Tears Fairy

Chapter 713 The Graveyard

Chapter 713 The Graveyard
Xu Yunfei sent Zhou Qi back, and he also got busy, went to the householder's office of the city lord's mansion to apply for a business registration permit, and asked craftsmen to make exquisite signboards.Hire short-time workers to decorate the courtyard.

It was three days after all this was done.As soon as they arrive in the next week, they can officially open for business.

Xu Yunfei didn't have to worry about food and drink, he was determined to be a pioneer for Feng Tianyu, he was not only not stupid, but very smart, he walked in the market and stopped in teahouses and taverns.

He silently understands how mortals live and how mortals survive.In the end he decided that his method of making money would make money.

Zhou Qi rushed to Wangjia Village to pick up Zhao Hua, and when Qian Meijian was waiting for the group, Fang Yunxuan on the barren slope moved his fingers and finally walked out of the deep darkness.

He struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and the trees in sight were spinning, and a ray of bright sunlight shone on his face through the thick green that was blown away by the wind.

Fang Yunxuan opened his eyes and closed them again in an instant. After squinting for a while, he opened his eyes again, and a burst of chirping larks flew into the opposite forest.

He exhaled a turbid breath, watching the white clouds blossoming in the blue sky, drifting with the wind and clouds.He sighed in his heart, how blue the sky is!
A gust of mountain wind blew by, and the grove on the opposite side trembled and turned into waves.Suddenly he thought of something, and hurriedly crawled from the ground where he was lying.

After a bone cracking sound, he realized that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and his body was sore and painful. He had already remembered everything before he fell into a coma.

Suddenly, different rustling sounds slowly sounded from all around him, his eyes lit up and he looked hard at the nearest sound source.

"Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Fang!"

Jiang Ping was overjoyed when he saw Fang Yunxuan, and after calling Fang Yunxuan, he sat up with difficulty.

Fang Yunxuan called out to the person who was sitting not far away: "Monkey!"

Meng Qi also saw Fang Yunxuan and Jiang Ping, he grinned and said, "Yunxuan! Jiang Ping!"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, then crawled towards the unconscious person next to them with a tacit understanding and worry.An hour later, Jiang Ping looked at the dying Tu Ming.

He roared with depression in his heart: "What the hell kind of place is this? A mighty monk of the Great Mahayana Dzogchen would definitely fall ill because of a storm.

Tell me, who will believe this?This is simply a big joke that happens once in ten thousand years! "

Fang Yunxuan also had a sad face, his cultivation base was gone, he was so hungry that his chest stuck to his back, and a companion fell ill in front of him.

This time, they did not die, but fell into extreme panic and suffering from hunger.

Fang Yunxuan looked at the depressed Jiang Ping and persuaded him: "Brother Jiang, we have to get out of here quickly, find a place where there are people first, and plan for others!

Tuming also had to seek medical treatment, and Tuming might be in danger if it was too late! "

Meng Qi also echoed and persuaded Jiang Ping: "Yes, brother Jiang, we must go out from here first, as long as there are people, Tuming can be saved!"

Mengda, Wan Xiaoguang, and Hu Xianglong also nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, let's get out of this damn place first."

Fang Yunxuan suddenly moved in his heart and said: "Also, if you leave here early, you might meet Captain Xu who came first.

We were forced to fall here, Captain Xu and the others, it is also possible that they will not be spared to fall somewhere here.

They come first, maybe they have a firm foothold here. "

"Yes, go to Captain Xu!"

Everyone was excited for a while, and Jiang Ping seemed to see the honest young man who was decisive in killing.Their vice-captain, Xu Yunfei.He suddenly felt the light of hope light up in front of his eyes.

"Yes, everyone, get moving and take turns walking down the mountain with Tuming on their backs." Jiang Ping's eyes lit up, and he was as excited as everyone else.

In front of the grave, Feng Tianyu woke up leisurely, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a tombstone.When the pupil touched the four large characters, it magnified infinitely, 'Tomb of the Dragon Ancestor'.

Feng Tianyu's heart trembled when he was frightened, his eyes widened and he immediately got up from the ground.She shook her head vigorously, how could she sleep in front of Longzu's tomb.

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered everything before entering the Batu Caves, and the rumbling bombing sound after entering the Batu Caves.The fact that the violent airflow of the explosion completely stunned her.

Feng Tianyu took a deep breath, and the power of his soul suddenly swept around, exhale, Feng Tianyu exhaled a foul breath, God!It's really a cemetery here.

Dragon Ancestor's Tomb?

Feng Tianyu's black eyes flashed with purple light, and she turned to look at the tomb of Longzu again. Sure enough, she saw the faint dragon shadow surrounded by clouds and mist.

Feng Tianyu murmured: "Is it the Heaven's Punishment Cage?" The surrounding area was still silent, only the golden dragon shadow surrounded by clouds and mist rolled down two dragon tears sadly.

When the dragon's tears condensed and fell, the dragon's shadow gradually turned into nothingness, and the muffled thunder exploded in the cloudless night sky with few stars.The sky suddenly changed suddenly, and black clouds gathered from all sides amidst the wind and clouds.


A flash of lightning and thunder flashed across the dark sky, and a burst of heavy rain suddenly poured down like the sky collapsed.

Feng Tianyu had experience in the Land of Punishment, so he didn't panic at all.Thinking of her commitment to Long Yao, there is infinite joy hidden in the bottom of her eyes.

Looking at the tomb of Longzu under the pouring rain, she can already be sure that this place must be the cage of heaven's punishment.

She has been through the Land of Heaven's Punishment, how can the Heaven's Punishment Cage trap her, this time, she will fully fulfill her promise to Long Yao and solve the problem of the Dragon Clan first.

She was overwhelmed by the arduous tasks one by one, and she had to solve them one by one first. This was also her original intention of letting the ruthless adventure group travel to dangerous places in several major war zones.

Although they have been running around for several times in all kinds of dangers, they have achieved nothing.The Ruthless Adventure Group has become an iron-blooded team through cruel experience.

Feng Tianyu stood on the octagonal gazebo in front of Longzu's tomb to shelter from the rain, but he thought a lot in the ups and downs of his heart.

Finally, she thought of Xu Yunfei and her team.She came to the Sky Punishment Cage because she was looking for Xu Yunfei.She thought to herself, Xu Yunfei and the others probably came to the Heaven's Punishment Cage.

Thinking of the scene where Fang Yunxuan and the others fell into the sealed place, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.I don't know how Xu Yunfei will rub them.

Jiang Ping and his party, who had lost their cultivation base, finally worked so hard to carry Tuming under the big banyan tree in the valley by turns.

There are signs of human life here, and there is a wooden house on the left hillside.The seven people who ate wild fruits and vegetables wrapped their stomachs all the way were still very hungry, with pale faces.

At this time, when they saw a family on the hillside, they didn't have any scruples, so they swarmed towards the wooden house on the hillside.

"no one?"

Monkey pushed open the unlocked wooden door, turned around in disappointment and shouted to the people behind him.

When everyone saw a row of buckled wooden doors, they already knew that there was no one in the wooden house.

wait!what is that?Jiang Ping inadvertently saw an unsealed letter on the rough table.

Monkey was the first to enter the lobby. He also saw the envelope and picked it up curiously.

He looked at it, um, no, he blinked and looked again, and after making sure that he read it correctly, he handed the envelope to Jiang Ping, and said strangely: "Brother Jiang, it's so strange, how come there is your letter here?"

What?Is there a letter from Jiang Ping here?Several people suddenly stared at Jiang Ping who took the envelope.

Jiang Ping felt apprehensive for a moment, seeing the four big characters of Jiang Ping's personal letter written on the envelope, he hurriedly took the letter out of the envelope with shaking hands.

(End of this chapter)

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