Tears Fairy

Chapter 830

Chapter 830
What happened to the No.30 group made Dongcheng Shilipo the focus of No.19 city.

The focus is on the DC area. In addition to the monks in the city who linger, they also welcome visitors from all over the world. The DC area once became the most prosperous place in No.19 city.

The DC area is buzzing.Shilipo, outside the base of the No. 30 regiment, is a battleground for interests.In the arena, 19 challenge groups from No.59 city.Finally, all passed.

Except for Shilipo, all the monks watching the battle.All 59 challenge groups participating in the turf war.

All charged into the formation of the No.30 regiment.59 regiments vying for territory, and [-] monks raging.

They were excited and rushed towards their goals one after another.I want to rush to the forefront, because if I want to bite off a piece of fat meat, I can only rush to the front.

Ruthlessly sat firmly in the lobby of the regiment headquarters, and opened the door wide open for convenience. Anyone who came was not rejected, and all of them were put into the formation by Ruthless.

The 30 teams that attacked the No.59 regiment rushed into the big formation, but 59 teams have not yet attacked.The people in the team were separated by a large formation.

Shilipo was shrouded in clouds and mist, and the air in Shilipo became extremely oppressive because of the approaching storm.

Shui Tengqing was already very careful, the original attack in the clouds and mist, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a majestic building that can be seen directly.

He hesitated for a while, but under the pressure of his second son and the black face of his boss, he compromised.He followed the boss Sha Tianbao, and finally rushed to the front.

Seeing that they were about to charge into No.30's garrison, before everyone had time to cheer, an accident happened, and Shui Tengqing's worries became a reality.

Clouds and mist suddenly rose from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, he couldn't see his fingers. The screams from all around made him feel chills all over his body.

Holding a pair of golden maces tightly in his big hands, he was vigilant and cautious in his heart.With a sudden bump on his forehead, Shuitengqing suddenly moved a step sideways.

Tear!A knife protruding from the cloud had already sliced ​​through the cassock that was cleared from the abdomen.An inch-long gash in the belly.

Although Shui Tengqing hid in time, he was not stabbed to death.But it also made his hair stand on end.


The 5000 monks hidden in the formation started, one after another, and the [-] monks who entered the formation were enough to kill them.Because they only have more than [-] people.

In the large formation, one hundred thousand monks have been disturbed by the clouds and mist, and there is a phantom formation in the killing formation, and the clouds and mist are even mixed with the black wind group obtained from the wind and rain from the underground of Youyun Valley.

The screams of death were magnified infinitely in the misty mist.The sound went straight to people's hearts, why didn't they make them feel terrified?
Inside the big formation, people were in a state of panic all day long, and there were screams one after another, like a curse, like mourning.

This silent killing and vocal death could happen to any one of them at any time.

According to the rules of the green theater, only weapons, fists and feet can be used to fight with spiritual power.Fear, fear, in the bloody smell of killing, in the desperate cry of hysteria, they forgot.

All kinds of Dao methods rumbled like mountains and tsunami in the big formation, shining soaring light.

In the big formation, the rumbling Taoist bombing sound, which was magnified ten times more powerful, penetrated directly into the ears of the [-] monks in the big formation. With the rumbling sound, the ears hurt, and the hearing was also at this moment, and there was no movement at all.

The vast and lingering clouds and mist in the big formation became thicker under the bombardment of the Ten Thousand Dao Method.Without hearing, you can't hear the chilling screams.

Hundreds of thousands of monks had no way to get in and out, and they were like trapped animals in the guard group. They were still as strong as before under the violent attack, without a single crack.

Time passed day after day amidst the roar of Taoism by the [-] monks. The violent attack of the [-] monks reduced their casualties.

Ten days later, when their spiritual power was no longer sustainable, there were screams one after another.The [-] monks in the formation have killed and injured thousands of people.

Without hearing, other senses will be more sensitive. They can't hear the screams that affect the mind, but they can smell the blood that is getting better every day.

The shadow of death began to cover most of the people.They are all lonely, because the big formation isolated them from the beginning.

They were all suffering, fighting alone, seeing that their spiritual power was exhausted, and more than half of their resources were consumed in just a dozen days.They don't know how to continue the battle?
Saturn, Dong Guoyuan, Wanli, and Ah Shui were hidden in the four-party killing formation attached to the big formation, and commanded the personal guards hidden in the killing formation to attack monks who had exposed their flaws, striving to achieve a one-shot kill.

The cultivators who rushed into the formation were all higher than the Ruthless Guards. If they were face to face, they would meet the monks of the Ruthless Guards.

If they use Taoist methods to attack the monks of the pro-guard group, the ruthless pro-guard group will be absolutely powerless to resist.If you use weapons to punch and kick, you will face the monks of the Ruthless Guards.The monks of the Ruthless Guards will absolutely crush them.Because of their physical strength, the worst is the golden bone period.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Tianyu rest assured and entrusted the task of guarding the No.30 regiment to Ruthless.

The pretenders outside all want to tear off pieces of fat from her.

But, is the flesh on Feng Tianyu's body so easy to chew off?
So, she made a plan to use it for the pretender.She will practice in seclusion for 50 years.The ruthless pro-guard group also needs to grow.

In order to sharpen the state of mind of the Ruthless Guards, she planned for them a long-term and unrelenting battlefield.

Enclose the No.19 city and all the forces that covet her No.30 group into the large formation that she and Xu Yunfei jointly built.

The 40 monks who entered the formation are enough to kill the ruthless bodyguards for ten years.Ten years later, there will be Zhan Fei who has left the customs to replace him. After ten years of honing, the Ruthless Guards have been practicing in seclusion for [-] years.No matter what, you can advance to the late stage of Mahayana.

After leaving the ancient battlefield and breaking the seal of the Yuanli Realm, she must have her own power if she wants to gain a foothold in the Yuanli Realm.

Zhenfeng Guards, Zhanfei Guards, and Ruthless Personal Guards will all be her ace forces to enter the Yuanli Realm.Therefore, she must plan well.Her three trump card forces must be experienced in the ancient battlefield.Be her real help in the future.

With the self-confidence given by Ruthless and Fengtianyu, he has been in control of the division and division of the formation.Send the invading monks one by one to the sword of the Ruthless Guards.

Sha Tianbao of the Five Tribulations League regretted it, and there was no one around him. The twelve thousand monks of the Five Tribulations League were about to be buried in this bloody big formation.

But he couldn't even hear his own roar, the surrounding was deathly silence, and the strong smell of blood made him despair even more.

Hai Dashan regretted, he regretted not listening to the advice of the third child.He blasted and killed those who did not reach the No.30 group.But killed more than a dozen Jiexiu of the Five Tribulations League.

Seeing the blood flowing on the ground, he was stiff, regretful, and afraid. In the end, even his thoughts were numb.

When the boss, the second child, and the third child regret it.The fourth child also regretted it. In the clouds and mist, his nerves were tense and he was highly vigilant around.

He knew that their Five Tribulations League was too underestimated and arrogant, thinking that they were invincible in Yunwu Mountain.Then you can go out to plunder and eat meat.

As a result, a wrong decision made everyone throw their lives in this dead silence with no way in or out.

He suddenly hated Wang Danian, thinking that he opposed his own advice.If Wang Danian is by his side.I guess he's going to strangle him.

(End of this chapter)

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