Tears Fairy

Chapter 838

Chapter 838

"Yes, let's do it right away!" The two of them knew that this was a big matter, and they didn't dare to delay it, so they stood up again.

Feng Tianyu waved his hand and said, "Go!"

Seeing that Feng Tianyu had dismissed all the people in the lobby, Xu Yunfei's smile became more and more intense.

Feng Tianyu was happy to see him, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.After handling the important matters in the group, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Her black eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at the 39 group affairs deacons sitting there.Seeing them sitting respectfully, she couldn't help but smiled and said to everyone:
"You are all my deacon group, now and in the future. Therefore, your task is still to take your positions, cooperate with each other, and preside over all the group affairs in the group!"

"Yes! I'll take my leave!" Everyone stood up, Feng Tianyu nodded.

"Yu'er, after finishing business, why don't we find a time and sneak out for a walk?" Xu Yunfei suggested with great interest.

"Okay!" Feng Tianyu got up and said: "The big things have been dealt with, now we have nothing to do, why don't we go!"

"Very good!" Xu Yunfei was overjoyed and hurriedly got up.The two went out of the lobby of the regiment headquarters. In order not to be conspicuous, the two of them sneaked out, wearing an orange robe over their clothes.

The orange robe is the characteristic of the monks in the orange area, and it is also a legal monk recognized by the monk union.

As long as new monks have registered as monks in the trade union, they will have a monk's identity card. Every time a monk enters a district, they have to spend spirit stones to replace the corresponding identity card.

Only legal monks recognized by the monk union can stay in the jurisdiction.Otherwise, you will be expelled from the district.

When Feng Tianyu entered the orange area, he had already spent Lingshi, and changed into an orange identity card and cassock.After registering as a monk, she only went out once, and went to Yunwu Mountain to pick Yunwu flowers.

The two of them are not familiar with No.19 city in Orange District.I just took advantage of this time to go out for a walk, by the way, to find out the views and plans of the monks' union on the No.30 group.

No.30 group's large formation was still open, and the two of them went out through the gate. Except for the gate guard who knew about it, the monks inside and outside didn't know about it.

Shilipo is still shrouded in clouds and mist, and the station of No.30 group is also hidden in a cloud of mist.

The two of them stepped out of the ten-mile slope from the formation, Feng Tianyu turned around to watch, and there was a white mist in front of his eyes.

"Let's go!" Xu Yunfei grabbed Feng Tianyu's little hand with a big hand.The two left Shilipo and walked into the noisy DC area.

Feng Tianyu shook his head secretly. The monks in the green war zone have been completely abolished by the terms and conditions of the monks' union, and all of them have turned the cart before the horse.

Feng Tianyu doesn't know, what is the real intention behind the monks' union?
Who can enter the ancient battlefield to find opportunities, which one is not the most amazingly talented monk on every continent.

If you don't come to the ancient battlefield, everyone is a family, the pillar of the sect, hehe, once they enter the ancient battlefield, they will no longer talk about fairy fate, and even lose their original dignity and freedom.

The difference between cloud and mud is vividly displayed here in what is happening in the green theater.She didn't know how many promising monks would be banned by the monks' union?

Xu Yunfei has always been cold-hearted. When he saw the big monks all over the street, in order to survive, they did everything they could to make a living.

He couldn't help but raise his vigilance against the monks' union.The monk union can target people in the entire theater, so how can they allow them to act independently.It seems that Yu'er's statement that Yu'er is going to type out may really become a prophecy.

Both of them were a little heavy-hearted, it was easy to say, but not easy to do.However, no matter how difficult it is, they have to face it.

The two walked out of the DC area and walked all the way to a teahouse in the center of the city, the 'Fudelou'.

If you want to inquire about the monks' union, the teahouse is the best place. The monks have lost their original intentions and ideals.It was as if they had become people from the mortal world.The same Shen Lun is goingssip.

In the lobby on the second floor of the tea house, the two of them chose an inconspicuous corner to sit down like downcast monks.

Xu Yunfei waved to the tea waiter who was busy in the lobby, and the tea waiter in the lobby on the second floor stepped forward to greet him responsibly, "Master, what would you like?"

Xu Yunfei said: "Serve the best tea, the best refreshments."

"Okay, please wait for a while." The waiter promised and went to work immediately.

Not long after, the tea waiter had already served tea and refreshments. After setting the refreshments, he poured another cup of tea for the two of them, and then said politely to them with a smile: "Please take your time!"

Xu Yunfei nodded, and after the tea waiter left, Feng Tianyu lowered his head and took a sip of the tea, instead of appreciating the quality of the tea, he took another piece of sesame cake and tasted it.

"How?" Xu Yunfei watched Feng Tianyu eat and drink, and then asked with a smile: "Does it suit your taste?"

"It's not bad!" Feng Tianyu held a piece of sugar cake to Xu Yunfei and said, "You have a taste of this?"

Xu Yunfei doesn't like sweets, but because of wind and rain, he didn't want to give up this romantic feeling, so he reluctantly ate the candy cake, and gave his taste: "It's very sweet! Yu'er can taste it!"

"It's very sweet!" Feng Tianyu blinked, if the sugar cake was not sweet, it wouldn't be a sugar cake!She took a small piece with chopsticks and ate it into her mouth, her mouth was full of sweetness, eh!It's really a sugar cake.


"Brother Zhang, why are you sighing?"

On the window seat of the tea house, two monks sat down at some point.Their conversation caught the attention of Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei.

The two monks were not afraid of being overheard.Sighing, the cultivator surnamed Zhang took a sip of tea, then smiled wryly and said, "Brother Li doesn't know, the territory of our No.

The head of the group listened to what others said and went to Shilipo.Unexpectedly, if he leaves and never returns, it can be seen that the head of the group must be in danger.

The regiment headquarters had no funds to reassert the territory, and the five hundred brothers stationed in the regiment were all the same as me.Forced by the situation, they were all enforced by the monk union and reorganized into the regular regiment.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the northwest border battlefield with the regular regiment to fight against the southeast monks! "

"Brother Zhang, hey!" The tea guest surnamed Li wanted to persuade him, but found that the words he said were empty words, so he could only sigh to end the empty words he wanted to persuade.

The two suddenly fell into silence. Just when Feng Tianyu thought they would not talk again, monk surnamed Zhang broke the silence again.

"Brother Li, tell me, since the monks' union belongs to the same source, why do they insist on dividing it into two parts?
The monks in the southeast and the monks in the northwest, what are they fighting for endlessly? "

"I want to know too!" The monk surnamed Li also had a serious expression on his face.He didn't know how long his team could last.Maybe after Brother Zhang left, he would soon follow in his footsteps.

"I heard that the monk union is very dissatisfied with Shilipo," monk surnamed Zhang thought of the news he had heard earlier.

He smiled mockingly, and said, "It is said that in the No.30 group's turf war, many monks used Taoism in violation of regulations."

"I went to Shilipo to watch the battle!" The monk surnamed Li nodded and said, "I saw only 59 regiments, and 30 monks besieged the No.[-] regiment.

No.30 in Shilipo was in a group, but no one showed up.It can be seen that those who use Taoism are all members of the 59 regiments.

Could it be that the 59 regiments, now that the entire army has been annihilated, the monk union still wants to bite the No. 30 regiment? "

"Hmph!" The monk surnamed Zhang snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "As the saying goes, if you want to commit a crime, why not justify it?"

(End of this chapter)

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