng if he has something to do." Feng Tianyu waved his hands in a good mood, indicating that Feng Wuxin can leave without worry.

"Thank you, young master. I have no intention to leave." Feng Wuxin took a step back before turning around and leaving. Feng Tianyu entered the corridor door, turned to the wide-open black gold door of the suite, and stepped into the main hall, which was fully furnished.

The furniture in the interior and the hall are made of the same kind of yellow pear wood. The five rooms are divided into the master bedroom, the spirit beast room, the practice room, the equipment training room and the alchemy room. A small flower hall is equipped with a small kitchen. All the appliances inside are brand new.

The wind and rain entered the master bedroom. The master bedroom is very large, and there is a compartment inside, which is used for showering. The bedding is black, and a neatly folded blue quilt with water cloud pattern.

Feng Tianyu smiled very satisfied, the treatment of the core disciples is really exciting, hey!Tomorrow, I should follow Uncle Feng to understand the itinerary mentioned by the ancestor, and then ask Uncle Feng about the whereabouts of the previous core disciples.She really misses her three older brothers and second sister.

Feng Tianyu lay on the big soft bed with a fresh smell, full of thoughts, but couldn't figure it out. His squinted eyes suddenly opened, and a icy smile hung on the corners of his slightly curved lips. Shizhu internalized a small green streamer, which shot out from the indoor window.

Feng Tianyu stretched gracefully, narrowed his eyes again, and lay comfortably on the soft quilt. After a while, Feng Tianyu felt a little tired, and the sound of deep and shallow breathing was heard There was a sound in the bedroom, and I put aside the wind and rain of distracting thoughts and entered the sweet dreamland!

The next day, the moment Feng Tianyu opened the corridor door, he found that Feng Wuxin was already waiting at the door. After a moment of stunned, Feng Tianyu smiled and let Feng Wuxin enter the living room, "Morning, Uncle Feng! Come in!"

"Uncle Feng, you don't have to be too restrained with me, you can sit down as you please!" Feng Tianyu let Uncle Feng into the hall and let Uncle Feng sit down freely, and then sincerely said to Feng Wuxin: "Uncle Feng, you It’s just that my elders can do whatever they want, so there’s no need to be too restrained.”

"Yes, young master." Feng Wuxin sat down on a bench in a good manner, then took out a handwritten text from the storage ring and handed it to Feng Tianyu with a gentle smile, "Young master, this is the young master." According to the monthly schedule, Zhongyuan College enrolls students every five years, and the [-]th of next month is the day Zhongyuan College enrolls students every five years.

The seven academies in the space world are all enrolling students in the colorful city of Qicaitian. The city lord wants the young master to participate in this year's Zhongyuan College enrollment. I hope the young master can enter the Zhongyuan college smoothly! "

Feng Tianyu reached out to take the itinerary, put it on the coffee table in front of him, and handed Feng Wuxin a cup of high-grade spiritual tea.

"Thank you young master!" Feng Wuxin stood up and thanked Feng Tianyu.

"Uncle Feng, sit down, let go of these empty courtesy from now on, what I need is your loyalty, not politeness and empty courtesy!" Feng Tianyu looked at Feng Wuxin seriously.

"Yes, young master!" Feng Wuxin clasped his fist slightly, but didn't stand up again. He recognized Feng Tianyu's intuitive sense even more. The core disciples of the Feng family in Fengcheng all have a guardian. Those who follow, the cultivation base from the Nascent Soul Stage to the Transformation Stage, is allocated according to the potential of the core disciples, and he is in the middle stage of the Transformation Stage, and now has [-] quotas under the name of the city lord, and he is one of the [-] quotas. , the only guardian in the mid-stage of Transformation God!
Feng Tianyu smiled in satisfaction, her guardian, her only request is the guardian's loyalty, Feng Tianyu organized his words and asked Feng Wuxin: "Uncle Feng, the previous core disciples of Black Rock City, How did you get arranged after you came to the Windy City?"

"Returning to the young master, the previous core disciples in Blackstone City, after arriving in Fengcheng, retreated in the main city's City Lord's Mansion for two years, and went to Qicaitian with the children of the Feng family in Fengcheng to apply for the five-year admissions of Zhongyuan College!

If you fail Zhongyuan College, wait one month to join East College; if you fail East College, wait one month to join South College; Participate in the final North College admissions assessment a month later.

There are seven colleges in the small space world. The seven colleges are located in the east of the small space world. The seven colleges recruit students in the colorful city every five years!

Disciples who cannot get into the seven academies will be regarded as waste materials and sent to the mining area within the family, and the mining will be sent back to Black Rock City after the ten-year period expires!If he is a disciple of Fengcheng, he will serve in the mining area for 20 years, stripped of his status as a core disciple, and then sent to various places to arrange errands! "

Feng Tianyu was stunned to hear that!It turns out that the ten-year return period is just the elimination of the academy!Feng Tianyu suddenly broke out in sweat.

This is really fucking cheating!If she hadn't been brought into the small space world by chance by her ancestors.Didn't she foolishly wait for her big brother and second sister two years later?Or is it the big brother and the second sister who came back decadent and disappointed?

"Does Uncle Feng have a list of disciples who failed in the last two sessions? Or a list of disciples who entered the academy is fine!"

"The Archives Pavilion of the City Lord's Mansion has a list of previous rankings and lists of failures. I will go to the Archives Pavilion to print a few lists of previous years!" The words fell!Feng Wuxin stood up and immediately walked out the door, Feng Tianyu admired Feng Wuxin's transformation, courtesy and so on are really not important, the most important thing is the efficiency of handling things.

"Hehe! Master, Qingcui is back, hehehe!" After Feng Wuxin left, a small stream of Qingcui shot from the window towards Feng Tianyu's eyebrows!The delicate, sweet and brisk voice of the little green snake resounded in Feng Tianyu's sea of ​​consciousness, Feng Tianyu felt joy in his heart!The corner of the mouth curled up into a graceful arc, and a burst of pleasure of gratitude and hatred flashed in the eyes.

"Young master, the rubbings of the list are ready!" Soon Feng Wuxin put the rubbings of the last two lists on the table in front of Feng Tianyu, then sat on Feng Tianyu's seat, took Picking up the white jade pot, he poured himself a cup of spirit tea and drank it slowly.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Feng Wuxin with a smile, without saying a word, and began to pick up the files of the students who failed the ranking and read them again. After reading the files of the students who failed the ranking twice, Feng Tianyu let out a sigh of relief, fortunately, the three The elder brother and the second elder sister did not appear on the scroll.But I saw a familiar name, Feng Longfei!

Will Feng Longfei lose the election?Feng Tianyu expressed his doubts. Feng Longfei is the No.1 of the dragon family in Fengjia in Black Rock City. How could it be possible that he couldn't even get into the last North College?Feng Longfei's water dragon gun once confronted Feng Tianwu tit for tat!When he was fighting against his second sister, she had also seen Feng Longfei's powerful martial arts, so how did he fail the ranking?

(End of this chapter)

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