Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 174 Stasis Force Field and the Army-Type Land Raider!

Chapter 174 Stasis Force Field and Crusader Land Raider!
[This simulation is over, and it took sixty-three days. 】

[Retainable options obtained in this simulation. 】

[[-]. Black Sword Eight (Master Level)]

Note: "This is an exclusive Emperor Champion built on the prototype of the two-handed saber 'Black Sword' of the 'Black Knight' Sigimondes, the first Grand Marshal of the Black Templar, the first person under the Primarch. A power weapon, it is the eighth black sword successfully forged."

Note: "Its pitch-black blade can easily cut through all flesh and armor, and can also greatly enhance the strength of the holder."

Caption: "To live by the sword, to die by the sword—an ancient Terran proverb."

Caption: "In the distant future, there will be only war - Sigimundes the Great Prophet."

[[-]. The head of the only husband (holy object)]

Note: "This is the remaining skull of the heretical psyker 'Done Husband'. It seems that the strong resentment and resentment of the other party before his death still remain on it."

Note: "The holder will be immune to most of the psionic power, and can use the psionic energy stored in advance to perform psionic attacks of the power system, fire control system, and mind system at will."

Note: "The holder uses the head of the solitary husband for a long time, and may be repeatedly attacked by the powerful resentment of the solitary husband, which will greatly increase the hatred of the human empire and even the Inquisition."

Marking: "Hatred and pain are the only source of spiritual power—the only husband."

[[-]. The crusader-type Land Raider (prototype) shrouded in a stasis force field]

Note: "This is a crusader-style Land Raider modified by the Black Templar Techmarines based on the Land Raider base template, which appears to be the first prototype produced during the Gerulath Expedition."

Note: "Located on both sides of the Land Raider, a powerful firepower array composed of a total of twelve bolt rifles can tear apart all enemies standing in front, and the twin burst assault guns located above the Raider can also provide extremely powerful close-in Suppressing fire from a distance."

Note: "The brand-new prototype was not actually put into use. After basic testing, it was placed in a stasis force field, and has been kept on the Black Templar's flagship 'Eternal Crusade'."

Note: "Metal box? Have you ever seen a metal box with such powerful firepower that it can also transport Astartes monks? ——An unknown technical sergeant sarcastically sarcastically at the unknown Astartes monks."

[This simulation time has exceeded [-] hours, and the wear and tear of the simulator has not been exempted. 】

[Cooling time: [-] hours (ten to one). 】

[Current available cooling time: [-] hours]

[Does it consume cooling time? 】

[The cooling time is not consumed, the simulator enters natural cooling (cooling can be exempted at any time)]

The simulation ends again.

Rorschach, who blinked his blue wolf eyes, straightened his back.

His eyes carefully scanned the reward options of the simulator.

"Black Sword Eight? Although it is the most precious power weapon for the Black Templar, it is also a symbol of honor for the emperor's champion... But I have enough melee weapons in my hand, and the Necromancer's super-phase sword is already out of class Yes, there is still a blood sickle that has not been opened..."

Rorschach muttered to himself.

He subconsciously blinked his eyes.

I still chose to give up the first option, and just read a lot of information in the label.

Afterwards, Rorschach's attention was placed on the second reward option.

"Psychic, Fire Control, and Psychic? No wonder the solitary husband in the simulation is so powerful, and the composite type of psychic power far exceeds that of ordinary Alpha-level psykers..."

Rorschach bared his fangs slightly and narrowed his eyes.

But then, he ended up skipping the second reward option.

"I don't know psychic power, and because of holding it for a long time, I will increase my hatred for the imperial forces...Although it is not the corruption of chaos, it is almost the same. I am not afraid...But other people in the base may not be able to resist live."

Rorschach, who frowned slightly, took a deep breath.

He squinted at the third reward.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have discovered some small problems.

"A prototype machine covered by a stasis force field? If I extract it, will I simply extract a crusader-style Land Raider? Or will it be brought out together with the stasis force field?"

"If even the stasis force field can be extracted, does this count as a reward for whoring for nothing?"

Rorschach blinked his eyes a few times and subconsciously licked his dry lips.

There was a little excitement in his heart.

Any act of whoring a simulator for nothing will arouse his great interest.

So, Luo Xia quickly got up and walked out of the lounge.

At this time, in the brightly lit base hall, there were only low figures of automatic servo robots shuttling back and forth.

Neither Servo Skull Reditus nor Iron David are here.

Rorschach carefully listened to it, and after confirming that no one came.

He chose the third reward without hesitation.

In the next second, there was a deafening sound of metal collisions.

A Land Raider about four meters high, six meters wide, and more than ten meters long, together with the base of a stasis force field platform emitting a deep hum, slammed heavily on the metal ground and appeared in front of Rorschach. .

Immediately afterwards, the stasis force field that lost its energy supply seemed to undergo strange changes that constantly reflected the surrounding scenery.

In the end, it slowly faded away and lost its effectiveness.

"Haha! It worked! I went whoring for nothing!"

Rorschach who shouted excitedly raised his thick arms and waved them vigorously.


At this moment, accompanied by the low hum of the anti-gravity engine.

Reditus, the servo skull, led a group of autonomous servo robots to rush out of the underground passage and into the base hall.

"Where did the sound come from... Ah! God of All Opportunities! Land Raider! My dear Land Raider!"

Reditus, who had originally planned to ask questions, saw the Land Raider in the hall almost at a glance.

It quickly opened its mechanical pincers, and flew towards the huge metal body of the Land Raider.

Reditus stuck his skull on the cold metal armor, making intoxicated sounds.

"My lord Primarch! Is this a war express sent to you by the Emperor? Are we about to carry out a great conquest?"

The next moment, Reditus stared at Rorschach with red lights in his eyes.

Its mechanical sound seemed murderous.

And heard the inquiry of the servo skull.

The bright smile on Rorschach's face froze slightly.

But he did not raise any objection to Reditus' words.

"Raditus, we need to be patient and wait for the opportunity... This Land Raider is just a small gift, and it is also used by the Emperor to reward you for your hard work during this period..."

"Ah! Omi Messiah is above! God of Myriad Opportunities is above! The Emperor really still remembers me as a loyal servant!"

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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