Tears Fairy

Chapter 95 Hunting

Chapter 95 Hunting
Feng Tianyu entered Feng Mingxuan's room after Fu Juan and her group of six left with Feng Wuxin, and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief seeing that Feng Mingxuan's physical injuries had almost healed. The dantian recovered slowly, but fortunately it was able to recover in the end, otherwise grandma would be sad again.

In his mind, he took out a king-level golden fragrant fruit and fed it into the second uncle's mouth. After sighing sadly, he turned and left the second uncle's room.

On the corners of Feng Mingxuan's closed eyes, two tears slipped quietly across his cheeks and rolled down on the pillow towel, leaving two water stains on the pillow towel.

A gust of wind blew outside the window, and the wet pillow towel became dry after a while, as if nothing had happened.

Feng Tianyu was wearing a gray robe and pushing a cart of heavenly-grade bilingual fruit, wandering the streets and alleys outside the North College. She did not use the power of divine sense to explore everywhere, but captured every place with her soul power. The abnormalities, carefully note down the place with a strong and suppressed aura.

All the way to sell the sky-level spiritual fruit, while drawing the route distribution map in the spiritual consciousness.

One day, two days, and the third day, Feng Tianyu pushed the Lingguo cart and parked at the door of a white mansion, and the mixed and powerful aura leaked out of it, this place is definitely a den of a powerful force.

"Selling ling fruit, selling ling fruit! The fragrant and sweet heaven-level green ling fruit is the only one in this family. If you miss it, there will be no more. Hey, those who pass by, come and have a look, take a look, The fresh, delicious and aura-rich biling fruit..."

"Yo, it really is a sky-level biling fruit, give me ten catties,"


"Oh, it really is a fresh heaven-level spiritual fruit, it's really a good thing, let me weigh fifty catties for the young master."


"It smells so good, the boss bought a hundred catties."

"It's so fragrant, heavenly fruit, ouch, I have to save some for my grandfather!"

"I also want……"

With the swarm of passers-by buying and bursting with compliments, the tall courtyard door in the mansion finally opened, and two men in gray robes wearing the same attire came out from the inside.

Under the scanning of Feng Tianyu's soul power, the two hidden cultivation bases were immediately exposed to Feng Tianyu's eyes.

Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen.

"We'll pack the rest of the fruit. This is [-] top-grade spirit stones."

A tall, thin gray-clothed monk threw a brocade bag to Feng Tianyu, and waved his hands to collect all the spiritual fruits left on Feng Tianyu's cart.

"When the fresh fruit is sold out, leave quickly, let's go, and don't make noise outside the door in the future."

Another short, fat man in gray reminded her aloud, and waved her to leave quickly.

"Ming Yun, what are you talking about with him, just throw him out if you don't leave, he's just a small qi training handyman."

"Come on!"

When the squat gray monk waved her to go quickly, there was a flash of pity in his eyes.

"Thank you, I'm leaving now,"

Ming Yun?
Feng Tianyu looked back at the tall courtyard door that was closing, a pair of wolf-like eyes were hidden in a gap of one foot in the door.

Hehe, interesting!
After three days of wind and rain, he walked all over the streets and alleys of the North College area, and a complete map of the dark and light forces' dens appeared in his mind.

When returning to Tsinghua University, Feng Wuxin took a temporary application form and asked Feng Tianyu for instructions:
"Master, Fu Juan and the others respectively used one floor as a development base. This is the result of my discussion with the five of them. Take a look."

"I have given you the full power to handle this area. You have absolute decision-making power and I only look at the results. The specific operation is your authority. By the way, Uncle Feng, use some talents who are good at management at the right time. Remember, you Your cultivation is the most important thing."

"Yes, master, master, this is a record of selected names formed by our forces, master to see which one is suitable, or master to name it directly!"

"Angel of the Wind, um, whose masterpiece is this?" Feng Tianyu looked at the six remark names, pointed to one of them and asked.

"It's Fu Juan. She said that they are all the master's people. You let them climb from the bottom to the clouds and become angels who save the brothers and sisters at the bottom. So she thinks that the angel of the wind is very suitable and meaningful!"

"Is it suitable for the occasion? If that's the case, then let her be the angel of Tianyuan Continent, and her name should be called Angel of the Wind as she wishes!"

"Okay, master, shall I inform them now?"


Feng Tianyu waved his hand, and walked towards the second uncle's room, Feng Wuxin saluted, and immediately walked quickly to the base of Angel of the Wind.

Feng Tianyu checked the recovery status of the second uncle as usual. Everything is recovering on the positive side. The sea of ​​knowledge has recovered half of the efficacy of the Primordial Spirit Pill. Dan fed it into the mouth of the second uncle.

Sighing lightly, the second uncle is just the fire that the Hunter Alliance ignited the family civil war!
The night is beautiful tonight, under the silver moonlight, the pedestrians on the street gradually become scarce. However, the wind and rain in Tsinghua University just woke up, and the clean moonlight shining through the window is full of lazy smiles .

That's great, League of Kings.

The stagnant water in Tianyuan Continent has been slowly muddied by himself, and his ancestors have given his brothers and sisters two Guardians of God Transformation, so their safety has been guaranteed.The establishment of forces is also the general trend, and their time has come.

"Hehehe!" Feng Tianyu smiled lightly, turned over and got out of the big soft bed, and after leaving the big bed, she also became sharp from a lazy state.

Under the night moon, the area of ​​North College was completely silent, and the smell of blood blew in the wind, spreading everywhere with the wind.

The corner of Feng Tianyu's mouth curled into a smile, and the fifth den appeared in front of him, hehe, he sneered, hum, don't blame me for being cruel.


"who is it?"

"The one who will get you to heaven."

A girl holding a sword floated down in the courtyard. There was a sad smile on her plain face, but there were two teardrops hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"Do you have that skill?"

The man in gray laughed, turned into a mighty force to attack the girl holding the sword, stretched out his hand and slapped it, and a big handprint fell from the sky in an instant and completely enveloped the girl.


The man in gray's laughter stopped abruptly, and with a scream, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief, "Bang", with a bang, the man fell down at the same time as the teardrops on the girl's cheeks fell to the ground.

The man in gray is the highest leader of the Hunter Alliance stationed in the North College area.He was a cultivator of transforming spirits, but died at the hands of a female cultivator who formed alchemy. He was filled with infinite doubts and perplexity, and his eyes were always staring in disbelief.

After taking off the two storage rings, the wind and rain blow through the yard like a gust of wind, and all the useful items are swept away.

Feng Tianyu visited the dens of nine forces one after another, like killing a god in the night, after hunting and killing three of the nine dens, Feng Tianyu looked up at the tall courtyard gate of the white mansion that was last investigated today ?

"Hehehe! Is it a formation?"

Feng Tianyu sneered, and a superimposed formation-breaking talisman was thrown over the courtyard gate, and the superimposed talisman floated silently towards the protective formation of the courtyard gate. After the water ripples shook slightly, a hole appeared in the protective formation .


After the wind and rain passed through the entrance of the cave like a gust of wind, the entrance of the cave returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

"You are one of the top ten elders of the Elite Hall, and you are also the commanding elder who verified the core disciples of the Qitai Academy, we should listen to you.

But this order you issued, please forgive us for not being able to agree and not being willing to carry it out, Ming Yun is willing to ask the Tenth Elder to take it back. "

"Take it back? Ming Yun, I only need to charge you with a crime of treason. If you die ten thousand times, no one will reverse the case for you. Are you sure you would rather die than carry out my order?"

The cold voice of the ten elders rang in Ming Yun's ears, completely ignoring them.

"Ming Kuan, you also want to be stubborn!"

"Elder Ten, I'm sorry, but without conclusive evidence, I would rather die than bear the charge of killing my family members."

"Evidence? There will be, and you will also have evidence of treason. Hahaha, take down Ming Yun and Ming Kuan, the scum of the two clans!"

The ten elders stared at Ming Yun and Ming Kuan with cold, bloodthirsty eyes, and gave orders mercilessly.

"Hula," the two men in black standing quietly at the side immediately restrained Ming Yun and Ming Kuan who did not resist.

"We are not convinced, we will definitely appeal to the hall master, we are not rebellious!"




Shocked, the two of Ming Yun called you in surprise, and then they were put on a spirit lock ring, and their spiritual power was immediately locked into their bodies.

"My lord, do you want to detain them?"

"No need, take it down immediately, and after processing it, immediately prepare the evidence of treason for the two of them. Hmm! Just report and convict with the evidence of the disabled direct descendant Feng Mingxuan, hahaha..."

"Ten Elders, what kind of envoy are you? You are the rebel of the Wind Clan, Fengying, you are the rebel of the Wind Clan..."

Ming Yun suddenly realized that the so-called traitors of the elite hall Yinyiwei were all created by Fengying. It is a pity that more than a dozen brothers of the Yinyiwei were sent to the Land of Heaven's Punishment with the evidence of treason.

"You know too late, hehehe! Send them on their way."


There was a sound of pushing and shoving outside the door, and two gray-clothed monks, one tall and thin and one short, were brought into a secret room by two expressionless black-clothed monks...

"Hey hey, those who follow me will live, those who go against me will die, hahaha! The source of wind is deep, your good days are coming to an end."

The ten elders glanced darkly across the silent night sky, and looked towards the direction of Fengcheng with a ferocious and terrifying face.

(End of this chapter)

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