Tears Fairy

Chapter 779

Chapter 779
Xu Yunfei turned his head and ran away, because he saw countless holy beast kings and beasts pouring out from the forest at the end of the wasteland, roaring like a tide, rushing towards the wasteland.

dong dong dong...

The ground where the beasts were running was shaking, and Xu Yunfei suddenly heard one of the fleeing monks shouting to him: "Hurry up, run away, there is a wave of beasts ahead."

Even if no one of them shouted, he saw it, so Xu Yunfei didn't look back, and continued to flee forward. He fled wildly all the way, and soon fled to the hillside where he turned into the wasteland before.

When stepping on the hill, Xu Yunfei finally looked back at the wasteland.I saw hundreds of people galloping in front, and the tide of beasts had flooded into the wasteland.

Xu Yunfei looked at his feet, the hills that looked like a barren barrier, and this hills were the only way to the wilderness on this side of the mountain.

Seeing the fleeing crowd, they were getting closer and closer to the mountain.He didn't stay any longer, and continued to cross the mountain at high speed, and walked into the endless hills.

Xu Yunfei, who stopped again, was suddenly in trouble, and had no direction to find someone. Where could he find Yu'er?
Xu Yunfei's expression suddenly changed as he thought about it, could the beast hordes appearing on the wasteland be...

He turned around suddenly and firmly, if the beast tide happened after Yu'er entered.Didn't he get farther and farther away from Yu'er when he left the wasteland?

What about the beast tide?Xu Yunfei didn't continue to think about it, he resolutely walked towards the hillside in the direction of the wasteland.

"My fellow daoist, what's the matter? You managed to escape from the barren barrier mountain to this place. Why are you still going there?" A familiar voice suddenly greeted Xu Yunfei.

Xu Yunfei looked up and followed the voice, a white-robed monk smiled at him kindly, and continued to remind him: "Fellow Daoist, I don't know why you still want to go there, but at this time, the wasteland is really not allowed!"

Xu Yunfei approached him calmly, this person was the one who told him to run when he turned around and ran.Although Xu Yunfei is cruel and indifferent, he still knows it anyway.

Although he doesn't need other people's kindness, he is only affected by wind and rain, and he has been able to hide all his impatience in his heart.

Xu Yunfei stood still in front of the white-robed monk, his deep eyes fixedly looked into the depths of the other's eyes, but he saw that he was still a gentleman and magnanimous, this man is really a good person.

Thinking of this, Xu Yunfei felt the chill on his body disappear a lot. When the white-robed monk said that he really couldn't go, his dark eyes darkened and he said: "I know, thank you fellow Taoist!"

Xu Yunfei passed the white-robed monk and continued walking towards the wasteland.Lian Mingxin looked back at Xu Yunfei's back.

This brain is a bit sloppy, let's forget it, he shook his head and said nothing, and continued to follow the crowd over the hilly area that stretched for thousands of miles.

Xu Yunfei walked all the way to the barrier mountain in the distance.As he walked, he wondered how to cross the wilderness.A beast tide is happening in the wilderness, and it is impossible to fly in the sky or on the ground.But he must go to the end of the wilderness, to find it in the endless forest.

When Xu Yunfei stepped onto the foot of the barrier mountain from the hills, Feng Zi No. [-], who hadn't responded for a long time, finally responded.Xu Yunfei was overjoyed in his heart, and with a move of his consciousness, the word Feng No. [-] in his sea of ​​consciousness flashed three times in a row.

Fengzi No. [-] has successfully linked with the space of this secret realm by itself.Xu Yunfei immediately stopped walking.Start positioning now.A bright spot lit up in the light of Fengzi No. [-].

This bright spot immediately illuminated Xu Yunfei's gloomy world at this time.His world can be bright and sunny only when there is wind and rain, and only when there is light and sunshine in his childhood world can there be spring and flowers blooming.

Xu Yunfei suppressed his excitement and tried to talk to Feng Tianyu.At this time, Feng Tianyu was coming out of the valley rich in medicinal herbs.

jingle bells...

Feng Tianyu's spiritual sense glanced at Feng Zi No. [-] in the sea, Xu Yunfei?The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, he must be looking for her crazy.With a warm heart, she hurriedly asked with concern: "Xu Yunfei, are you alright?"

When Xu Yunfei heard Feng Tianyu's voice, he was excited and happy. He quickly said dotingly to Feng Tianyu: "Yu'er, just wait for me there, I will come right away!"

He didn't want Feng Tianyu to mislead her into the beast horde because of his wrong geographical position.

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu looked at the valley behind him, and then at a bamboo forest in front, there was a stream at the foot of the bamboo forest.

Well, the air there is full of bamboo fragrance, very nice, she thought, she just waited for Xu Yunfei to find it in front of the bamboo forest.

After Xu Yunfei got Feng Tianyu's consent, he immediately felt better. He followed the positioning position displayed by Feng Zi No. [-], and flew quickly towards the left front of the barrier mountain.

Xu Yunfei flew at full speed, all he wanted was to meet Feng Tianyu as soon as possible, and to meet Feng Tianyu as soon as possible.

It's just that after he flew for a day, he unexpectedly had to stop at a fast pace.

Because, when he was about to cross a large lake, there was a ninth-level divine beast white flood dragon in the lake, which was fighting fiercely with dozens of people.

However, there are also their own people, Zhao Hua and Mengda.Others have nothing to do with him, these two people can't ignore it, Xu Yunfei had no choice but to fly down to the lakeside with Bai Jiao's fierce and aggressive gaze.

Mengda, who was fighting hard, had sharp eyes. As soon as Xu Yunfei landed, he not only knew that someone was coming to help him, but also immediately discovered that he was his captain Xu Yunfei.

Mengda hurriedly called out fondly, "Captain Xu!"

"Captain Xu!" Zhao Hua, after Mengda's voice, was pleasantly surprised to find that the person who came was Xu Yunfei. When he saw that it was Xu Yunfei, he felt a little uneasy, but he also calmed down because of Xu Yunfei.

Mengda and Zhao Hua met on the second day after entering the secret realm. After discovering that there were many high-level medicinal herbs in the secret realm that had not become immortal plants, they continued to search for medicinal herbs along the way.

The two came to this great lake three days ago.The two met 15 other people as soon as they arrived in the Great Lakes.

When everyone was looking at each other, there was a sudden big wave in the lake, and a huge wave suddenly rushed up on the calm lake.

Before they could speak, they were forced to fight the white flood that suddenly rose up in the lake and attacked them.

Bai Jiao's combat power is terrifying, but he also has the ability to devour.Every time they attack, half of them are swallowed by the white flood dragons. Because of this, the seventeen Mahayana Dzogchen monks cannot take down a single white flood flood dragon.

Zhao Hua and Mengda couldn't get away, so they had to join forces with the other 15 people to fight together. At this time, 17 of them had been fighting Bai Jiao for three days, and they already felt that they were in danger. There is no successor.

But Bai Jiao became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, they were already in defeat, if there was no strong support, they could not escape the danger of being swallowed by Bai Jiao.

The arrival of Xu Yunfei gave Zhao Hua and Mengda the hope of life.But among the other fifteen monks, only one came.The light of hope that had just risen in their eyes couldn't help but dim again.

Xu Yunfei didn't speak, because as soon as he landed by the lake, he was drawn into the battle circle by Bai Jiao.Xu Yunfei waved his sword and struck out, and the tip of the Qingyan sword was emitting purple fire.

The unparalleled and terrifying heat wave of the Qingyan Sword directly attacked the dragon's tail that was drawn towards him.Jiaowei flinched strangely, but was not burned by Xu Yunfei's Fenghuang Zihuo.

Xu Yunfei frowned, and swept across with his sword again, the phoenix purple fire immediately flooded the white flood like a prairie fire.

(End of this chapter)

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