Tears Fairy

Chapter 756

Chapter 756
Xu Yunfei smiled fondly at Feng Tianyu and said, "Yu'er, I've already made breakfast, it's just right for you to come here at this time!"

He stretched out his hand and took her hand naturally, led her to the dining table, and then pulled out the chair himself and pushed her down.

When Xu Yunfei came forward, Lan Hongyu quickly let go of Feng Tianyu's hand holding her. She sneaked a glance at Xu Yunfei who couldn't help smiling, and then glanced at Feng Tianyu. When Feng Tianyu looked at her, , hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Feng Tianyu looked at Lan Hongyu amusedly, this little girl looked at her as a joke!Just watch it!Anyway, she also enjoyed the queen-like treatment.

Xu Yunfei personally served her a bowl of delicious eight fresh spirit rice porridge, and spread fresh and delicious pickled spirit vegetables for her on a small plate.A rare poultry leg roasted to a crispy brown.

Lan Hongyu tugged at Jin Xiaolong's sleeve, and the cute Jin Xiaolong quickly looked at her.But Lan Hongyu smiled and let go of his sleeve, pulled out a chair in front of the dining table and sat on it.

Feng Tianyu glanced at Lan Hongyu with a smile, Lan Hongyu hurriedly smiled at her obediently, Feng Tianyu looked at Jin Xiaolong who was respectfully standing aside.Speechless, is she that serious?Hasn't she always been gentle with dragons?

Frustrated, Feng Tianyu said to Jin Xiaolong: "Jin Xiaolong, you should learn from Hongyu in the future. Also, Hongyu will do what she says! You can't make your own opinions and mislead the obedient Hongyu.

Come and sit down, you are not hungry, we are all hungry! "

"Yes!" Jin Xiaolong glanced at Feng Tianyu with a tangled face, and wailed in his heart, he is sister Hongyu's elder brother Xiaolong, okay, can he not be sister Hongyu's younger brother?

Miss Wu's soft words decided his future.Jin Xiaolong was extremely unwilling, but in front of Feng Tianyu, he didn't dare to say no.He glanced in a muffled voice, and was looking at his blue ruby ​​with surprise.

He showed her an uncomfortable smile, responded to the wind and rain, and then sat down depressed.

Xu Yunfei gave Jin Xiaolong a sympathetic look, and when Feng Tianyu looked over, he hurriedly filled a bowl of Baxianling rice porridge for Lan Hongyu and Jin Xiaolong from the crock with a smile.

"Try it!" Feng Tianyu smiled and carried a piece of charred chicken meat for Lan Hongyu.Glancing at the sullen Jin Xiaolong, she pretended not to know his depression and inner wailing.He also took a piece of barbecue for him, "Eat it! Don't be greedy for sister Hongyu's barbecue."

Xu Yunfei's earnest eyes followed Feng Tianyu's hands expectantly, but after waiting, he found that Yu'er only held the barbecue for the two dragons, and started to eat his own delicious food.

Looking at Feng Tianyu who just forgot about him and was eating happily, he was not only happy that Feng Tianyu ate the spiritual meal he made so happily, but also looked at the two dragons who were struggling with the barbecued meat with some relish.

The wind and the rain were whistling, and he ate a few mouthfuls of porridge beautifully. When he felt something was wrong, he looked up and saw Xu Yunfei looking at her with an aggrieved face.

Feng Tianyu shook his hands, what is Xu Yunfei doing?This grievance made her almost drop the spoon on the bowl.

Feng Tianyu looked at the two dragons, and saw that the two dragons were struggling with the delicious barbecue.She understood Xu Yunfei, this person is real, the boss is alone, and he still cares about the two little dragons.

She let out a breath, put a large piece of barbecue meat on the food plate, and put it on the plate in front of Xu Yunfei: "Eat it!"

Xu Yunfei's dark cloud face was instantly replaced by warm sunshine.Feng Tianyu was speechless. In other words, where did this person's coldness go?

When I first met Xu Yunfei, I thought of his ruthless, cold-hearted and cold-hearted appearance.She really doubts, is this mentally handicapped person in front of her really the same Xu Yunfei?

Xu Yunfei felt terrified at the sight of Feng Tianyu, before he bowed his head and happily ate his own barbecue, he quickly added a barbecue wing to Feng Tianyu.

dong dong dong...

When the two of them finished eating and put down the tableware, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the hall door, and Zhou Qi walked in from outside the hall.

"Captain, the old city master Lan and the city master Lan came to ask to see the chief escort."

When Feng Tianyu heard that it was the Lan family who came to see Xu Yunfei, he said to Xu Yunfei: "Xu Yunfei, everyone who comes to the door is a guest, since they are here to see you, you should go and receive them well."

After Feng Tianyu said that, Xu Yunfei was indifferent in the end.How dare to show a little impatience.He had no choice but to get up with a smile and go to the living room to meet the Lan family father and son.

Lan Hongyu knew Xu Yunfei's character very well.Knowing that he has always been indifferent to things and people that have nothing to do with him.

A word from Feng Tianyu made him welcome his grandfather and father willingly.She glanced at Feng Tianyu gratefully.

Feng Tianyu smiled at her, and after watching Xu Yunfei and Zhou Qi leave, he said to Lan Hongyu in a solemn voice:
"Red Jade, I came here because I was looking for dragons, and now I have found you, the golden dragon, the white dragon, and the blue dragon.

The Bai family in Wangcheng has tried their best to find other lines of the Dragon Clan.Believe they have found some.

Whether there are any bloodline awakeners in your Lan family is up to you to sense.Also, the Lan family should also have a family who knows each other and belongs to the dragon family.

After you and your grandfather go back, ask them to notify them immediately, saying that someone from Xuanyuan Continent has come to look for the dragon.

Let them send the Awakened Ancestral Bloodline of the clan to Yangcheng as soon as possible to join us.I only stay in Yangcheng for one month, if it is less than one month, I don't need to go out. "

After Jin Xiaolong succeeded in transforming into a dragon, Feng Tianyu told him about Feng Tianyu's search for the dragon, so he was not as shocked as before when he heard it again.

Lan Hongyu, although he had guessed in the few words before Feng Tianyu.However, when Feng Tianyu really spoke to her in a solemn voice, she was still involuntarily shocked.

The dragon seeker that the ancestors of the dragon clan could not have expected for generations, but she was lucky enough to wait for it.She seemed to hear the happy roar of blood in her body.

The only life for the dragon clan was given to their generation of dragons.When Lan Hongyu shed a bitter tear for the ancestors of the past generations, her heart was also very sour.

The burden of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan can finally be let go from their generation.

Longzu can finally rest in peace.Finally, the Dragon Clan will no longer be annihilated in this cage while waiting.

The bright blue and red jade pupils were a little red.Feng Tianyu could see tears glistening in her flushed eyes.

Lan Hongyu's shocking and excited emotions also reminded Jin Xiaolong of the expectations his parents had for him when they were alive.

Thinking of the reluctance and uneasy eyes of his parents, he couldn't help but get wet.With his grateful eyes, he once again looked deeply at Feng Tianyu, who was so beautiful in the world.

His parents died young.In Jin's Village, he was an unappreciated dragon son.He has poor aptitude, but he has been fond of martial arts since he was a child. With his tenacious will, he insisted on practicing Dragon Body Art.

When his peers entered the Martial King, he finally became a qualified warrior.Even if he succeeded in advancing to the rank of martial artist, the tribe still despised him, and he wanted to go out to practice because he was not feeling well for a while.

In the end, it was a coincidence, because Bai Xianglong and Miss Fifth became attached to each other.From then on, he followed Feng Tianyu.

He is a descendant of the golden dragon lineage, who is not favored by the clan. His ability to awaken his bloodline is entirely facilitated by Fifth Miss' resources.

There are enough dragon body pills to practice the dragon body art, and the dragon blood, no matter how unconscious, will boil and roar under the stimulation of the dragon body pill, so he has transformed into a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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