Tears Fairy

Chapter 754

Chapter 754

Feng Tianyu looked at the ruins after the war and the homeless city people everywhere, she sighed secretly in her heart.Walked into a nearby Yuefu Inn.

As soon as the shop waiter saw the guest coming, he hurriedly greeted the guest warmly and asked, "Is this lady staying at the shop or dining?"

Feng Tianyu said: "I'm looking for your shopkeeper!"

"Oh, yes, miss!" The waiter saw that Feng Tianyu was not staying at the hotel, although he was a little disappointed, he still greeted him politely.

"Shopkeeper, this distinguished guest is looking for you!" Xiaoer hurriedly shouted to the shopkeeper as soon as he entered the lobby on the first floor.

The shopkeeper Jin on the counter just looked at Feng Tianyu who was approaching him, when he heard Xiao Er say that she wanted to find him.He waved his hand to the waiter, indicating that he already knew.

After the shopkeeper Jin waved back the waiter in the shop, he hadn't had time to ask Feng Tianyu why he wanted him?Feng Tianyu took out a purple star card, put it on the counter and said to him:

"This is 20 Purple Star Coins, Yue Fulai, I will cover all the empty guest rooms, including the lobby on the first and second floors.

In addition, a notice was posted outside the store stating that Yue Fu Lou eats for free all day long, and the homeless can arrange accommodation for free, and those who cannot fit in can stay overnight in the lobby.

By the way, I also sent the waiter in the store to publicize it on the street. "

Shopkeeper Jin looked at the purple star card with a shocked face.Listening to Feng Tianyu's orderly words.

There was only one sentence in his mind, this guest was burning too much money!
Feng Tianyu looked at the shopkeeper with a shocked face, smiled and asked, "What's the matter? You don't want to do this business? Or are you talking about me in your heart, and you're burning too much money?"

The shopkeeper Jin was shocked, how could it be, for more than two months, there was not a single customer in the store, and seeing that he was in a panic, how could he let the God of Wealth go.

Shopkeeper Jin looked embarrassed, this guest is too powerful, she knows what he is thinking?
He quickly grabbed the purple star card on the counter and said excitedly: "Do it, do it, the small shop opens its doors to do business." He then gave Feng Tianyu a shy smile with some embarrassment.

Seeing his guilty look, Feng Tianyu knew that she guessed right, and she didn't bother with him about his slander, anyway, she also felt that she had too much money and had nowhere to spend it.

Isn't this just burning too much money?

Thinking of this, Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Just do it, and you must do it well. Starting today, Yue Fu Building will be open to the public for free for one month.

Don't worry about the money, 20 is not enough, you can come to Tianxia Escort Company to find me.I live there.By the way, my name is Feng Tianyu!When looking for me, remember to state my name. "

Seeing that the shopkeeper put away the purple star card, Feng Tianyu smiled a little more, but she covered her face when she went out, so outsiders couldn't see her.

But the shopkeeper is well-informed, so he can tell whether she is in a good or bad mood from Feng Tianyu's tone. As Feng Tianyu said, he responded respectfully: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Feng Tianyu looked at the shopkeeper who nodded and bowed and said: "After accepting the job, hurry up to do it, I'm leaving!" Feng Tianyu turned and left Yuefu Inn under the watchful eyes of the shopkeeper who answered repeatedly.

There are too many purple star coins in the mortal world, and there is nowhere to spend them. They will leave Prison Dragon Kingdom soon.It is useless to keep mortal things, it is better to do good deeds on the spot.

Feng Tianyu went to three restaurants and inns in a row, and the homeless people in Yangcheng finally had a place to eat and live.

There are fewer and fewer common people on the street who are in panic all day long.After Feng Tianyu returned to Tianxia Escort.

He also asked Qian Mei, who was sorting out files in the business lobby, to lead a team of bodyguards to four restaurants and inns to deliver a batch of ready-made clothes.Only then did I return to Feiyuxuan with peace of mind.

Soul power checked Lan Hongyu's physical condition, and then had dinner with Lan Hongyu who was somewhat restrained.

Feng Tianyu asked Lan Hong to find a suitable empty room to live in, and she also found a sunny room in Feiyuxuan to rest.

Feng Tianyu left the chaos outside to Xu Yunfei to complete, with Jin Xiaolong's assistance, and the City Lord's Mansion, she was not worried that they would not be able to complete it.

After finding Xu Yunfei, the world's bodyguard company has stopped accepting bodyguards.After the war in Yangcheng was leveled off and all members of the Flame Adventure Group returned to Yangcheng, it was the time when the Tianxia Bodyguard Company disbanded.

She found the blue dragon and the golden dragon by accident, and Bai Xianglong of the white dragon in Wangdu.

The dragon family has Bai Xianglong to look for it, but she is not honest that he can't find a few dragons to come out.

In this way, after their team gathered, when they returned to the capital, it was she who led the team and brought this group of dragons back to the ancient battlefield.

Feng Tianyu let go of everything, snuggled into the soft and comfortable quilt comfortably and relaxed, and fell into a sweet dreamland.

Xu Yunfei was pushed by Feng Tianyu to go to Yangcheng to quell the chaos. He was very upset. Jin Xiaolong who followed him could feel the tyrannical aura hidden in his body.

When Feng Tianyu fell asleep, it was the last time for Xu Yunfei to send a message to Lan Hongling.Xu Yunfei didn't want to go on a killing spree after Feng Tianyu came to Yangcheng, and sending a dish to Lan Hongling was the best way.

He stipulated that Lan Hongling must surrender to the City Lord's Mansion before dark.If he doesn't surrender, he will prevent her grandfather from seeing the sun tomorrow.

Xu Yunfei has ordered Jin Xiaolong to lock her grandfather.As soon as the time came, Jin Xiaolong would take his life.

Martial Emperors who are descendants of the human and dragon races have no power to fight in front of the True Dragon Martial Emperors, not to mention the real dragon's might, even a real dragon's breath, they can't bear it.

Although they are still young dragons now, they cannot be compared with the dragon clan that grew up outside, but in the mortal world, dragons are gods.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Xu Yunfei's face was dark and gloomy. Seeing that the sky was about to darken, the old Patriarch and the current City Lord sat on the side tremblingly.

Xu Yunfei's momentum was too terrifying, and Jin Xiaolong was sent away by Xu Yunfei.They could feel the pure bloodline suppression from Jin Xiaolong.

Just because of Jin Xiaolong's suppression of their bloodline, they knew that Jin Xiaolong must be the descendant of Jackie Chan of the Dragon Clan.It's just that I don't know which line of dragon son it is.

Xu Yunfei's black face waiting was also their most fearful torment.The blue dragon clan in Yangcheng is about to be exposed to the royal court of the human race.

They don't know how they can continue to survive in Yangcheng when the people in the court want to deal with them due to the decline in strength caused by the family's internal strife.

Of course, the future of the Lan family is not in Xu Yunfei's consideration.What he wants is to quell the civil war in Yangcheng as soon as possible.

Seeing that the curtain was about to fall, a chilling sneer appeared on Xu Yunfei's loyal face.

"We surrender! Surrender!"

In the direction of Beicheng District, there was a sudden sound of surrender. When the sound fell, the dark curtain also descended completely at this moment.

The old Patriarch reached out his hand to wipe away the cold sweat from his forehead, and gave his son a cold look. It was because of his carelessness that he pampered such a scourge as Lan Hongling.

Lan Hongling's surrender is the best outcome for Yangcheng and the Lan family. As long as the Lan family rectifies the surrendered army seriously, the strength of the Lan family will not weaken too much.

In this way, with the mountains high and the emperor far away, the imperial court would not covet Yangcheng.Yangcheng will still belong to the Lan family.

Xu Yunfei was full of murderous aura, and when the sound of surrender came from Beicheng District, he immediately suppressed it.The task Yu'er entrusted to him was finally completed without bloodshed.

Thinking of Feng Tianyu, his heart suddenly softened.Jin Xiaolong felt the change in Xu Yunfei when he returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Not long after Jin Xiaolong came back, the depressed Lan Hongling was brought by a tall middle-aged man from Beicheng to the City Lord's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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