Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 171 Holy Black Frenzy·Champion of the Emperor of the Black Templar

Chapter 171 Holy Black Frenzy·The Emperor's Champion of the Black Templar ([-])
【Your roar is still echoing in the communication channel. 】

[The battle rapid-fire guns of the seventeen Knight Titans let out terrifying screams. 】

[Shrapnel shells that were enough to tear apart the thick armor of a Leman Ruth tank passed through the fierce wind and snow, and exploded in the sky above the battle group's position. 】

[In an instant, countless scattered metal projectiles were like miniature explosive bombs. 】

[It easily penetrated the ceramic steel shell of the power armor, and forcibly shattered the strong body of the monk Astartes. 】

[A large number of Astartes monks who had no time to dodge were completely torn into pieces of flesh and blood by the storm of metal projectiles. 】

[Even if a large number of think tank brothers of the Psychic Department try to use spiritual energy barriers to block them, it will not help at all. 】

[Almost every burst of shrapnel will annihilate all the combat brothers in a crusader squad. 】

[Seventeen Knight Titans fired only one round of shelling, and nearly a hundred Astartes monks fell into a state of irreversible serious casualties. 】

[At this moment, facing such a powerful knight titan, even the monks of the Astartes seem to be indistinguishable from ordinary people. 】

["Land Raiders stepped forward to form a wall of armored vehicles to build a protective barrier for the combat brothers! Block the combat rapid-fire guns of the Knight Titans! Contact the strike cruiser at the same time! We need fire support for orbital bombing!" You immediately turned to the communication channel A calm command was issued. 】

【You swung the 'Black Sword' again, slashing and killing the mortal puppets everywhere around you. 】

【You forcefully set up the storm shield, and quickly moved in the direction of the Knight Titan's attack. 】

[The next moment, your combat command received responses from many combat brothers. 】

[Land Raiders turned around in an instant. They continued to crush the flesh and blood of mortal puppets, and quickly rushed to the flank of the battle group. 】

[After all the Land Raiders arrived at the predetermined position, they turned their tracks across the body, and connected head to tail to form a dense wall of armored vehicles, buying more opportunities and time for the combat brothers to attack. 】

[However, accompanied by another volley of the Knight Titan's seventeen combat rapid-fire guns, and the roar of the secondary weapon heavy logging gun. 】

[The dozen or so Land Raiders closest to us were pierced through their thick armor by large-caliber bullets and metal projectiles, and turned into a pile of huge exploding fireballs. 】

[At this moment, Thunderhawk transport planes transporting ammunition supplies quickly took off. 】

[They launched an indomitable dive attack towards the rebel Titans ahead. 】

[Terrifying firepower from the turbolaser cannon and large-caliber battle cannon continuously poured on the blue ion shield of Knight Titan. 】

[One of the Knight Titans was quickly focused on by the battle guns of more than a dozen Thunderhawk transport planes, and the ion shield that burst like a bubble temporarily lost its protective effect. 】

[The next moment, more terrifying firepower landed on the huge metal body abruptly, causing excessive damage to the body structure in the blink of an eye, and causing the opponent to fall heavily to the ground and paralyzed. 】

[The remaining Knight Titans were also covered by the laser beams and shells of the Thunderhawk transporter, even though most of the firepower was blocked by the deflection of the ion shield. 】

[However, some firepower still caused damage to the Knight Titan, and temporarily prevented the Knight Titan from resuming its offensive bombardment. 】

[At the same time, the heavy fire team of the Astartes monks and the Land Raiders once again set off their metal storms, and the heavy explosive bombs that were constantly exploding desperately consumed the protective power of the ion shield, attacking for the battle group Knight Titans played an important role. 】

[The next moment, under the cover of the firepower of the Land Raiders and the close combat of other combat brothers, several Crusader squads carrying melta bombs began to launch a desperate charge towards the sixteen Knight Titans . 】

[Fire support due to orbital bombing has not yet arrived. 】

[Without the strong support of the Terminator squad and even more large firepower vehicles, the Astartes monks of the Black Templar can only use a more primitive attack method. 】

[You are struggling to drive the Seiko Power Armor through the tide of flesh and blood of the mortal puppets. 】

[The scalding blood from the mortal puppet almost stained your 'Armor of Faith' red. 】

[You quickly passed the center of the battle group, rushed out of the battle group's front line, and joined the crusaders who were charging. 】

[The arrival of the emperor's champion seems to have greatly encouraged all the fighting brothers of the Crusader squad, and even their speed of advancement seems to have increased a lot. 】

[The Rebel Titans seem to have noticed your movements. 】

[Even though the fierce artillery fire from the Thunderhawk transport plane and the Land Raider never stopped, the firepower of several Knight Titans still covered you in your direction. 】

[You let out a battle roar. 】

[You rushed to the front of the team first. 】

[Accompanied by the cracking and scattering of countless metal fragments, the large-caliber bullets from heavy logging guns continuously bombarded the protective force field formed by the iron halo. 】

[The continuous low hum of the power backpack behind you almost became a terrifying piece of music. 】

[At this moment, a shrapnel that forcibly pierced through the metal storm hit the sky above the team with a terrifying scream. 】

[You quickly caught the trajectory of the shrapnel through the eyepiece. 】

[You suddenly set up the storm shield in your palm, and your thick magnetic boots quickly stomped on the ground. 】

【Your tall body jumped up in an instant, and hit the shrapnel that was about to explode. 】

[A burst of fierce explosion burst into the air, and countless scattered metal projectiles were blocked by your storm shield and the protective force field of the iron halo, and only a few metal projectiles shot at the fighting brothers behind you them. 】

【You were blasted back dozens of meters by the shrapnel explosion, and fell heavily on the ground. 】

[Even if the storm shield and iron halo block most of the damage for you. 】

[You seem to still taste the rusty taste of blood in your mouth and nose. 】

[However, your heroic behavior not only reduced the casualties of the Crusader squad, but also completely inspired the fighting morale of the monks of the Black Templar. 】

[Prayer scriptures from countless Astartes monks resounded throughout the battlefield. Along with the blessings of the priests, they even abruptly pushed back the tide of flesh and blood composed of mortal puppets. 】

[The next moment, several Crusader squads charging extremely fast also arrived near a platform knight Titan. 】

[The engines of Thunderhawk transport planes let out a huge howl, and the pilots who cooperated tacitly with the brothers of the battle group did not need to communicate and command, they continued to circle and launched a dive attack. 】

[Missiles emitting dazzling white light from their tails were launched one after another from the bottom of the wing, continuously bombarding the crumbling ion shields of the Knight Titans. 】

[In an instant, a dozen Knight Titans covered by countless concentrated firepower stepped back one after another, their heavy metal feet stomping on the ground non-stop, sending out a huge concussion and roar. 】

[Accompanied by the attack of terrifying firepower, the ion shields of several Knight Titans once again shattered like bubbles. 】

[The metal storm from the Land Raider and the heavy fire team seized the short-lived opportunity, and unexpectedly penetrated the thick armor abruptly, smashing the cockpit of these Knight Titans. 】

[Following that, there was a huge roar as the three knight titans fell to the ground. 】

【More than a dozen melta bombs were also thrown by the fighting brothers, and flew towards the joints and the cockpit of the remaining thirteen Knight Titans. 】

[However, these Astartes cultivators who had just completed the throwing task and had no time to dodge were completely enveloped by the storm of bullets fired by the Knight Titan's heavy logging gun in the next second. 】

[Even if the strength of the ceramic steel armor can withstand it for a while, the weak parts such as the neck and joints of the power armor are still easily penetrated by successive large-caliber bullets, completely tearing the tall bodies of the combat brothers into pieces. piece. 】

[At this moment, the scorching heat from the melta bomb completely enveloped the remaining Knight Titans. 】

[Another four Knight Titans whose ion shields were forcibly broken by the flames of the explosion endured the concentrated firepower of the battle group, and then their huge metal bodies fell heavily to the ground. 】

[In the blink of an eye, only nine of the seventeen Knight Titans remained. 】

[However, the Black Templars also paid a great price for this. 】

[The monks Astartes who launched the desperate charge were almost wiped out, and even the ammunition reserves of the Thunderhawk transport plane and the Land Raider were almost exhausted. 】

[Once the suppression of the firepower of countless vehicles stops for a while, the Knight Titans that re-display their powerful firepower will inevitably bring unbearable heavy casualties to the entire wargroup. 】

["How long will the orbital bombing be in place!" You slapped the metal helmet and shouted at the communication device. 】

【You are re-charging the Rebel Titan ahead, trying to attract the opponent's firepower. 】

[You stare through the eyepiece at the huge metal body of the Nine Knight Titans who are constantly moving, trying to avoid the sharp edge of the battle group's firepower. 】

【Just when you are hesitating whether to use melta bombs to die with several Knight Titans. 】

【You suddenly noticed something, and suddenly lifted the metal helmet. 】

[The next second, a series of terrifying beams of light from above the orbit crashed down, quickly shattering the thick clouds, and at the same time accurately covering the huge metal body of the knight titan. 】

【"Fuck!" You subconsciously cursed out a curse word. 】

【You instantly reversed the direction of your charge, and ran to the rear desperately. 】

[A circle of extremely terrifying explosion impacts and a huge storm that overturned earth and rocks followed your progress and spread rapidly towards your tall body. 】

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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