Tears Fairy

Chapter 799

Chapter 799 The Windy City Is a Fat Sheep ([-])
Windy City is actively preparing for battle, and the collapsed city wall was repaired in just one day.Xu Yunfei personally led the team of formation masters in Fengcheng, and it only took three days to set up a god-level city protection formation.

Fengcheng prepares for the battle in time, Xing Wuming and Nangongmei who escaped from Fengcheng, when the three cities joined forces to attack Fengcheng, they spared no effort to promote Fengcheng in Liecheng, Guocheng, Dongcheng, and the three cities.

After that, it spread to Baiyu City, Ba City, and Niujiao City.One and a half months later, when the Three Cities were defeated, everyone in the Yellow War Zone knew about Fengcheng.

Fengcheng not only possesses inexhaustible spirit stone mountains, but also possesses a miraculous and strange energy light group that can absorb the aura of the ancient battlefield after refining.Only these two in Windy City are enough to make everyone in the entire war zone envious.

After Fengcheng defeated Liecheng, Dongcheng, Guocheng, and the three cities, Heiyucheng, Qiaocheng, and Dongcheng were besieged by [-] monks.Not to mention, the inner forces who came from farther away.

Fengcheng finally became the biggest fat sheep, and everyone wanted to take a bite of fat from this fat sheep in Fengcheng.

The 30 monks in Fengcheng, because of the return of Feng Tianyu, they all seemed to have a backbone, and the monks in Fengcheng who were originally united became even more united.

Huorang, Chen Shiren, Mao Gao, and Saturn each led an army of [-] monks to guard the four gates.Saturn led five thousand monks to maintain order in the Windy City.

Feng Tianlei controls the overall situation, Feng Tianqing, Feng Tianxing, and Feng Tianyu assist the eldest brother in managing the external affairs of the City Lord's Mansion.

Fang Xiaocui, Ji Xiaojie, Liu Qingqing, Xu Binger are in charge of the internal affairs of the city lord's mansion, and Xu Yunfei is in charge of the control room of the city guard formation.

Dong Guoyuan supervises the alchemist to make alchemy in the alchemy hall of the city lord's mansion. This time, all the alchemists are refining are Longti pills.

Feng Tianyu quietly left Fengcheng. Since she wanted to take away 30 people in Fengcheng within three years, she had to secretly send them out from now on. She said it lightly to her brothers and sisters, but she was a human being, not a god.

If she was really arrogant, she would hide and bring 30 monks to break through at once.When she stepped into the independent space, she would not know how she died, let alone what would happen to the monks she hid in the space to smuggle away.

Feng Tianyu escaped from the training room and left the city secretly, because she had the Dinghaishen Pillar to refine it into a needle.

In the end, it was Xu Yunfei who controlled the large formation of Fengcheng's defenses. Under the influence of the space fluctuations caused by monk Dao Falong breaking through the formation outside, he did not find out that Feng Tianyu had left Fengcheng.

Feng Tianyu knew that the monks in the yellow war zone were all tempted by the fat sheep of Fengcheng, and they were flocking to Fengcheng from four hundred and eight directions.If she goes the opposite way all the way, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of passers-by.In order to reduce trouble, as soon as she left the Windy City, she assimilated into an invisible mist like smoke, and flew towards the inner circle with the help of the wind.

Once she felt in danger, she assimilated with the trees on the spot to escape.A month later, Feng Tianyu finally arrived at the center of the yellow war zone.

Feng Tianyu stood outside the yellow and clear independent space, through the unique transparent yellow space wall cover, carefully watched the monk who was breaking through the barrier in the independent space.Seeing them swaying like a drop in the ocean, it can be seen that it is difficult to break through the barriers in reality.

For the first time to test the waters, Feng Tianyu only used the space house to carry the thousand monks he had collected in Youyun Valley.

After a night of rest in the yellow war zone with the trunk of a tree, the next day, she was refreshed and ready to break through.

As soon as Feng Tianyu walked towards the independent space together, there was a burst of laughter from a woman behind him, and then she heard the woman say softly: "Brother, tell me, is the female cultivator in front of you an idiot?
In such a dangerous place as the independent space, she is really so bold to break into the independent space by herself.

Brother, tell me, should I say, is it because she can't think about it?Or is she simply a nympho who secretly followed you, senior brother?
Is she trying to bet on your soft heart, Senior Brother?Do you think that following us, you will have compassion for her and let her follow our team? "

"You don't need to talk too much, junior sister. Senior brother is soft-hearted, and he won't soften his heart to a calculating nymphomaniac."

This passage from the senior brother is obviously what the junior sister wants to set up for her previous words, "If the senior brother can harden his heart, I can rest assured that the junior sister.

This time, we have to get through this hurdle no matter what, and we must not fail because of this small calculation. "

The senior brother took a look at Feng Tianyu who was walking forward with his back turned. For some reason, he suddenly regretted what he said just now.

Feng Tianyu seemed indifferent to the group of people behind him.She didn't even look back at the slanderous conversations with her senior brothers and sisters, and moved forward steadily as before. Is it worthwhile to be angry with irrelevant people?
If she doesn't turn her head and doesn't pick up the conversation, their slander has nothing to do with her.Her behavior surprised the group of people behind, including the brothers and sisters who spoke earlier.

Isn't she really the rotten peach blossom of the senior brother?Wasn't she really the female cultivator who came chasing after her because she yearned for her?
While their thoughts were different, Feng Tianyu had already stepped into the Shuiyun Gate of the independent space, and disappeared in front of everyone behind him in the blink of an eye.

After Feng Tianyu stepped into the independent space, he immediately encountered a group of phantom beasts that seemed real.In his mind, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword shot out from between his eyebrows.


A burst of thunder and lightning flashed towards the group of phantom beasts, and with Feng Tianyu's movement, the Ziji Thunder Dragon Sword had turned into a myriad of swords and slashed at the group of thousands of phantom beasts.


Feng Tianyu stretched out her hand to call, and thousands of light yellow crystals flew into her hand, and all of them entered the creation bead.

The spirit beasts in the Genesis Orb, except the Fengtianyu contracted beast, have grown in the Genesis Orb for hundreds of years, and have already become part of Fengtianyu. This time the breakthrough has little additional impact.

After Feng Tianyu drew his sword, he felt the additional influence of Zhan Fei and other 1000 people.Although there is pressure, it is because they have already recognized the master with the blood of the super god level token.

Although the pressure of the independent space on the Tibetan belt has increased, it has not doubled, only one-tenth of the double.

Feng Tianyu had a bottom line in his mind, felt the intensity of the space energy of the independent space again, and silently understood the power of the periphery of the independent space.

When the second wave of phantom beasts attacked, after Feng Tianyu knocked down tens of thousands of light yellow crystals with a single sword, he didn't stop, and immediately moved towards the center of the independent space.

When a group of monks behind Feng Tianyu entered the independent space, Feng Tianyu had already cleaned up the first wave of phantom beasts.When they formed a battle formation to defeat the first wave of phantom beasts, Feng Tianyu had already turned the second wave of phantom beasts into spars.

When they stood firm on their feet, when they looked at Feng Tianyu who entered ahead of them, they only saw the back of Feng Tianyu advancing rapidly with his sword.

Everyone gasped, and the senior brothers and sisters in the lead were even more surprised. The junior sister snorted with jealousy in her eyes: "Hmph, it's just the beginning. Do you think that if you do this, the senior brothers will look at her differently? I really don't know what it means !"

When the senior brother heard the disdainful words from the junior sister's mouth, a dark light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he thought, is this really the case?

Feng Tianyu continued to rush forward, and had already forgotten the group of monks behind her. She was single-minded and only wanted to use the fastest speed to walk in this yellow independent space.

Make sure for yourself, she spends three years hiding and sending 30 monks in Fengcheng, is the time enough?
Maximum, how many people can she take away at one time?

(End of this chapter)

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