Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 195 God of Tricks, Ambush!

Chapter 195 God of tricks, ambushes!
It's a pity that I didn't wait for Rorschach and Iron Man David who had never been to Asgard.

And the wide-eyed Wang carefully admired the magnificent scene belonging to Asgard presented in front of him.

The magic wooden boat that suddenly appeared in midair was wrapped in thin white mist, and fell rapidly towards the ground below!
bang bang bang-

Accompanied by continuous collision sounds.

The extremely hard hull keel abruptly penetrated the huge tree canopy with dense branches and leaves, and embedded in the rough ground full of green vegetation in the blink of an eye!

If it weren't for the people sitting in the wooden boat, they would not be ordinary people.

Responding quickly, he firmly grasped the overall structure of the magic wooden boat.

I'm afraid it has already been completely thrown away by the sudden change in the acceleration of gravity!
Until then, the white mist that shrouded the magic wooden boat gradually disappeared.

Even the terrifying sound of the invisible space being squeezed and broken disappeared in an instant.

Wait until the runes of the magic wooden ship's outer hull are gradually extinguished.

The one-eyed old John carefully observed the dense forest in front of him and the majestic mountains behind the canopy.

He turned his head and said to the people who seemed to be in shock:
"Fucking sober!"

"The smuggling plan of the 'Cave of Time' was a complete success! Now we are on the land of Asgard, let me see where it is... This time the landing point happened to be in the Frigga Valley, This place is far away from the Asgard Palace, but after crossing this mountain range, it is the Rainbow Bridge!"

The voice just fell.

Rorschach, wearing a diamond-shaped helmet, drove the Terminator armor to slowly stand up from inside the magic wooden boat.

Thick magnetic boots set foot on Asgardian territory for the first time.

Afterwards, the iron man David with the blue light in his eyes hunched over his metal body.

It picked up Wang who was retching repeatedly, and quickly left the seat of the magic wooden boat.


Thor, who took a deep breath of Asgard's fresh air, also got up slowly.

With a solemn expression, he said to Old John who had just supported his strong body with a silver cane:
"I've thought about it over and over along the way. I need to obtain the command authority of the Asgard's personal guards as soon as possible, and at the same time seek help from more friends or the Queen Mother!"

"A total of [-] Asgardian legions were divided into ten thousand-man teams stationed in the Nine Realms, so even if Loki, who usurped power, was thinking about the throne of Asgard, he would not dare to recall all the thousand-man teams... ...In a short period of time, we need to face up to two thousand people, that is, a team of Asgard guards who are responsible for guarding Asgard and the team of thousands of people who have withdrawn from Alfheim. With the support of the guards, then the armed forces in Loki's hands can be greatly weakened!"

"Moreover, I think Loki must have obtained a powerful treasure that confuses the mind from the treasure house of the Asgard, the father of the gods, in order to control the frost giants to become his cannon fodder, otherwise, the frost giant Wang Laofei will definitely not be obedient. Follow Loki's orders and come to die."

At this moment, Sol, who returned to Asgard, seemed to have regained his IQ as the prince of Asgard and the leader of the army.

His coherent speech made more than old John's grinning beard quiver.

Even Rorschach, who was wearing a diamond-shaped helmet, stopped the movements of his hands, looking at this with admiration.

Maybe Thor isn't just a hammer-wielding brat.

He is just used to using his muscles and thunder to solve any problems in front of him.

However, when the above abilities temporarily lose their effect.

Sol also began to turn his brain that seemed to have not been functioning for hundreds of years.

At this moment, the silver cane was tightly held in the palm of the one-armed man.

Old John, who was wearing a broken red armor, stepped forward.

He gave Thor a deep look with his one remaining eye.

Then, the old John with a smile on his mouth turned his eyes.

He looked at Rorschach, who was looking for ammunition from the many supplies brought by Iron Man David to replenish the firepower array.

"Hey! Boy Rorschach! Thank you, old man, for beheading the Frost Giant King for all beings in the Nine Realms. You really deserve to be the Atrium Warrior that Saul has always praised, and he is not messy when he cuts down the enemy!"

"Are you interested in coming with me? There are still many berserker veterans who retired in Asgardli. Although I don't know how many are still alive today, and how many people are willing to fight for this moment, but we You can never have too many people!"

Old John's voice just fell.

Slightly leaned over to control the servo mechanical arm.

Rorschach turned the diamond-shaped helmet towards Rorschach, who was loading more bombs in the firepower array.

He said to the crowd in a low voice:

"I have a simpler plan for the time being. I can tell you about it. Sol is still going to fight for the command authority of Asgard's personal guards. Old John is also trying to find retired veterans... I will attack Asgard alone. Get the attention of Loki and all Asgard soldiers, and engage them in a mobile battle."

"If Thor can't get the command authority, or if Old John can't find a manpower, then just search for Loki's trace... As long as Loki dies, I think no matter what kind of spell it is, it will be completely invalid, right?"

"The only question now is, Saul, are you ready to kill your brother with your own hands? I'm not worried about Old John, but don't overturn the car on the spot..."

At this moment, Rorschach, who had finished loading the firepower array, drove the Terminator armor forward.

He looked down to check the finely crafted bolter slung from his waist.

The super-phase sword filled with terrifying green light was firmly attached to the back of the power pack.

Rorschach stared at Sol with a gradually serious expression through the helmet eyepiece.

He said calmly:

"Sol, in fact, I really don't care about Loki's life or death. Even if your counterattack plan fails completely, I will turn around and retreat to the atrium to speed up preparations for wars against invasion. For the explosive plan, my technocrat That was pretty crazy..."

And after listening to Luo Xia's cold words that seemed to have no personal emotion.

Sol with a solemn expression blinked his blue eyes a few times.

He took a deep breath, and just wanted to solemnly express his determination to Rorschach.

"Clap clap-"

The next moment, there was a burst of crisp applause and low laughter.

The huge phantoms completely condensed by crystal green light have completely lost their original camouflage!

The tall trees surrounding everyone quickly disappeared, presenting a real scene after felling and clearing the site!
about a kilometer away.

One by one, the Asgardian warriors in dark golden battle armor and horn helmets surrounded all directions where everyone could evacuate with their battle arrays.

A pair of sharp spears protruded forward, aiming firmly at the enemy ahead.


Accompanied by the loud sound of armor collision.

The Asgardian warriors at the forefront of the battle array raised their round shields and long swords gleaming with energy, ready to deal with the coming crisis at any time!
At the same time, one seat is suspended above the ground.

The airship, which is larger in size and shape than the magic wooden ship, also quickly switched the long-range weapons installed on it.

The narrow and dark muzzle is aimed at everyone, ready to go!

"My stupid brother...I miss you so much!"

A faint taunt from Loki sounded slowly, wafting in everyone's ears!

[Starting point test: the next chapter will be updated at 8:19 on August 16]

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(End of this chapter)

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