Tears Fairy

Chapter 93 Robbery

Chapter 93 Robbery
Under the reluctant eyes of his older brothers and sisters, Feng Tianyu boarded the flying boat returning to North College, Feng Tianyu waved his hands reluctantly, and had more expectations for the secret realm of the void.

The trip to the Void Secret Realm will be a bloody road, and she will compete with the hunters who enter the Void Secret Realm.

Void Secret Realm!

Hunter Alliance!
Maybe the space community...

Let the space community warm up before the secret realm is opened.

Feng Tianyu entered her own cabin, calming down the impetuous mood caused by parting from her elder brother and sister.Rubbing his hands on his face for a while, Huang Yu turned into a gray robe in his mind.

When traveling outside, one has to be careful in everything. Arrogance has always been a label of short life. If she wants to live well, she must plan everything.Never put yourself in danger.

Half an hour later, Feng Tianyu arrived at the chariot and horse station in the North College area smoothly.With her super senses and powerful soul, she immediately noticed the abnormality at the carriage station. Her eyes flashed on her dark and old face, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Feng Tianyu followed the crowd in a burst of spiritual scans, and left the chariot and horse station where the masters were like clouds calmly.

In the affiliated campus, in the small courtyard of Tsinghua University, after Feng Tianyu handed the secret letter to Feng Wuxin, he confessed, then left the small courtyard, and walked quickly to the college, she wanted to improve her cultivation.

After returning to the academy, Feng Tianyu found that he had overlooked the fact that his cultivation methods like ordinary people were of no use to him.

Feng Tianyu, who is cautious everywhere in the space world, felt depressed for a while, and she didn't dare to expose her cultivation method in the academy, so as to build a bridge between heaven, earth and man to practice, how should she improve her cultivation?

Yes, with a thought, the person has appeared on Jin Yunding above Jin Yuxiang's cave, a ring appeared out of thin air on the palm of his hand, and the ground was sprinkled with top-quality spirit stones with a wave of his hand.

To be rich is to be willful. Looking at the best Lingshi Fengtianyu in the place, she smiled. She has all the wealth and wealth that is indispensable for cultivating immortals, and she has worked hard to cultivate herself. Can she still fall behind? ?
At this time, Feng Tianyu sat cross-legged on a futon made of nine-section spirit silk grass, and began to practice hard.

Time passed quietly, and the top-grade spirit stones on the ground were consumed, and they began to turn from silent to strong whirling aura, which began to pour into Feng Tianyu's body with the whirring wind in the whirling rhythm driven by cultivation...

In the area of ​​Zhongyuan College, in the sales department of the commercial city in the center of the square, Feng Tianlei spent 500 million top-grade spirit stones to buy a medium-sized [-]-story independent building. In front is a wide white rock square, and in the back is a beautiful rockery garden.

Four brothers and sisters, Feng Tianlei, after the younger sister boarded the flying boat and flew away, the four combined the behavior and words of the younger sister before leaving.Determined to form their own forces in the seven colleges in the east, they decided to spend huge sums of money to buy a base to develop their forces.

On the top floor of the fifteenth floor, the four of them doubled over the layout and decided to make the fifteenth floor the highest decision-making building of the power and the private space of the five brothers and sisters.

After the floor decoration is arranged, there is a large hall in the center of the floor, which is also the highest meeting room of the forces.A small living room at the rear is used as a conference hall for five siblings.

At this time, the four brothers and sisters were sitting around a small conference table, racking their brains for the name of the power.

"Brother, let's call the faction the Brotherhood Alliance!" Feng Tianxing suggested.

"No, it's probably brothers, so how can Yu and I join?" Feng Tianqing immediately objected.

"How about the Heaven and Earth Alliance?" Feng Tianlei said with a twitch in his heart.

Feng Tianxing's eyes brightened, "I think it's okay, domineering and distinctive!"

"I think it's okay!" Feng Tianqing nodded with a smile.

"Third brother, what do you think?" Feng Tianlei asked Feng Tianyu for his opinion.

"The name is said to be excellent, but I don't know if the eldest brother will take the lead! Or let Yu'er take the title of alliance leader?"

Feng Tianyu looked at his elder brother seriously and asked with a smile.

"Yu'er? If Yu'er is the leader, Brother Yu seems to have a good name?" Feng Tianlei looked at the third brother with certainty, he knew that the third brother was always calm and strategic.

"Yu'er, in the fight in the grove in the afternoon, even though she used talisman battles, her aura of a king who dominates the world, I still feel excited when I think about it now, that is the aura of a strong man, brother, look, How about the League of Kings?"

"Alliance of Kings?"

"Alliance of Kings!"

"Alliance of Kings!"

Feng Tianlei whispered, looked at Feng Tianqing and Feng Tianxing who were speaking forward and backward, nodded suddenly and said: "I agree with Brother Yu's suggestion!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"So let's name it after Sister Yu'er's royal demeanor!"

"Okay!" The three of them said "Hello" in unison, and since then another power has risen in the Tianyuan Continent!

However, the pattern of the Xiuxian family is completely...

In the golden cloud item in the Genesis Pearl, Feng Tianyu finally broke through from the peak of the early stage of alchemy to the middle stage of alchemy after consuming 1000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, and quickly climbed from the fourth level of alchemy to the peak of the fifth level of alchemy, and then Following the momentum of the breakthrough, he entered the early stage of the sixth layer of alchemy, and finally stopped at the middle stage of the sixth layer of alchemy.

After reaping the power, Feng Tianyu put away the top-quality spirit stones from all over the place, piled up a thousand wild beast crystals and began to practice the Law of Promise.

Wuji Law Kung Fu has been practiced to the fourth stage, the fourth form of Wuji Taiyin Finger has been practiced, and the fifth form of Yinshen Finger of Wuji Taiyin Finger has been practiced.

It is imperative to break through the Wuji Law exercises. The Wuji Taiyin Finger is the corresponding form of the Wuji Law exercises. If the Wuji Law exercises have not been practiced to the fifth level, the fifth form of the Wuji Taiyin Finger cannot be practiced.

As soon as the desolate beast spar came out of the land of punishment from heaven, it became a bright and dazzling existence, in which the power of origin was extremely rich, and a thousand spar placed on the ground, it was a thousand ancient desolate beasts compressed by the punishment of heaven. The energy in the barren beast spar is beyond the comprehension of the current Tianyuan Continent.

Feng Tianyu couldn't sit still, the exercises flowed in his heart, and after exhaling, he began to practice, one hour, two hours...

Feng Tianyu sighed and had no choice but to stop. The Promise Law has reached the fourth level, and it has always stopped at the peak of the fourth level. After practicing for two hours, it has only increased a little bit of vitality. What is gratifying is that the soul However, the strength has successfully entered the fifth level of the Law of Promise.

After finishing his work, Feng Tianyu produced the Creation Orb, performed a cleansing technique, took out a pot of spirit tea and began to taste it carefully, and after he calmed down a little bit, he opened the door and went out.

"Uh, Feng Tianyu, have you heard that Feng Mingxuan, who had just entered the Nascent Soul Dacheng Class in the senior year, was severely injured by a man in black wearing a mask to isolate his spiritual consciousness when he returned to the academy, and became a cripple? , is being sent back to the wind by the academy's law enforcement team at this time..."

"Feng Mingxuan?"

Feng Tianyu was startled, and grabbed the speaking roommate to confirm.

"Ugh, it hurts"

"Oh, sorry!"

"It's Feng Mingxuan, it's so miserable, it's being carried to the academy square, ready to..."

Huh, the good girl who was talking stared at Feng Tianyu who flashed out of the hall, and stopped what she wanted to say. By the way, Feng Tianyu is also a member of the Feng family, so it is understandable that she is nervous.

But isn't the academy the safest place in the space world?Now such a bloody incident happened outside the gate of the college, and the men in black bloodily attacked and killed the students who entered the college... This is also terrifying!

The girl's heart trembled at the thought of this, and the mood of gossip disappeared in an instant, replaced by worries about the safety factor.This might just be the beginning….

"Second Uncle!"

Several college law enforcement officers on the square were about to lift the people on the stretcher into the hired carriage, a cold and mournful cry made the college law enforcement officers stop what they were doing, and suddenly turned to look at the person calling for the second uncle.

"This is my second uncle. Please help me carry my second uncle to the carriage. I will take him to the affiliated courtyard."

Feng Tianyu ignored the law enforcement of the college who was looking at her, and first identified the injured, and seeing that it was indeed his second uncle Feng Mingxuan, he felt a pain in his heart, and a trace of ruthlessness surged in his heart.When she looked up, her face regained her calmness, and she calmly glanced at the academy law enforcement officer who was looking at her and said calmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, there's no need to send it back to Fengcheng. This student, please fill in the claim record here." A deacon took out a record book and asked Feng Tianyu to sign the claim name.

Several other law enforcement officers helped to carry Feng Mingxuan into the carriage.

After Feng Tianyu signed his name, he calmly and unquestionably uttered to several college law enforcement officers, "Second Uncle was injured outside the gate of the college. I will truthfully report it to the Lord Fengcheng. Now I am concerned about the safety of the college. I am very worried, and have deep doubts about the college, Feng Tianyu, please enforce the law and personally escort the second uncle to the affiliated college."

"This... alright!" The leading college law enforcement hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement. After all, it was their task to escort the injured students of the college, not to mention that there was really a problem with the safety of the college!Now the students in the college must be in danger.

Fengcheng, Yuanshen?snort!Ten elders, I will make you completely disappear from this world, Feng Tianyu clenched his fists, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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