Tears Fairy

Chapter 764 Bai Yue's Choice

Chapter 764 Bai Yue's Choice
Bai Yue continued with deep eyes and no regrets: "When they were arranging the formation, I used the half-step elixir, and the gods were fascinated by the ten powerful monks who were fully arranging the formation, as well as my guards in the same class.

The gods can only fascinate the top ten monks for three breaths, and with only three breaths, I only have time to rescue my princess from the cage.

After three breaths, the three masters of Xuanyuan and the heads of the seven great families woke up and found that a dragon girl was missing from the cage.And I who guard the cage.

Because of the short time, after rescuing the Seventh Princess, I could only use the meeting gift given to me by the wise men of the Dragon Clan.The hidden talisman hides on the spot with the Seventh Princess.

The ten powerful monks couldn't accept the humiliation of being plotted by me. They were extremely furious and immediately ordered the seventeen proud sons of heaven to chase me and the seventh princess with all their strength in the sky and the earth on the ancient battlefield.

The Palace of Heavenly Kings where Simatai is located is one of the successors of the Seventeen Proud Sons who stayed behind in Prison Dragon Land.

Because of Princess Seven, I betrayed them, but I never regret it.Never before, never now, and never will. "

Feng Tianyu listened silently, so far she has no doubts.Obviously, Bai Yue's father and Bai Longnv formed a Taoist couple.It is also in the calculation of the wise men of the Dragon Clan.

The meeting gift that the wise man gave him was also set in the wise man's plan.That's how Bai Yue rescued the seventh princess of the Dragon Clan.

Feng Tianyu thought of the wise man of the Dragon Clan, who spent his whole life in caring for the Dragon Clan, and finally passed away.

A wise man, although all kinds of calculations to break through the secrets, are frightening.However, for the sake of the clan dragon, it sacrificed its longevity in the end, just to see a glimmer of life for the dragon clan.

Before falling, it put all its energy into serving the Dragon Clan, laying down one successor after another.After Feng Tianyu learned about the wise man's life, not only would she not despise him, but admired him from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing that Bai Yue's expression became more and more relaxed, Feng Tianyu asked, "Fellow Daoist Bai, the Simatai in the Palace of Heavenly Kings has died. Are there still people from the Palace of Heavenly Kings hiding in the dark?"

"No more! Because when I attacked Simatai, the 180 people who entered here from the ground were all killed by my men." Bai Yue continued with a smile:
"The number of people they enter the abyss is limited. My people have always been more than theirs. My people can go out every 50 years. The people they enter the abyss can only be killed by us.

Because, when the top ten monks sealed the ground with insulating gravity, I fascinated them for three breaths when they arranged a subtle node of the formation.

After they woke up, the subtle nodes had been hidden in the formation. It was originally just a small, almost negligible node. They didn't pay attention at all until the formation was completed and the ground was completely sealed.

After confirming that they really left, Seventh Princess and I came out of the hiding place and hid in the depths of Youyun Valley ever since.

In order for Seventh Princess to be more happy, I started to die on the small node that can be ignored in the big formation.

Finally, after 100 years of hard work, I untied a crack in that tiny node.

Afterwards, every 50 years, when the big formation reaches that tiny node, there will be a day of lag in operation, causing the underground abyss to crack for a day.

After that, every 50 years, we will select some monks who have entered Youyun Valley and send them here.

Afterwards, the secret of Youyun Valley was accidentally discovered by the Palace of Heavenly Kings guarding Prison Dragon Land.Entering the Youyun Valley from the ancient battlefield, it happens to pass through the Baoling Mountain.

Living in the Heavenly King Hall in Baoling Mountain, they found out that after the Seventh Princess and I lived in seclusion in Youyun Valley with a plan, they began to intercept the monks who entered Youyun Valley to find opportunities.

Later, fewer and fewer monks entered the Youyun Valley. I had no choice but to go out of the valley every 50 years to find a group of monks to enter the valley. I hope you can be among them. "

When Bai Yue said this, he looked at Feng Tianyu with scorching eyes. He was convinced that she was the one the Seventh Princess was looking for.

When Feng Tianyu sympathized with what happened to the Dragon Clan, he couldn't help but mourn in silence for the many monks who were tempted by Bai Yue or invited into Youyun Valley.

Because the big monk who entered the Prison Dragon Land was forced to become a mortal, he could live up to 100 years in the Prison Dragon Kingdom.

Feng Tianyu looked at Bai Yue with hopeful eyes, and when she was looking at her burningly, she suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Bai, how many years will it be before the big formation's nodes crack 50 years ago?"

Bai Yue smiled and asked in a good mood: "It will take another ten years. This fellow Taoist, did you bring out the dragon from the Dragon Clan?"

Feng Tianyu smiled and replied: "Of course!"

Tears flashed in Bai Yue's eyes, and he said excitedly and emotionally: "It's really great, the Seventh Princess has been waiting for her wish for more than 50 years!
Finally, today, under the high righteousness of fellow Taoists, it was achieved. "Bai Yue's words were agitated, and he suddenly bowed deeply to Feng Tianyu, "Bai Yue first thank you fellow Taoist!" "

Feng Tianyu was taken aback, and hurriedly returned the salute to Bai Yue: "Fellow Daoist Bai, you're welcome, please hurry up!"

Bai Yue got up, and the excitement also returned to calm when he got up.He looked at Feng Tianyu with clear eyes and raised his hand: "Bai hasn't asked for the names of fellow Taoists yet."

Feng Tianyu smiled back and said, "It's raining and windy!"

Bai Yue looked at Feng Tianyu warmly for a while, and suddenly asked, "Fellow Daoist, are the dragons of the Dragon Clan okay?"

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Bai, your Seventh Princess may be a little anxious, you should take me to meet her first!"

Bai Yue also thought about it, but when Feng Tianyu looked at him with a happy face, he had to smile wryly, "Hehe...

So that Fellow Daoist Feng knows, I also want to lead Fellow Daoist Feng back as soon as possible, what can I do?I can't open the ground of this gravity seal. If we want to go out, we have to wait for ten years! "

Feng Tianyu didn't know whether to speak to Bai Yue and smiled, she looked up at the vast gravity, like an abyss shrouded in reality.

"I'll try!" Feng Tianyu raised his hand and pointed to the ground on the top of the abyss.The Purple Extreme Thunder Dragon Sword made from the Golden Thunder Sword suddenly made a crackling sound of lightning and thunder, and the purple flying sword soared into the sky from between Feng Tianyu's eyebrows.

Turning into a huge purple thunder dragon, the thunder dragon's body chichi flashed with the sound of electric current, and it was circling towards the gravity seal pointed by Feng Tianyu.


The huge electro-optic dragon body of the purple thunder dragon rushed to the ground of the gravity seal.When Feng Tianyu looked at Bai Yue with smiling eyes, Bai Yue was already staring dumbfounded at a crack opened by the giant dragon.

"Hehehe, Fellow Daoist Bai, what are you waiting for?" Feng Tianyu laughed and flew towards the cracked ground.

"Ah! Yes! Yes!" Bai Yue just recovered from the shock, and saw Feng Tianyu flying towards the cracked ground amidst laughter and laughter.

He was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed Feng Tianyu and flew into the crack.Today, ten years in advance, they flew out of this sealed underground.Wouldn't it be possible to save the Seventh Princess from waiting for ten years?

In the depths of Youyun Valley, in a magnificent palace, in a sleeping hall full of fantasies, on a beauty couch, there is a beautiful woman in a yellow dress lying on the couch.

At the moment when the giant thunder dragon broke the seal, her heart suddenly jumped wildly, and she suddenly opened her closed beautiful eyes from the doze.

She sat up from the beauty's couch, looked outside the bedroom and called out, "Bai Yue?"

"I'm here!"

A handsome young man in white robe promised, and hastily entered from the door of the sleeping hall. He said with joy on his face, "Seventh princess, great joy!"

Seventh Princess asked softly, "Where does joy come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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