Tears Fairy

Chapter 812

Chapter 812
If you want to break through the barrier, you must move forward area by area.If the Qise community wants to enter the orange zone from the red zone, each monk must hand in a thousand high-grade spirit stones.Or use [-] union points.

Xu Yunfei went to the monk union first, applied for a monk identity card, and looked at the mission hall of the monk union, and then went to the library to read the books for an afternoon. When he left, he still used the jade slip rubbings in the library to print a few copies.

He knew about Feng Tianyu, and knew that they would not be short of spirit stones after they stayed in this place, but they were not obligated to support the 30 people in Fengcheng.

The monks in the Windy City have already settled down in the fifth city in the red zone. As long as their troubles in the fifth zone are eliminated, they will have to rely on themselves.

If the monks in the Windy City want to enter the green independent space with their own strength, they must practice in the green theater for at least 100 years.

And they won't wait here for so long for them. At most, they will win over the control of the Fifth City and transfer it to the monks in Windy City.

When Xu Yunfei returned to the regiment's residence, it was a dinner celebrating the reunion of the whole city.Feng Tianyu and his party have already sat down in the Rizhao Hall.

The courtyard outside the Rizhao Hall was filled with running water mats. As soon as Xu Yunfei entered the Rizhao Hall, Feng Tianyu saw him, "Hurry up, Xu Yunfei, I'll be waiting for you!"

Xu Yunfei stepped forward happily, and he sat in the vacant seat left for him. Xu Binger, very obediently, stepped forward to pour Xu Yunfei a glass of wine, and then retreated behind the master.

After Xu Yunfei sat down, Feng Tianyu asked Xu Binger, who was waiting behind him with a pot, to also go to the next table to sit.During the banquet, everyone chatted while eating, which was very lively.

Especially the people who followed Feng Tianyu, one by one excitedly holding wine glasses, came in from the courtyard table to toast Feng Tianyu and their table.

Knowing that Feng Tianyu and his group finally came to the group of Fengcheng monks, their uneasy hearts were finally let go.At the reunion celebration banquet this time, eating and drinking were even more enjoyable.

On the second day, Zhanfei held a team meeting with 120 people in the regimental meeting hall of the regiment headquarters as scheduled.

"The topic of today's meeting is, do you want to stay in the fifth city? Or move forward and go to the Orange District?"

At the meeting, Zhanfei told everyone about the content of the meeting, and everyone started discussing it.

Feng Tianyu expressed his opinions to everyone, and then summed it up with his brothers, sisters, Xu Yunfei and others.

It was only at the end that Feng Tianyu made a decision, saying: "Half of the people seek stability and stay in the fifth city of the red zone, and half of the people seek to advance and want to move forward and go to the orange zone.

I discussed with several young masters, and the decision is as follows.Those who want to stay in the red zone, stay in the red zone, and those who want to go further, get ready to enter the orange zone.

The monks who want to enter the Orange District must first get rid of the old forces in the fifth city together with the remaining monks before leaving.

Today, after the meeting, we will count the remaining monks and further monks, and tomorrow we will start a full-scale campaign against the old forces.Take control of the fifth city! "


Everyone got up and agreed, Feng Tianyu waved and said: "Everyone go to work!" Everyone bowed and left, and Zhan Fei was the last to leave.

Just as he stepped out of the gate, Feng Tianyu suddenly stopped him, "Zhanfei, wait a minute!"

Zhan Fei immediately took back the strides he took, turned around and walked into the lobby to salute Feng Tianyu, and stood aside, waiting for Feng Tianyu's orders.

Feng Tianyu smiled and said: "Zhanfei, tomorrow is the time for the regiment to take the initiative. Let the ruthless bodyguards play the vanguard.

Remember, our strength is stronger than that of the fifth city, any old force.When you start, you have to go all out.Not only must be fast, but also be ruthless, don't give them a chance to fight back.

The 5000 members of the Ruthless Guards Group are all people with strong physical strength.In the green war zone where fist weapons speak, it is their time to shine.

Keep up with their steps, take down the old forces one by one, select 25 monks from the remaining monks, and ask them to register a team and take over the defeated old forces smoothly.

When we left, we gave the remaining Wind City cultivators a stable place to practice, which also gave them a good foundation. "

"Yes, five young masters!" After Zhan Fei went down, he immediately selected 25 powerful monks from the remaining monks, and registered 25 regiments with the monk union.After returning to the group, the group will be formally divided into groups.

The next day, the Ruthless Guards quickly charged against the 25th Regiment in the First City, surrounded by a mighty 75 monks.

Ruthless is Feng Tianyu's most powerful bodyguard group, each of them may not be as high as the monks in Fengcheng, but their body strength is not comparable to the monks in Fengcheng.

Ruthless led 5000 people, and it took only half an hour to disable the No.70 Fifth Regiment. Among the 25 monks, the 79th Regiment, newly registered in Fengcheng, successfully cleared and took over the territory of No.70 [-]th Regiment with the help of the large army.

After defeating the No. 70 Regiment, the Ruthless Guards Group marched without stopping, and then launched an attack on the No. 60 Regiment in the Fifth City. Half an hour later, Ruthless won another victory.

The new No.80 regiment registered in Fengcheng successfully took over the territory of the No.60 regiment.

In order for this battle to go smoothly, as early as last night, Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei took advantage of the darkness to set up isolation formations among the 25 old forces in the fifth city. They were unable to communicate within a short period of time.

After defeating the No.60 [-]st Regiment of the old forces, the Ruthless Guards Group attacked the [-]nd Regiment of the old forces.

When the battle was raging in the fifth city, Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei were in the monks' union, making preparations for the 15 monks who chose to leave the red zone and enter the orange zone.

When the two came back from walking all the way, the ruthless bodyguard group had taken down ten old forces with Lien Chan and Lien Jie. At this time, they were rushing towards No.20. Xu Yunfei looked at the deserted streets and alleys, and smiled at Feng Tianyu :

"Yu'er, do we really need to make such comprehensive arrangements for them?"

Feng Tianyu took a serious look at Xu Yunfei, "I sent them into the green war zone, they are in the orange war zone, and I have a moral responsibility for the safety of their first stop.

It can be regarded as my fate with them, after all, they have lived in the Windy City for decades. "

Xu Yunfei nodded, he knew that Feng Tianyu never let his own people suffer, which was also in line with her good character.It's not like he's cold-hearted.

Xu Yunfei thought of Feng Tianlei brothers and sisters, their cultivation base is still too low, if they are too radical, the bad influence on them may be a bit big.So, he seriously reminded Feng Tianyu:

"Yu'er, brothers and sisters' cultivation is still too weak. I think we can't be aggressive when we enter the Orange District. At least we have to practice in retreat in the Orange District for 50 years. Otherwise, they won't be able to withstand the pressure of the space. "

Feng Tianyu nodded in agreement and said: "Well, I have considered all these and decided that after entering the Orange District, we will retreat and practice collectively for 50 years after we gain a firm foothold."

Xu Yunfei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that she would go out in a hurry and forget about this.

Worried that the brothers and sisters of Feng Tianlei would hurt their foundation, and regret it too late.While the two were talking, they came to the front street of the regiment.

"Ding ding ding... clang clang..."

Xu Yunfei was startled by the sudden sound of gold and iron from the regiment, Feng Tianyu's face changed, and he had already rushed towards the regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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