Tears Fairy

Chapter 984 Departing from Xichang City

Chapter 984 Departing from Xichang City

This night, everyone drank to their heart's content, it can be said that the host and guest had a good time.When Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei returned to the Red Moon Tower, the moon was already in the sky.

"Yu'er, good night!" Xu Yunfei sent Feng Tianyu into the bedroom, and stood at the door saying good night.

"Good night!" Feng Tianyu closed the door with a smile.

As soon as the door was closed, Xu Yunfei did not return to his room.Just sit cross-legged outside the door of the house in the wind and rain.

Feng Tianyu felt it, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but he didn't make a sound to drive him back to his room.With him guarding the door, she thought, she should sleep more soundly!

Inside the door, Feng Tianyu fell into a sweet dream, and outside the door, Xu Yunfei also felt extremely peaceful and at ease.

The next day, just after dawn, more than 1 monks from the Fengmeng League had gathered in the Martial Arts Field.

"Knock, knock!" Outside Feng Tianyu's room, Xu Yunfei got up and knocked on Feng Tianyu's closed door.

"Yu'er, wake up, everyone has assembled, we'll be waiting for you!" The door rang three times, Xu Yunfei didn't hear Feng Tianyu getting up, so he couldn't help calling softly.

"Oh, I see!"

Finally, Feng Tianyu's lazy voice came from inside the door, Xu Yunfei smiled dotingly, turned around and walked quickly to the small restaurant.

Eating, drinking and sleeping have always been the daily routine of cultivating immortals.If you sleep well every day, you must take care of your stomach.

When the wind and rain came out, Xu Yunfei had just prepared his breakfast.

"Come on!" Xu Yunfei pulled out the dining chair, pushed Feng Tianyu to sit down, and then placed a bowl of Lingmi porridge in front of her.

Feng Tianyu took a sip of the porridge, and then took a piece of spiritual rice cake and chewed it carefully.Xu Yunfei saw that she was eating deliciously.Immediately, he also felt that his mouth was wide open. While drinking the porridge, he took a piece of browned shortbread and started to eat it.

After finishing a bowl of Lingmi porridge, he put down the bowl and ate another piece of shortbread.Satisfied, he stopped his chopsticks, looked at Xu Yunfei with a beaming smile and said, "It tastes delicious!"

"Hmm!" Xu Yunfei gulped down a mouthful of spiritual porridge, and after saying yes, picked up a piece of spiritual rice cake and began to chew.

"I'm done eating! You eat slowly!" Feng Tianyu held a piece of red bean cake for Xu Yunfei in a great mood, "This taste is also good, try it!"

"Very sweet!" Xu Yunfei took a sip. Although he doesn't like sweetness, the red bean cake was brought about by wind and rain.When he tasted it, he felt that the sweetness seemed to be added with honey, which made him have an endless aftertaste.

"Yu'er, I'm done eating!" Xu Yunfei smiled happily and put down the chopsticks in his hand.Too full.If he didn't want to maintain an elegant image, Xu Yunfei really wanted to reach out and touch his stomach.

Feng Tianyu smiled, stretched out Xu Yunfei's forehead, stood up and said, "Let's go when you're full!"

Feng Tianyu, Xu Yunfei, the two of them had just walked out of the compound of Hongyuelou when they saw Fang Congxin and Fang Congzhou brothers waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

The two brothers, when they saw Feng Tianyu coming out, they rushed forward and said: "Master Feng, brother Xu, we brothers will send you out of the city."

Feng Tianyu hesitated for a moment, "This~"

Fang Congxin cupped his hands and said sincerely: "Please don't refuse, Master Feng!"

"OK, thanks!"

When the four of them walked from the Hongyue Tower to the Martial Arts Field, the sky was already bright.On the martial arts arena, there are more than 8000 people from Fengmeng, and the formation is neat and solemn.

Ah Shui, Hong Lin, Zhan Fei, and Wan Li are the leaders of the 8000 people, and they are also the obvious strengths to march into Xichang City.

When the four of them saw Feng Tianyu and his party coming, they rushed out to salute Feng Tianyu and his party one by one.

"The leader! The deputy leader! The leader! The chief deacon!"

Feng Tianyu waved his hands and said solemnly: "Excuse me! Return to the team! Let's go!"


Fang Congzhou, who had regained his confidence, saw the terrifying lineup in front of him.The lingering apprehension about Feng Tianyu's hasty actions has completely dissipated.

He felt in his heart that he knew too little about Feng Tianyu, so he had unnecessary doubts in the face of Feng Tianyu who was full of confidence.

The neat team of the Fengmeng, under Feng Tianyu's order, began to go to the red clothes to teach laymen.

Fang Congzhou personally drove the dragon carriage to deliver the wind and rain, and Xu Yunfei and Xu Yunfei went out of the city.

After leaving the city, brothers Fang Congxin and Fang Congzhou personally prepared wine as a farewell party for everyone in Fengmeng, until Fengtianyu and they boarded the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft.When the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft disappeared into the sky, the two brothers returned to the city silently.

If before, Fang Congxin doubted his brother's judgment.Now he has completely convinced him.Feng Tianyu and Xu Yunfei seem to have low cultivation bases, but he knows Feng Tianyu's combat power.

Today he personally saw the strength of Feng Tianyu's Fengmeng.Fengmeng not only has a strong lineup, but also has strict team discipline.It can be seen at a glance that this is a team that has gone through countless bloody battles.

Because of his cognition, he no longer worried about being implicated by wind and rain.At least, Feng Tianyu's challenge this time.He is not worried that the Wind League will fail.

Cardinals have a one-year buffer.If Feng Tianyu really wants to enter the next city and launch the next challenge in a year's time.

The Red Clothes Sect has the 100 million blue sand that Feng Tianyu gave as agreed.As long as he increases the benefits of the teaching by [-]%, the overall strength of the teaching staff will increase.

Even if Feng Tianyu failed in the end, they would not panic when things really came to an end.

On the way back, Fang Congzhou looked at the silent elder brother, and suddenly asked, "Brother, are you relieved now?"

"Don't worry!" Fang Congxin nodded, looked at his calm younger brother with admiration and said, "Big Brother knows, Big Brother's vision has never been as good as your younger brother!

The future of the Red Clothes Sect cannot be achieved only with your elder brother. Without your wise eyes, the Red Clothes Sect would have ceased to exist long ago. "

"I can't see through wind and rain!"

Fang Congzhou sighed, and suddenly said with far-sighted eyes: "Feng Tianyu is a truly invisible person. What we see now is not even the tip of the iceberg.

During the time I have known her, I have been trying to really get to know her.It's just that the more I understand, the more confused I feel!
Because, every time I think to uncover her mystery and see through the person who recognizes her.Only to find that she was still covered with a veil of mystery. "

Fang Congxin looked at his younger brother with some frustration. The younger brother just thought too seriously, "No matter how mysterious Feng Tianyu is. We just need to know that she is our ally."

The brother's simplicity brought Fang Congzhou back to his senses. He smiled at his brother and put aside the mystery of Feng Tianyu.

Brother is right, in the blue war zone.No matter who is disadvantaged by the wind and rain, it will benefit the Red Clothes Sect in the end.As for leaving the blue war zone, what would Feng Tianyu think of them.It depends on what they do in the blue war zone.

Feng Tianyu didn't know that after they left, Fang Congzhou and Fang Congxin communicated, and the future of the Red Clothes Sect had already been determined.

After the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft flew to the high altitude from Dawu City, because the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft carried a lot of people, it headed from the outermost periphery to the depth.

Under the two factors, the flying speed of the five-color auspicious cloud aircraft suddenly dropped a lot.

Originally, it could fly thousands of miles in an hour, but its current flying speed can only fly thousands of miles in an hour.The wind and rain are really urgent and useless.

(End of this chapter)

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