Tears Fairy

Chapter 744 Xu Yunfei's Trouble

Chapter 744 Xu Yunfei's Trouble
Dragon Clan's mission can be completed faster than expected, and her burden has been reduced a lot.As long as she takes the dragon son and grandson out of the cage country, half of her promised mission to save the dragon clan will be completed.

They are still in the growth stage and have little combat power in the ancient battlefield. She can put them into the space until she breaks out of the ancient battlefield.

When Feng Tianyu missed Xu Yunfei, Xu Yunfei in Yangcheng was troubled, one head and two big.

Three days ago, he happened to be drinking tea at Baiweixiang Dim Sum Restaurant.Miss Lan San found him and personally asked him to be her bodyguard for three months.

Xu Yunfei wanted to refuse at first, but Miss Lan San insisted.Later, Xu Yunfei thought of the favor he still owed her, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

Since then, he has been caught in the battle of mortal families. Xu Yunfei's troubled whole body was covered with a layer of icy air because of the three-month bodyguard life.

When Xu Yunfei's world bodyguards were blooming everywhere, Miss Lan Wu of the city lord's mansion once wanted to swallow the world's bodyguards with envy.But when she mobilized the power of the City Lord's Mansion to get her hands on it, it was Miss Lan San who strongly supported him and solved the robbery launched by Miss Lan Wu for him.

Xu Yunfei never liked to owe her favors, especially favors from women, and he didn't even want to owe them.But from the first time Lan San met him, she made good friends with him and gave him the token of the City Lord's Mansion, and helped him when Lan Wu wanted to swallow his property.

He felt that he owed her a favor, so he reluctantly agreed.When the internal strife broke out in the city lord's mansion, the two parties fought against each other.

Not long after the civil strife in the City Lord's Mansion split, the two parties headed by Miss Lan San and Miss Lan Wu began to fight against each other.The two parties even assassinated each other secretly.

As Miss Lan San's personal bodyguard, Xu Yunfei guarded against killings day and night. He was always free and cold-blooded, and it was even more troublesome.

After a few days, his face, which was gradually sunny due to the wind and rain, began to be covered with a trace of coldness and ruthlessness.

Today, Miss Lan San managed to let him take half a day off, so he didn't go back to the bodyguard company, but went directly to Baiweixiang Dim Sum Restaurant.

The owner of Baiweixiang Dim Sum Restaurant, because he was the first to help Xu Yunfei out of trouble, and Xu Yunfei reciprocated, he continued to provide him with a certain amount of spiritual rice.

Therefore, Baiweixiang Dim Sum Restaurant has become the most famous Dim Sum Restaurant in Yangcheng.The owner of Baiweixiang Dim Sum Building, in order to thank Xu Yunfei for his follow-up support, specially set up an exclusive VIP room for Xu Yunfei in Baiweixiang Dim Sum Building.So Xu Yunfei also became a frequent visitor of this dim sum restaurant.

He only has half a day off today, and Baiweixiang Dim Sum Restaurant is closer to the City Lord's Mansion, so he doesn't want to waste this half-day relaxing time on the way back and forth.

In fact, Xu Yunfei already regretted agreeing to be Miss Lan San's bodyguard, but he agreed, and with his temperament, he couldn't go back on his word, so the torment in his heart can be imagined.

Feng Tianyu didn't know Xu Yunfei's troubles, when the little golden dragon flew down Xiaoqingshan, when Feng Tianyu flew down to the ground, he directly entered the carriage to show his figure.

Chun Nuan watched the shining golden armored warrior rushing in, and when she was terrified, Feng Tianyu suddenly appeared, which did not scare her, but made her heart instantly fall to the ground.

As soon as Chun Nuan saw Feng Tianyu appeared in the carriage, she hurriedly whispered to her: "Miss, there are officers and soldiers in golden armor outside!"

Feng Tianyu nodded, looking at more than 200 gold-armored warriors in his soul consciousness, wearing bamboo hats and looking up at the dark sky with heavy rain.

More than 200 gold-armored warriors surrounded the mountain in an orderly manner.Looking at this posture, you can tell that they are trying to kill the young dragon that was injured by the thunder calamity!

"Yeah!" Feng Tianyu responded lightly and said: "The rain will stop soon, after the rain stops and these golden armored soldiers leave, you call the escorts in charge to come forward, I will rest up first .” After finishing speaking, Feng Tianyu closed his eyes.

"Yes! Miss!" After Chunnuan responded lightly, he opened a corner of the car window and began to watch the rain outside the car window from the car window.

A quarter of an hour later, the sky brightened, and the rain really stopped. After a while, the hot sun at noon pierced through the clouds, completely driving away the darkness on this side. After entering Chencheng, I was at a tea stand inside the gate of the city with peace of mind.

At the foot of Baichuan Mountain, Wang Wu led an army of two hundred gold-armored dragons and tigers. Seeing that the rain was over and the sky was clear, there was a clear blue sky. Where was the young dragon that the city wanted them to ambush?
Wang Wu's forehead was inexplicably cold sweat. When he first arrived at the foot of Baichuan Mountain, he clearly heard the dragon chant and thunder, and an inexplicable dragon sword descending from the sky.

Later, when the dragon sword fell into the air, before he could figure out how to get the sword, the dragon sword suddenly disappeared in the air.

After the dragon chant, another thunderclap resounded through the sky and the earth. They endured the pouring rain with all their strength, just to kill the dragon, but who will tell him now.Where did the little golden dragon he ambushed and killed go?
Feng Tianyu's carriage was parked together with the escort carriage of Tianxia Bodyguard Company.The world's bodyguard company is too famous, Wang Wu wanted to find someone to be unlucky, but he couldn't find it for a while.

He recruited the Dragon and Tiger Army, not to mention that he failed to complete the mission of ambushes, and he still couldn't find the whereabouts of the little golden dragon. How did this make him report to the city lord?

In the end, after Wang Wu hastily glanced at the bodyguard team, he immediately ordered two hundred gold-armored warriors to search in the forest in order to be able to complete the task.

According to Feng Tianyu's instructions, Chun Nuan called the leading bodyguard to come forward when all the golden armored soldiers rushed into Baichuan Mountain.

Chun Nuan climbed into the carriage and called Feng Tianyu softly: "Miss, the escort is here!"

Feng Tianyu opened her eyes and looked out from the curtain of the car that Chunnuan opened. She looked at the courteous escort and said, "My coachman is missing. Find an escort who can drive the carriage for me. Hurry to Chencheng."

The head of the bodyguard agreed: "Yes, miss!"

After a while, a medium-sized middle-aged bodyguard with a dark red face was brought over by the head of the bodyguard.

Escort leader Zhang Jiu didn't just rely on Feng Tianyu's words, I am Xu Yunfei's friend and respect him very much.

It was Jin Xiaolong who helped them get the bodyguard down, and even saved the three members of their bodyguard team, plus Feng Tianyu's words.In order to make them obey the wind and rain.

Jin Xiaolong turned into a dragon, they witnessed it with their own eyes, it was Emperor Wu's business that Jin Xiaolong killed the bandit leader who stopped them from robbing, they also witnessed it with their own eyes.

There are only seven Martial Emperors in Prison Dragon Kingdom plus the newly promoted Little White Dragon Dragon Emperor in the capital. When he goes back, he only needs to report to the world's bodyguards to find out who is causing trouble to their bodyguards.

When fighting the robbers, he had seen Feng Tianyu's calm and calm demeanor in Mr. Xu's bodyguard, so Feng Tianyu said that she was Xu Yunfei's friend, and he believed it.

Jin Xiaolong has transformed into a dragon, and Feng Tianyu doesn't have a driver to drive her, and her request happens to be the same way.Chencheng is just over ten miles away.Don't take responsibility for their troubles.

It was precisely because of this that Feng Tianyu asked the head of the bodyguard to find a bodyguard to drive.After the rocks blocking the road leading to Chencheng were cleared, Feng Tianyu entered Chencheng in a row of mighty escort cars.

Because the Lord Huangfu of Chencheng had the heart of slaying dragons, Feng Tianyu didn't want to cause troubles outside the festival. After Feng Tianyu received Jin Xiaolong at the gate of Chencheng, he didn't stay in Chencheng. He immediately left the north gate and transferred to Jincheng. Yangcheng where Xu Yunfei is located.

In Yangcheng, Xu Yunfei had just finished drinking a cup of tea, "Boss Xu, something is wrong!" Miss Lan San's maid, Qingqing, burst in crying.

(End of this chapter)

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