Tears Fairy

Chapter 772 Leaving Youyun Valley

Chapter 772 Leaving Youyun Valley

Bai Yue returned to the Dragon Palace under the sunset, and saw a person coming up to him outside Ningjing Garden.Jiang Ping stepped forward and knelt down to Bai Yue in respect, "Jiang Ping greets the master!"

Bai Yue thought for a while and asked, "Jiang Ping?"

Jiang Ping replied respectfully: "Yes!"

"From today onwards, you are free!" Bai Yue said, pointing to his temple, and a light shot out from between his eyebrows, flying into the center of Jiang Ping's eyebrows.

Jiang Ping choked up and said, "Thank you! Lord Bai." Bai Yue looked at Jiang Ping who was respectful to him, and suddenly said:

"Jiang Ping, the agreement between us has been terminated, and you will be completely free from now on. You don't have to mention it to your captain."

"Jiang Ping understands, Jiang Ping resigns!"

Jiang Pingru let go of his heavy burden, got up from the ground relaxedly, and respectfully bid Bai Yue back to Moon Shadow Hall.

With Bai Yue's deep eyes, he took a deep look at the Moon Shadow Palace behind Ningjing Garden, and his handsome face was full of relaxed smiles.

The dragon hunter of the Dragon Clan not only retrieved the fifteen little dragons for the seventh princess, but also helped him solve his doubts and let him understand that it wasn't that he couldn't get into the heart of the seventh princess.

It was because of a mistake in his mind that the self who had already taken root in the seventh princess's heart forced the seventh princess to dig it out from her heart, and closed the door of her heart from then on.

Now the seventh princess has begun to be honest with him during Feng Tianyu's unraveling, so he doesn't need to struggle to get out of the dead end.

The estrangement between him and the seventh princess has been resolved, and Xiaolong has also been found. From then on, he can finally live happily with his beloved for a long time.

Thinking of the Seventh Princess, his brows and eyes were filled with longing. 55 years of waiting and missing, he has no way to recover.However, in the happy time between him and her in the future, he didn't want to have any more misunderstanding and unhappiness.

Xu Yunfei got a clear answer from Feng Tianyu, and his mind was over. He knew Feng Tianyu's habits, and he saw that the night pearl in the hall was getting brighter and brighter in the hall.

Xu Yunfei stood up with a smile and said: "It's getting late! Yu'er, go back and rest early!"

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "I'm really sleepy, see you tomorrow!" Feng Tianyu got up and waved to Xu Yunfei, and walked towards the main bedroom of Moon Shadow Palace.

"Good night!" Xu Yunfei looked at Feng Tianyu's back until Feng Tianyu walked into the bedroom door, "Good night!"

After Feng Tianyu said good night to him, Xu Yunfei turned around and walked towards the side hall where he lived in satisfaction.

As soon as Feng Tianyu entered the dormitory, he yawned even more sleepily.Seeing the familiar and warm blanket, she nestled in without hesitation.

The moonlight softly shines into the bedroom from the window, and the sleeping Feng Tianyu sleeps even more sweetly.Under the soft light from the night pearl and the soft moonlight, a drop of water suddenly appeared from the windy and rainy cloud piercing boots.

After the water drop appeared, it turned into a small phantom figure, without a trace of yin, and without any air fluctuations.As if it were just a shadowy air.

In the sweet sleep of wind and rain, in her long breath.It seems to be attracted by Feng Tianyu's breath, just like the air, it is sucked into the nasal cavity by Feng Tianyu's breath under the suction of Feng Tianyu's breath, and scattered in Feng Tianyu's internal organs.

The next day, Feng Tianyu slept beautifully until he woke up naturally, Feng Tianyu was worried about the matter of Xianzhi Garden, so he didn't stay in bed.

After Feng Tianyu took care of her beautiful hair, she hurriedly performed a few cleaning techniques and walked out of the bedroom.

In the side hall beside the main hall, breakfast was already set on the dining table, and Xu Yunfei and everyone from the fourth team were waiting for her.

"Yu'er, sit!" Xu Yunfei helped Feng Tianyu pull away the chair on the main seat, and after Feng Tianyu sat down, he himself sat down under her.

Feng Tianyu smiled at everyone and said, "Sit down!" Fang Yunxuan and the others waited for Feng Tianyu to say hello before they came to the table.

During the meal, except for the sound of Xu Yunfei hospitablely adding vegetables and porridge to Feng Tianyu.Everyone ate their food quietly.

After breakfast, the four teams went to the deep valley to collect the medicinal materials for the mission.Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei entered the Xianzhi Garden in Longkong.

After entering the Xianzhi Garden, Feng Tianyu transplanted two or three copies except for the Xianzhi that he didn't have space for.A batch of Wannian Longzhi was also picked.She felt that there was never enough of it.

Bai Yue began to prepare for the closure of Youyun Valley.After Long Ningning knew that Feng Tianyu had entered Xianzhi Garden, she stayed outside the training hall where the fifteen little dragons practiced all day.

They are all the future of the Dragon Clan, so don't be careless at all, she has to take care of this.

Wind and rain, when Xu Yunfei and the two came out of Xianzhi Garden, they were already beaming with joy.Xianzhiyuan's celestial herbs and medicines are far more abundant than they thought.

Feng Tianyu also excavated a batch of Longzhi which was already a fairy treasure.She firmly believes that given how precious this thing is in the world of cultivating immortals, it must also be a rare treasure in the world of immortals.

The members of the fourth team, in the wind and rain, Xu Yunfei, came back shortly after leaving Xianzhi Garden.Everyone happily handed over the collected Youyou grass to the Queen of Wind and Rain.They each turned back to their own small worlds, and today they all gained a lot.

In the afternoon of the next day, when Xu Yunfei was drinking spirit tea and gossiping comfortably, a waiter came in from outside the hall.

As soon as the waiter entered the hall, he hurriedly bowed to the two of them respectfully, "Miss Fifth, Mr. Xu, Princess Seven welcomes you!"

"Okay, got it!" Feng Tianyu smiled kindly at the waiter, "You go back and report to the Seventh Princess first, and say that we will be there soon!"

"Yes!" The waiter bowed and left.

Feng Tianyu said to Xu Yunfei: "Just wait for a while!"

Xu Yunfei said: "Good!"

After Feng Tianyu returned to the dormitory, he prepared fifteen gifts respectively.Since the separation is imminent, she can't help Fifteen Xiaolong much, but as an elder, she still has to do her best.

"Let's go!" Feng Tianyu left the bedroom, greeted Xu Yunfei, and the two left the Moon Shadow Hall hand in hand.

Long Ningning arranged a sumptuous banquet in the harem, and greeted Bai Yue in front of the palace gate.

After Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei entered the banquet, Long Ningning explained with a smile: "I have sent a banquet to the Moon Shadow Hall. Sister Feng and Brother Xu can do whatever they want, so please don't be polite."

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Sister Ning, don't worry, my sister will not watch the delicious food flow away from her eyes. You must eat a big piece."

"It's so good." Long Ningning toasted the three of them and said, "Drink this glass of wine first, it's warm!"

"Good!" The four toasted each other.

"Sister Feng, Brother Xu, will leave Youyun Valley tomorrow morning, and with the help of Sister Feng, the little dragons have been practicing ethereal selflessness.

They toast your wine, let me toast you for them, do it! "

Feng Tianyu, Xu Yunfei toasted Long Ningning and Bai Yue again.Bai Yue remembered Feng Tianyu's help to him, and stood up to toast Feng Tianyu and the two of them. After drinking and drinking for three times, everyone began to eat and drink to their heart's content, and talked casually. It was only in the middle of the night that the four of them were drunk .

When going back, Feng Tianyu put fifteen storage rings in Long Ning's hands and asked her to hand them over to Fifteen Xiaolong.

The next day, it was windy and rainy early in the morning.Reluctantly, Long Ningning and Bai Yue personally sent Feng Tianyu and his party out of the valley.

"Goodbye, Sister Ning! Goodbye, Big Brother Bai!" Feng Tianyu waved goodbye to Long Ningning and Bai Yue vigorously when he stepped on the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.

"Goodbye, Sister Feng! Goodbye!" Long Ningning and Bai Yue, watching the group of people flying farther and farther, just waved goodbye vigorously like wind and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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