Tears Fairy

Chapter 850 The Fifth City of Purple District

Chapter 850


The large array of confinement on the city gate broke open with a bang, and the invisible mist, like smoke and mist, surged and penetrated into the gap of the city gate in an instant.

The sound of the prison breaking at the city gate also attracted the eyes of a group of monks. When they looked at the city gate in shock, they also stepped towards the city gate.

bang bang bang...

If you want to grab merit, there are too many people who act at the same time. When people are crowded, countless people are pushed down, which affects the progress of the monks stepping over the gate of the city.

Time flies, only the leader of the city guard who brought Feng Tianyu close to the gate of the city reacted in time. In his mind, a big knife turned into three feet and slashed at the gap in the gate of the city under the light of a mirror.

A faint gray mist flashed in the light of the apparition mirror, making people feel almost dizzy.The leader of the city guard made a big knife, but the wind of the knife shook a little, and there was almost no trace of gray mist.

The wind, rain, and invisible mist like smoke and fog came out of the city, and she couldn't help being frightened for a while, and she would be seriously injured if it was a little later.Even if they only cut down a trace of invisible mist like smoke.

It wouldn't be a matter of taking a piece of flesh from her body, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end.The invisible mist like smoke came out of the city gate without stopping.When the wind and rain were blissful, it had already floated high into the sky with the fierce wind outside the city.

There is air pressure in the sky, and the wind and rain, like smoke and fog, try to resist, hidden in a cloud, and quickly fly to the fifth city in the purple district.

Just as Feng Tianyu floated into the sky with the wind, the east gate of City No.13 was opened.Countless great monks flew out of the east city gate, and when they flew high into the sky, the invisible mist, like smoke and mist, had long been hidden in the blue sky and white clouds.

The mirror light of the apparition mirror, in the high altitude, no longer has the effect it should have due to the slow effect of the mutated spiritual power.

After the wind and rain turned into an invisible mist like smoke, the pair of monks who flew to catch up to the sky were blinded.Flying at high altitudes is bad for them, simply put, they can't afford it.

There is no way, people want to chase, but the question is how to chase?Individuals will choose to give up.At this time, only the monk union stood up and paid for this huge expense.

A few, a dozen or so regular regiments are not able to be driven by the monks here.Because their spiritual power did not convert the mutant spiritual power of the ancient battlefield.It is doomed, when the spiritual power here is not used by them, it will also cause a negative burden of slow consumption.

None of them would be able to hunt down and kill people without spirit stones piled up on a spaceship to carry people.Therefore, the cultivator chasing after the east city gate flew to the ground within a quarter of an hour in the air.

While they were waiting at the east gate, Wang Jiali, the head of the monk union in No. 13 city in the blue zone, finally rushed outside the east gate during tea time.

Ten spaceships were lined up outside the city gate by him.A spaceship can carry 1 people in a regular regiment, and the spaceship can carry 1 people flying at high altitude, and it will consume two top-quality spirit stones in an hour.The ten spaceships together carry exactly 10 people.

After the ten regiment leaders took the storage bag handed over by the president, after the ten regiment leaders saluted Wang Jiali, the president solemnly explained to them:
"When you meet a group of No.30, you don't need to explain why. As long as we are the first to succeed in No.13 city.

The Headquarters of the Monks Guild will definitely credit us.At that time, if you want to go to the purple zone, you don't need to go through layers of qualifications. "

The ten regiment leaders promised excitedly, "Thank you, President, for your reminder, we will definitely do our best to complete the task!"

Under the control of ten regiment leaders, the ten spaceships took off under the high hopes of the head of the monk union, and headed towards the blue sky and white clouds.

Not long after they left, another ten spaceships took off outside the east city gate and flew high into the sky.Traveling on the route of the previous ten flights.

At this time, Feng Tianyu had already flown into the sky of No.12 city, and continued to rush towards No.11 city in the form of clouds.

The ten regular regiments of No. 13 city in the blue zone, if they want to find Feng Tianyu, who has long since disappeared, on the way eastward, don't even think about it.What's more, the wind and rain are still moving forward in the form of clouds.

The Ten Killing Regiment sent by the No. 12 city monk union also guarded in the clouds on a spaceship carrying ten thousand people.It's just that they don't know much about Fengtianyu's No.30 group.

Since they received the summons from No.13 city in the blue zone, they have been guarding the only way that the Third Wind and Rain Soldier Regiment must pass.

It's just that they waited and waited, and they only got ten spaceships and ten regular regiments from No.13 city.

The No.30 group they were waiting for had already flown into the No.11 city with the clouds formed by the wind and rain.

Feng Tianyu watched himself fly like a cloud, it worked.Just fly to the end.No matter how many chasing soldiers are behind, no matter how many monks are intercepting in front, she will fly forward in the form of clouds, amidst the clouds and clouds.

One city after another, after three days of flying, wind and rain have already flown into the third city.40 people from [-] regiments of [-] people in the three districts where the monks' union hunted down her are gathering in Eleven City.Line up in the air to search for her who is invisible and untraceable.

When they finished searching the No. 11 city and entered the tenth city.Feng Tianyu has flown into the first city along the east wind.

The wind and rain were the same as before, flying down ten miles away from the fifth city in the purple district.Facing the purple zone, Feng Tianyu lost his composure.

Far away, under the afterglow of the setting sun, Feng Tianyu saw No.15 city. Mirror reflection of city No.15.Tell her that this is the Mirror Light Revealing Formation.

Feng Tianyu doesn't know if her invisible gray mist can still be a big hit at this level, but she doesn't dare to be careless. Before approaching, she must be fully prepared.

When Feng Tianyu approached the outside of the fifth city in the purple district, it was obvious that they were the last wave of people coming and going in and out of the fifth city.

How stupid!Looking at these people, Feng Tianyu suddenly slapped his forehead.Turn around and go out five miles outside the city.

Feng Tianyu waited and waited, and finally a middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi came, and turned from the path to the avenue.

When he passed by Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianyu suddenly reminded him behind him: "This fellow Taoist, your storage bag has fallen!"

"Ah, where?" The middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi instinctively turned his head to look at Feng Tianyu. The moment he turned his head, Feng Tianyu's deep black eyes flashed, and he shook the storage bag in his hand and smiled. Said: "Here it is!"

The monk in Tsing Yi shook his head first, reached out and touched the storage ring on his hand, and then said to Feng Tianyu: "I don't have a storage bag!"

"I know! This is a top-grade spirit stone worth 1000 yuan!" Feng Tianyu continued to move forward until he was parallel to him.Feng Tianyu first gave him a storage bag.

She took off the space house hanging from her waist, and with a flick of her heart, the space house had been put into her summoning space.

Under the power of thought, the unicorn, who was cultivating in her summoning space, had been ordered by Feng Tianyu to return to the summoning world of the summoned beast with the space house under the order of Feng Tianyu's thought power.

After the matter was settled, Feng Tianyu said softly to the middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi: "You are going to the city, and I will walk for you. Give me the monk's identity card, and then go back with the spirit stone I gave you !"

"Then trouble fellow daoist!" Even though he didn't know why he agreed to Feng Tianyu, he readily agreed.

When the monk turned to leave, Feng Tianyu suddenly turned around and asked his back: "And you haven't told me yet, what's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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