Tears Fairy

Chapter 737 Forgive

Chapter 737 Forgive
Bai Xianglong smiled bitterly. His leg was broken and thrown out of the gate of Baifu by his concubine brother whom he always loved.

Bai Xianglong thought of Bai Wei, and he only realized it belatedly at this time.At the beginning, he was too stupid and stupid to think that his brother's brother's affection for him was the heart of a child.

He foolishly gave him the good things his grandfather had given him.His ruthless return at the end made him truly realize all the meanings contained in this sentence.

When Bai Xianglong thought of this, he suddenly felt that he no longer hated him.

If they weren't too ruthless, how could he meet Fifth Miss? Without the help of Fifth Miss' resources, how could he become a dragon for Bai Xianglong?

Thinking of Fifth Miss, he thought of the words that sounded in his mind just now.That was Miss Wu's most thorough advice to him, and he finally softened his gaze towards his mother.

Miss Wu's words are correct. His mother is not him, and his mother's pursuit is also different from his. What he wants most is his mother's sincere happiness and smiling face.

Lin looked at her son who was running away, and finally regained her composure. She patted her son's hand and called out, "Long Er! What do you want to say? Let him go, right?
Okay, mother, let him go now, let him leave our world completely! "Mrs. Lin is strong as a mother. As long as her son wants to, she will do it with a ruthless heart.

Bai Qingyun, don't blame me for being cruel, you ruined everything with your own hands, since everything is ruined, what are you looking for!

Lin's face straightened, and he said to Bai Qingyun in a cold tone: "Bai Qingyun..."

Bai Xianglong looked at such a mother, his heart suddenly sore, for him, mother can be so strong, he interrupted his mother's words, said:

"Mother! My son suddenly thought about it and didn't hate it anymore. You see, my son has become a dragon, and he is also the seventh Martial Emperor of this Prison Dragon Kingdom.

Now, in this world, my son lacks nothing, what else can my son not let go of?

Son, I also hope that mother can be happy, because we have bid farewell to the days of suffering, and these days of suffering will never be repeated.

Mother, you can resolve the grievances between you and him by yourself, I will no longer participate, and I don't hate him anymore, after all, he gave me ten years of childhood happiness.

Although the happy time was as short as a bubble, he finally gave his heart.But mother, no matter what your final decision is?Your son is always by your side. "

Lin's eyes looked at her son in shock. She didn't know why his son's change came so quickly. She asked with a confused and shocked look: "Son, are you okay?" She reached out and touched Bai Xianglong's forehead.

Could it be that the son was so angry that his brain was hurting. When she thought of him being angry, her face suddenly turned pale, but the hand she stretched out to his forehead was quickly held by him.

Bai Xianglong smiled at Mrs. Lin and said: "Mother, I'm fine and I'm not angry, I'll go to Miss Fifth to see if there's anything I can do to help.

I will not get involved in the matter between you and him. Also, tell mother one thing, Miss Wu has forgiven the Bai family! "

Lin's mouth opened wide, "Ah!" But she seemed relieved in her heart.Bai Xianglong saw it in his eyes, and he admired Miss Fifth's insight even more in his heart.

Bai Xianglong took a deep look at the man who was pleading guilty, father, if I knew today, why bother!Even if mother forgives you today, she will never go back to the past.I don't hate you, but I no longer have any admiration for you.

Bai Xianglong walked out of the courtyard, but Bai Qingyun remembered his son's deep look.The meaning inside suddenly made his heart ache like a knife. The son really doesn't hate him anymore. However, father is only a title in his heart from now on, and there is no love between father and son anymore.

Lin watched her son exit the gate of the courtyard before turning to look at Bai Qingyun who was still kneeling in the lobby.

The blood from the thorns stained the white robe behind him.His face was pale with unspeakable sadness and despair.He knelt silently, repenting.

He suddenly thought of a sentence, and suddenly laughed silently.You can still live if the sky does evil, but you can't live if you do evil yourself.He, Bai Qingyun, is a person who committed his own crimes and cannot live.

What reason does he have to ask his abandoned wife and children to love him and his wife?Father and son love?
Lin thought of her son not hating every single word, and thought of the facts in his mouth, her son has become a dragon.

They have come out of the days of misery.Now they don't lack anything, and the most important thing is that no one in this world can hurt their mother and child anymore.

Lin approached Bai Qingyun, looking at Bai Qingyun with a disheveled face, she smiled wryly and said, "Why are you doing this?

Even if the Patriarch wants you to do this, you don't have to obey, Longer has already said that he doesn't hate you anymore, and Longer has also said that Fengfu has forgiven the Bai family, the past grievances have been erased!Get up and go back! "

"Xiang Jun, it's not my father who forced me! I sincerely regret and plead guilty to you. I know I'm an asshole, but I'm already sober, and I don't want to continue to be an asshole.

And to reform, the only redemption is to plead guilty and repent to you!Only with the forgiveness of you and Longer, can the criminal truly re-behave.

Kneeling here is my sincere remorse, redemption, and repentance for every merciless harm to your mother and child, Mr. Xiang, I am sorry for you!sorry! "

Bai Qingyun's forehead was pressed to the ground, and tears were pouring down like rain.If time can be turned back, he will definitely protect his happy little family, and the family will live in harmony and happiness every day.

Lin looked at the man who sincerely repented in front of her, and she suddenly stopped hating, because she didn't hate, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of relief rising in her heart and filling her whole body.

It turns out that the heavy hatred is not there, and if there is no hatred, it can be so easy?
Lin, who no longer hated, no longer felt sad or sad, her face was peaceful, and she said to Bai Qingyun in a gentle tone:

"The word hate is too heavy, I don't hate anymore, I don't hate you anymore! Master Qingyun, get up!"

Mrs. Lin stretched out her hand to support Bai Qingyun. With her support, Bai Qingyun looked at Lin Xiangjun in disbelief until his eyes touched her peaceful face.He knew she really didn't hate it anymore.

Bai Qingyun felt uneasy for a while, and asked her: "Mr. Xiang, since you no longer hate him, are you willing to let go of all past grievances and go back to Bai's house with Long Er?"

Lin Xiangjun smiled and said: "Both Long'er and I can go back, but neither Long'er nor I can leave Fengfu.

I want to preside over the house affairs for the Palace Master, Long Er is going out to handle errands soon!you go back!Don't worry, Long'er will not forget that he is the son and grandson of the Bai family. "

Bai Qingyun's heart felt bitter for a while, and then he thought about it, there is room for things to turn around, he can't act too hastily, everything has to be worked out slowly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but move in his heart, and asked with hope in his eyes:
"Mr. Xiang, when you and Long'er are in Fengfu, can I come and see you and Long'er?"

When Lin Xiangjun saw him asking this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then smiled without thinking: "Of course!"

Bai Qingyun was overjoyed, and his ashen and pale face immediately recovered a tinge of blood. He looked nervous, and asked further nervously:
"Xiang Jun, since you said that you and Long'er can go back to Bai's house, can you return the divorce letter to me?"

Lin Xiangjun was startled, and suddenly looked at Bai Qingyun who was nervous and uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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