Tears Fairy

Chapter 859 The Brilliant Final Battle

Chapter 859 The Brilliant Final Battle ([-])

Faced with such a ruthless situation, he had no choice but to passively divide his troops and fight.Feng Tianqing has crooked eyebrows and eyes, as long as there is a battle to fight!
"Sister, let's fight together!" Feng Tianlei saw that his sister also joined the battle. "Ding!" He swung his sword forcefully to stop the opponent's sword, and shouted to his sister.

"Okay!" Feng Tianqing promised loudly excitedly.The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and smiled. The two were weighed by Xu Yunfei and Wu Qing's feelings, and the three enemy monks who had lost half of their combat power.

It became a tacit training partner for the two brothers and sisters to cooperate with each other in the battle.The two brothers and sisters began to try to cooperate in the battle.From being unfamiliar at the beginning, they gradually became more and more tacit.

Both Xu Yunfei and Wuqing are the bodyguards of the Fengtianlei brothers and sisters.And because both brother and sister are young masters.They not only want to ensure the safety of Feng Tianlei and brother and sister, but also let them have fun playing.

The two had no choice but to raise their spirits and try their best to take care of both sides.In this way, Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing, the two brothers and sisters had a great time fighting.But Xu Yunfei, ruthless, the two of them were very tired.

The brothers and sisters Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing cooperated in fighting, and the more they fought, the more tacit understanding they got.He also became braver and braver.From the beginning, they fought with three people, and later, they had four or five people.

Only at this time, the two brothers and sisters have joined forces and fought with six enemy monks.

Although the tacit understanding of their brother and sister fighting has been developed.Brother and sister are two against six, it's not that Feng Tianlei brother and sister are getting stronger and stronger.

Rather, the monks of the monk union cannot fight a protracted war.Their disadvantage after a long battle is the reason why Feng Tianlei, brother and sister, rivaled six enemy monks.

Xu Yunfei and Wuqing were extremely tired.Before letting people in, they must first determine the enemy's combat strength.Only then can they be put into the battle circle they circled.Let them fight with Feng Tianlei brother and sister.

Feng Tianyu flew from the roar of the wind knife to twenty miles away from the 20 pursuers.After waiting for a quarter of an hour, she was sure that there would be no more pursuers coming.She has a new movement.

"Fire Wolf, Chen Shiren." Feng Tianyu held the space room with one hand, and called into the space room: "Come out and get ready to work!"

"Five young masters!" Huo Lang and Chen Shiren shot out from the space room in response.After the two stood still, they quickly stepped forward to salute Feng Tianyu.Only then waved their respective teams out and waited for Feng Tianyu's orders.

Feng Tianyu looked at the two of them with far-reaching eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "Now the outcome of the battle will be divided, and the victory will be in our hands.

I don't want to kill more people!
Now you bring your respective teams to cooperate with Mao Gao to deter all the pursuers.Then, drive them all to the independent space.

We don't kill them, but they can't return to the monks' union.Let them earn their own lives in an independent space. "

"Yes Yes!"

Chen Shiren and Huo Lang held their fists together to accept the orders, and together they were one hundred thousand monks.In this way, all the retreats of the monks' union of 20 monks were stopped.

Feng Tianyu's black eyes, which were as black as ink, looked deeply outside the center of the green theater.She's about to say goodbye to the green war zone.Is the monk union really willing?

There are 31 monks in the monk union, except for the tens of thousands of monks who have been killed by their team.She will drive all the 30 monks who are still alive into the independent space.

In this way, will the monk union hurt?Will it hurt your muscles?Wind and rain are really looking forward to.

However, if they don't come, she will really say goodbye to the green theater.Feng Tianyu looked at his team.Finally raised the banner of victory.Driving 30 remnants who were almost exhausted.In the rush of the wind knife, rush to the independent space.

The dead who couldn't resist the wind knife were thrown down, and those who were alive had to go deeper.Until he earns his life in an independent space.

At that time, they are the ones born again.Starting from the new battle zone in cyan, re-choose the fairy road they want to go.

In the gust of wind, Feng Tianyu heard a wave of space, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly!
come yet?Just come!

"Zhan Fei, Dongfang Yu!" Feng Tianyu looked at the space house held in his hand, and called out with a little excitement: "Come out and prepare to fight!"


Following Feng Tianyu's call, Zhan Fei and Dongfang Yu each led their own people out of the space house.

There are 1000 Zhanfei Guards, plus 1000 Zhenfeng Guards.The two joined forces to form a battle formation of 2000 people, protecting the wind and rain in it.

Feng Tianyu smiled, this was her last battle in the green theater.Whatever you say, let everyone experience this magnificent war.

"Ah Shui, and everyone in the ancient exploration team!" Feng Tianyu continued to call to the space house: "Ah Shui led your law enforcement team and protected everyone in the ancient exploration team to watch the battle!"


After Ah Shui led the law enforcement team out, he immediately surrounded the ancient team, Fang Xiaocui, Feng Tianyu, Feng Tianxing, Ji Xiaojie, Liu Qingqing, Xu Binger, and took care of them carefully.

Feng Tianyu continued to call: "Fang Yunxuan, Long Yue, lead all the elders of our department, come out to fight!"

"Yes! Yes!" Long Yue and Fang Yunxuan agreed to come out one after another.With the appearance of all the elders, the space room suddenly lit up bursts of dazzling streamer.The space house fired more than 200 people again, all of them were elders appointed by Feng Tianyu.

"Wanli!" Feng Tianyu continued to call to the space house: "Come out! Lead your law enforcement team and go to the front to replace Mao Gao and come back to join the battle!"

"Yes!" After Wan Li led his law enforcement team out, he hurriedly took orders to chase after Mao Gaotuan.

Seeing that everything that should come out has come out, Feng Tianyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.Her black eyes flashed with raging fighting intent, looking at the dark sky in the distance.

come on!Our battlefield is here!
Feng Tianyu decides to fight the final battle, and she will fight this battle.only……

"Yu'er, you are too mean, I have no objection to letting me be the bodyguard! But it's too wrong to fight without me."

Really lost to them!Feng Tianyu looked at Xu Yunfei, then at Wuqing, and then at his brothers and sisters who smiled at him ingratiatingly!

She wanted to stroke her forehead, this is a battlefield!It's life and death struggle, it's too late for others to hide!Why is it that with her, everyone is rushing into the battlefield?

"Big Brother, Second Sister, go to Ah Shui's place!" Feng Tianyu showed a big smile to his elder brother and sister, pointed at Ah Shui and his team of weak ones, and begged: "Please brother and sister to help Ah Shui take care of them." good them!"

Xu Yunfei, look at the sky mercilessly, this arrangement is too good.If they let them continue to protect them and fight.They were all about to cry.This is much more difficult than fighting by themselves.

Feng Tianlei and Feng Tianqing were trapped by their sister's words, they were ruthless to Xu Yunfei, and there was nothing left behind in seeking each other, so they could only cry out in their hearts that it was a pity, and walked honestly to the safe area where Ah Shui was.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Suddenly, 10,000+ purple-robed and purple-crown monks appeared in the space where the wind knife was roaring.This is definitely the elite of the Northwest Monks Union.

What a great atmosphere!
Feng Tianyu's heart trembled, Xu Yunfei was already standing side by side with Feng Tianyu.Wuqing held the Wuqing sword in his hand, obliquely blocking Feng Tianyu, Xu Yunfei, and the two of them.

Feeling warm in Feng Tianyu's heart, she stretched out her hand to pull Wuqing away, saying: "Wuqing! Go to Ah Shui's place, brother and sister want to watch the battle! You must protect them well."

Feng Tianyu handed over his space house to Wu Qing, which means that it is obvious that something is wrong.He had to let them go into the space room.

(End of this chapter)

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