Tears Fairy

Chapter 885

Chapter 885

From then on, very few monks were able to unlock it. After discovering this phenomenon, the male cultivator took a detour and sealed the male cultivator in the dantian.

Therefore, no male cultivator is willing to enter Ziyun City. After a long time, Ziyun City has formed a female cultivator of the same color.

From then on, male cultivators in Ziyun City are all furnace cauldrons, and male cultivators who come in recklessly are not furnace cauldrons, but will be turned into yes by the female cultivators in Ziyun City.

Feng Tianyu didn't know, even if she knew, she wasn't worried.Xu Yunfei has the extremely purple phoenix fire, and he is not afraid of the extremely yin aura of Shangyouming.

Most importantly, the group of them has converted the spiritual power of the cyan theater.It's not those monks who still maintain the spiritual power of the original continent.

It will take a certain period of time for the extremely yin spiritual energy of the Past Life River to seal the male cultivator's dantian. She is confident that Ah Shui and the others have converted the spiritual power of the cyan theater by virtue of it.It is impossible to be controlled by the River of Rebirth.

The next day, it was windy and rainy, and Miao Lanzhi continued to scan goods in Ziyun City with great interest.What Feng Tianyu is most happy about is that he has bought a large number of celestial herbs and medicines.

Xu Yunfei, Zhan Fei, only then did he deeply realize the words of the wind and rain yesterday.Especially Xu Yunfei, he really regretted it.

Who told him to look good!A furnace is what a female cultivator would want, let alone a pleasing one?Therefore, under the naked gaze of the city nun, Xu Yunfei really wanted to hide in the windy and rainy space room immediately.

For this reason, Feng Tianyu couldn't hold back his laughter.It is rare to have such a feminine big city. Not only is Feng Tianyu very interested, but Miao Lanzhi also wants to go shopping, so he winked at Xu Yunfei and asked her to persuade Feng Tianyu to go back.

Miao Lanzhi just blinked, seemingly not understanding.For Xu Yunfei's sympathy, she just kept it in her heart as if she didn't know it.

Later, I thought, didn't Ah Shui and Yun Xuan suffer the same?And it lasted half a day longer than them.

When Miao Lanzhi thought about it this way, the sympathy she put in her heart just now was forgotten by her again, and she didn't even think about the difference between Xu Yunfei and Fang Yunxuan.

Feng Tianyu was indifferent, so Xu Yunfei could only bitterly follow behind Feng Tianyu, who was sweeping the goods, and continued to accept it. The hot and naked eyes of a city of female nuns wandered in the streets and alleys of Ziyun City.

This is a tormenting test of perseverance. If there were no wind and rain, he would have used the sword brutally and blinded all the female cultivators who were staring at him.

Noon passed, and the big men finally stayed up until the evening. At this time, the two of them, who had harvested a lot of wind and rain, returned home contentedly.

Feng Tianyu announced, "That's all for today, let's continue tomorrow!"

Xu Yunfei felt like crying, and Fang Yunxuan also looked at Miao Lanzhi pitifully.Zhanfei, Ah Shui, also has hardships.However, in suffering, they are also willing.

They all silently read a word in their hearts, forbearance!It's just that the word "two feelings" gets heavier the more you read it.

After a difficult day, they finally endured for a day. Feng Tianyu's words finally ended the day's torment of the four big men.

Even if the torment has to continue tomorrow, at least today's torment has come to an end.

When a group of people walked back and forth to Xianke, Feng Tianyu frowned suddenly, and the careful Xu Yunfei immediately noticed, "Yu'er, what's wrong!"

Just now, Feng Tianyu suddenly had a feeling of being watched.When she went to sense it, it suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

"Nothing!" Feng Tianyu shook her head, she didn't want to affect their already wonderful mood.

Xu Yunfei obviously didn't believe Feng Tianyu's words, his deep eyes flashed like a deep pool, and his spiritual sense instantly covered the area. After searching every inch of his mind, he found no abnormal person.

Those who were not caught by Feng Tianyu first, Xu Yunfei later realized that they could still be searched there.While everyone was talking all the way, they soon returned to Cyclamen.

Just as the group of them walked into the cyclamen, another white figure stopped at the corner, took a deep look at the cyclamen, and then dodged quickly, submerged in the crowded crowd.

City Lord's Mansion, side hall, Gu Qiushui looked at the woman in white kneeling on the ground, stared at her sharply and said, "What do you want to do?"

The woman in white said calmly: "My lord, I just want to arrest someone who can threaten her!"

"Your thoughts?" Gu Qiushui said with a cold smile: "Placing your thoughts on top of Ziyun City, you are using Ziyun City to shield you from swords, right?

I advise you, put away your tricks!If Ziyun City succeeds, your share will be indispensable!Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel! "

"Since you are so scrupulous, City Lord, I will just do nothing, and my subordinates just wait and enjoy their achievements. Now, my subordinates will go to the guest courtyard to practice in seclusion and wait for the good news from the City Lord!"

The woman in white stood up, bowed to Gu Qiushui, and took her leave.

She is not the only one who is smart, Gu Qiushui saw that she was being honest, and the aura of Ling Ran on her face dropped sharply, so she waved to her and said, "Go!"

Xu Yunfei walked around the streets with Feng Tianyu for a day, and he really had lingering fears. He was extremely repulsed by Feng Tianyu's idea of ​​visiting Ziyun City.

But if he didn't follow her, he was extremely reluctant.Regarding Ziyun City, he only knew a few words from the local annals.

This place where women in this city is a place is scary even if he thinks about it, but if he doesn't follow, if Feng Tianyu gets involved with Ziyun City.Who is he going to complain about?
Today, he deeply felt that what was wrong with Ziyun City, no matter how much he trusted Feng Tianyu, he didn't want to take any chances, the only way for this was to follow her closely.No one is given a chance to take advantage of it.

This was a pain for him. After eating and drinking, Xu Yunfei racked his brains and couldn't come up with a good reason to dissuade Feng Tianyu from going shopping the next day while they were drinking tea and chatting.

He couldn't say, Yu'er, I'm worried about you, because you were assimilated by this weird female cultivator.So, I beg you to dispel the idea of ​​continuing shopping.

If he really said it, Feng Tianyu would definitely embarrass him.Co-author, is Feng Tianyu such a weak-willed person?
In the end, Xu Yunfei had no choice but to use the drag formula, and said to Feng Tianyu: "Yu'er, don't you want the second sister, aunt, and them to relax in Ziyun City for a few days?

Why don't you wait for them, let's hang out together after you have stabilized your cultivation and leave the level!There are many people and it's lively, isn't it? "

Fang Yunxuan tugged on his wife's sleeve.Miao Lanzhi glanced at her husband, and looked at his eyes with a pleading expression.Finally relented.

"Sister Yu'er, Young Master Xu is very polite, if we all go shopping first, and next time we go shopping with Sister Tianqing, we will lose the sense of freshness and strangeness.

Why don't we wait for Tianqing's sisters to go to the West Street and South Plaza that we didn't visit? "

Miao Lanzhi's words saved Xu Yunfei's one-man show.Feng Tianyu took a look at everyone, saw that everyone was nodding, and then said with a smile: "You big men.

If you don't feel it personally, what kind of expression does each of them have on the happiness of a little green among thousands of flowers?
I've really convinced you, so let's just depend on you, after the second sister and aunt leave the customs, just hang out together. "

Feng Tianyu gave Miao Lanzhi a funny look, and jokingly said: "Sister Lanzhi, you really have a deep relationship with Brother Yunxuan, you are willing to sacrifice your own interests as soon as he begs you."

"Sister Yu'er!" Miao Lanzhi, who was exposed by Feng Tianyu, suddenly glowed, she looked shyly at Feng Tianyu, and Feng Tianyu smiled teasingly.

(End of this chapter)

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