Tears Fairy

Chapter 69 Recruitment Order

Chapter 69 Recruitment Order

The next day, Feng Tianyu woke up at dawn, took the sickle from the utility room and went to the field to cut rice!Harvesting rice is no stranger to wind and rain. In her previous life, when the farming was busy, she also went to the farm under the organization of the school to experience the hard work of the farmers.

Now, holding a sickle in my hand and looking at a piece of golden rice!There is a trace of bewilderment in the joy of harvest!
Now should be the time for Zhongyuan Academy to recruit students!I thought that I would be able to enter Zhongyuan College smoothly and meet up with my brothers and sisters.

Now, I have come to the Land of Heaven's Punishment by accident, regaining the suffering and powerlessness of ordinary people's daily life, but I am willing to come to this field early in the morning, roll up my sleeves and go to work in the field. This is a strange divine turning point ?

Feng Tianyu was sweating profusely in the field, just wanting to help her aunt take back all the crops in the field before she was recruited by the legion, so that she could feel more at ease. The mother and son who had no force value really worried her.

Fang Xiaocui has planted ten acres of rice and two acres of sweet potatoes. In addition to the annual taxes and grains, the rest is not only for family consumption, but also some leftovers can be exchanged for some money, which is better than the villagers here.

Feng Tianyu lost the maintenance of her spiritual power, but fortunately her physical body was continuously refined and condensed by the gray mist and thunder force, and her muscles and bones were also strengthened to the jade bone stage. But the rain survived!

In order to make her aunt more relaxed, she gritted her teeth and worked as much as she could every day. She worked tenaciously with her aunt in the fields for seven days before taking back the crops on the [-] acres of land. Get substantial exercise in seven days of intensive labor!

Three days later, Feng Tianyu helped his aunt pay taxes and food, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after putting the rest of the food in storage.

"Aunt, you used to be a high-ranking monk, right?" Feng Tianyu looked at the aunt who sewed the padded clothes for her in the yard, and finally decided to ask her where she came from. She will return to the Tianyuan Continent after all, and, She must also take her aunt and Xiao Fangming out.

Fang Xiaocui trembled when she heard the words!The sewing needle almost stuck in his hand, he raised his head to look at Feng Tianyu with a serious face, then lowered his head and continued to sew the cotton coat in his hand.a long time!When Feng Tianyu thought that her aunt was not suitable for answering her.

"I am Tianyuan Continent, the ninth family of immortal cultivators in the Western Regions, the seventh concubine daughter of the Fang family's direct line. 20 years ago, because my mother's family was weak, my father abandoned my mother and me for the sake of power! Me and my divorced mother After returning to his ancestral home, his father once again formed a Taoist couple with the fifth young lady of the sixth family in the Western Regions, the direct descendant of the Wang family.

I thought that my family and my father would never have any intersection again, but I never thought that my father would call me back to the family to participate in the core disciple selection competition a year later!
When I obtained the qualifications of the core disciple of the family, I turned into a traitor who seduced outsiders to steal family secrets, so my aunt was personally sent to the Hall of Heaven's Punishment by her father, and was sent here! "


Feng Tianyu watched her aunt calmly narrate her sad past. While feeling sad for her aunt, she also felt the sorrow of the weak again. Only the strong can live freely and control their own destiny. In the face of absolute strength, the weak She can only surrender, and she is absolutely unwilling to surrender at the feet of others. Only by becoming stronger and stronger can she control her own destiny. Feng Tianyu clenched her fists and her eyes were full of firmness.

Fang Xiaocui survived in the Land of Punishment tenaciously with her pain, and lived in the hopeless years. Fang Xiaocui accepted the reality and married Fang Ziyi, the descendant of the exile in the Land of Punishment.

Three years ago, Ziyi was recruited by the Legion to guard the front line. Last year, he died in a battle with wild beasts in a beast tide!

"My God, there are no monks who have been exiled from the Land of Punishment escaped from the Land of Punishment. I know you want to go out. All the monks who have been exiled are committed to finding a way to get out. They want to go out with all their strength for the rest of their lives. .

For tens of thousands of years, although countless strong people have stronger physical fitness than ordinary people, and their life expectancy is twice as long as ordinary people, but the years of invasion in the mortal world have also fallen in despair in searching for a way out.

Tian'er, my aunt doesn't want you to waste your time and effort, but only hopes that you can establish a career in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, do well, and be happy!Live for a lifetime. "Fang Xiaocui tried to persuade Feng Tianyu earnestly, she really didn't want to see the nephew she knew became frustrated and mad because of hopelessness!
Feng Tianyu's heart felt warm but at the same time she couldn't help feeling sad. Although she believed that she would be able to get out from here, how long would it take?One year, two years, or ten years?
"Auntie, don't worry, I've written down everything you said!" Feng Tianyu comforted her aunt with a bright smile as she looked at her worried.

"Tian'er, it's good if you can figure it out, Nuo! This is the supreme inner strength method in the mortal world. It's the mortal method that my aunt chose to learn because her second cousin didn't have spiritual roots in her grandfather's house.

The second cousin is the best person in my grandfather's family to my mother and me. By chance, I saw the second cousin practicing the inner skills of the mortal world, so I looked at it curiously. remember.

After I came here and was sealed and cultivated, without the nourishment of spiritual energy, my body continued to weaken in the ravages of the years. I remembered this mortal exercise, so I wrote it silently. After practicing, my body got a lot of strength. improve! "

Fang Xiaocui took out a yellow paper manuscript bound into a book from her arms, and handed it to Feng Tianyu with a smile.

"Thank you auntie!"

Feng Tianyu took the manuscript with his overjoyed hands, flipped through it, got up and walked towards the room.

"Auntie, I'm going to practice now!"

Feng Tianyu hurried back to the room where he lived, and closed the door smoothly. Feng Tianyu needed strength most now. The call order, these three words made Feng Tianyu urgently need strength!Only strength is the foundation of survival!
"The Promise Taiyin Finger!"

Feng Tianyu read the five beautiful big characters on the book cover, closed his eyes after re-reading one of the exercises, and ran through the interpretation of the heart method in his heart again, then sat cross-legged, and began to use his mind and energy according to the exercise. Shen Dantian, luck runs on the big and small Zhou Tian.

One day, two days, three days later, Feng Tianyu finally felt a group of cool air, running slowly in the dantian, Feng Tianyu was refreshed, and immediately guided the air flow in the dantian to enter Ren Du's second channel, and the impact flow opened up the whole body Acupoints!Until the acupuncture points of the whole body were opened, another five days passed in a flash.

On this day, the moment Feng Tianyu opened up the acupuncture points all over his body!A familiar sense of intimacy pervades the whole body.

Gray mist!

Feng Tianyu was pleasantly surprised to find that a trace of gray mist merged with his internal force that had been running for a week!He is running quickly according to his own practice route.

With the gray mist added to the internal force, the speed of practice has taken a qualitative leap. The Promise Taiyin Finger has seven layers. Three days later, Feng Tianyu practiced the technique for three weeks, and a comfortable coolness flashed all over his body. Passed away, Wuji Taiyin refers to a smooth breakthrough in the first layer.

Feng Tianyu was overjoyed, raised his two fingers parallel to the ground, a stream of air flowed from between the fingers towards the ground, a faint fingerprint appeared on the ground, and he practiced the first form of Wuji Taiyin Finger.

Feng Tianyu raised his hand to look at Zhichen, a trace of friendly gray mist flashed between his fingers, Feng Tianyu's thoughts suddenly shook, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and flashed, a cloth bag of first-order spiritual fruit appeared in his hand.

Feng Tianyu looked at the spiritual fruit in the cloth bag, which turned into an ordinary product as soon as it appeared in the Land of Heaven's Punishment, sighed in his heart, and at the same time became excited again.

In the wind and rain, I turned over and got off the wooden bed, opened the door of the wooden cabinet next to the bed, took out a small cloth bag from inside, and looked at more than 3000 rings!

"Take it!" Pointing on the cloth bag in his mind, the cloth bag began to fade slowly in front of his eyes, Feng Tianyu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and his whole body was filled with joyful light!Get rich!
"Fang Xiaocui, after verification, your family has taken in an exile. This is a call-up order from the Fifth Legion. You must gather at the village headquarters at [-]:[-] tomorrow!"

A soldier in black armor took out a call-up order from his military bag, conveyed the call-up order formally, handed the call-up order to Fang Xiaocui, gave a soldier's salute and turned to go to the next line.

Fang Xiaocui looked down at the call-up order and was lost in thought for a while, when she looked up, tears flashed across her eyes, and she glanced at the door of Feng Tianyu's room, only to see that Tian'er was looking at herself calmly.

Fang Xiaocui endured the reluctance in her heart, she had to face what was coming, this was the mission that every exile in Heaven's Punishment Land had to perform, if he survived ten years of military service, Invincible City would grant him [-] silver coins for retirement!She chooses where she lives as she wishes.

"My God!"

"Auntie!" After Feng Tianyu called out to her aunt, he took the call-up order from her hand and smiled comfortingly at her, "Look, Auntie!"

Feng Tianyu pointed at the branches and leaves of a tree, and a few leaves floated to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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