Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 209 Corax the Raven King: We workers have strength, and we are busy guerrilla every day!

Chapter 209 Crow King Corax: We workers have strength, and we are busy guerrilla every day! (Eight)
[You are wearing heavy metal armor, fully armed, and entered a landing cabin that was barely pieced together with many shell parts. 】

[A stone excavator with a violently roaring engine used its powerful driving ability to slowly hoist the completely enclosed landing module to the center of the gravity well. 】

【You use the seat belt on the seat to fix the tall body, and at the same time press the internal communication device to send a signal to the operator. 】

[The next moment, when the rotation of the mineral star coincides with the direction of revolution around the planet Chiaval. 】

[The landing module, which was gradually enveloped by the invisible force field of the gravity well and accelerated, was thrown towards the surface of the planet like a shell in an instant. 】

【Your expression is distorted and you bear the enormous acceleration of gravity. 】

【The landing module you took passed through the Lagrangian point in a very short time, was quickly captured by the gravity field of Planet Chiaval, and crashed into the thick atmosphere. 】

[You feel the terrifying temperature and violent turbulence inside the landing cabin. 】

[Before wearing power armor, you have never really experienced the pain of a mortal riding a landing pod, especially when the landing pod in front of you is a knockoff made by workers. 】

【Just when you thought you were about to face a catastrophe. 】

[From the bottom of the landing module, the sound of the reverse thrust engine starting makes you feel at ease. 】

[Accompanied by a terrifying sound of metal twisting and the last violent shock and impact, everything around you is completely quiet. 】

【You are sweating profusely and tear off the seat belt on your body. 】

【You quickly picked up the two double-edged axes fixed by your side and put them on your back. 】

[The sharp sickle and heavy hammer presented by Corax are placed horizontally behind your waist, and a string of fragment grenades are tightly bound to your body like harvested fruits. 】

[You held a laser gun in each hand, kicked open the slightly distorted landing hatch without hesitation, and rushed outside. 】

【You didn't meet the enemy soldiers you imagined. 】

[According to Corax's suggestion, the location selected for the landing module is an industrial city closest to the hiding place of the uprising team. 】

[It is also one of the chaotic cities where civil strife has just occurred in the technology union. 】

【You scan your surroundings with great vigilance. 】

[Your keen sense of smell smells the burning smell of gunpowder and laser burning in the air, as well as the smell of corruption from urban garbage and the ubiquitous smell of blood. 】

【You are located on a street in a city that has been completely bombarded by artillery fire. In addition to the countless bullet craters and blackened blood on the ground around you, a large number of mutilated bodies of people were randomly thrown on both sides of the road. 】

[You quickly found a half-collapsed wall as cover, and at the same time you activated the simple communication device used to contact the uprising team. 】

[Ten seconds later, you immediately heard several low-pitched beeps of different lengths. 】

【You let out a breath slowly. 】

[That means the uprising team has received your location information and is about to come to receive your reply. 】

【You immediately got up and searched the unfamiliar environment around you, intending to eliminate the existing danger for the uprising team that came to meet you. 】

[You keep checking the dilapidated buildings around you, and the scope of your investigation is getting bigger and bigger. 】

【You gradually frowned. 】

[You accidentally discovered that the standard of living of ordinary people on the planet is even far worse than that of the mine star before the uprising. 】

[Although the star mine workers at that time worked extremely hard and lacked more food. 】

[However, their spiritual will and hygiene habits have maintained a very high level. 】

[Just by looking at the internal environment of the damaged building, it is enough to infer that the daily life of most ordinary people is a mess. 】

【At this moment, you frowned and stopped abruptly. 】

[Your keen sense of smell clearly smells an unpleasant smell of fresh blood and human excrement. 】

[You slowly stepped forward, using the stealth skills you learned from the Shadow Special Attack Team, and entered a barely complete building nearby. 】

[You subconsciously narrow your eyes. 】

[You observed a series of messy footprints on the ground and traces of dragging and struggling. 】

【You rushed forward suddenly, and broke into a dark room with a half-closed door. 】

【The next moment, a flash of understanding and fleeting anger seemed to flash across your indifferent face. 】

[You clearly saw the corpse of a young female who had been ravaged by many people and had no flesh and blood on her body. Countless flies and insects surrounded the corpse, making annoying buzzing sounds. 】

[Among the nearby ground, there are also several military metal pots and bowls and a pile of firewood that has not long been extinguished. 】

【You backed away expressionlessly, and gently closed the open door. 】

【You just wanted to turn around and leave. 】

[Out of the corner of your eye, you accidentally saw a metal button that fell into the dust under your feet. 】

[It is a standard button that only workers will use, and is usually used to sew on overalls. 】

【You bend down slightly and pick up the metal button. 】

[You see a crooked blurred name on the surface of the button. 】

【You took a deep breath, and slowly stuffed the metal button into the gap of the heavy metal armor. 】

[In the eighth week, you gradually saw some ordinary people who survived and lost their souls. 】

[They rummaged through a large number of ruins to pick up a few food, and drank some turbid and smelly sewage. 】

【You have not been able to wait for the arrival of the uprising team. 】

[You have to intercept the occasional mortal soldier squads in the city to obtain resource supplies and find more sophisticated communication devices. 】

[Shortly after, you forcibly snatched a small vehicle and contacted the liaison officer of Mine Star through the secret channel of the vehicle communication device. 】

[You also got bad news from Corax that you had expected. 】

[The leaders of the uprising team have divergent paths. 】

[One side believes that persistence is victory. As long as you persist, the base of the mine star will turn from defense to offense. Taking advantage of the civil strife in the technology union to liberate the entire planet, the powerful warrior who will be dispatched is the best proof. 】

[The other party thinks that the people in Mine Star are a group of gutless rats, and they don't think about their lives at all. The best way is to take advantage of the civil strife to occupy several important factories, and have some capital that can negotiate with the technology union , As for the unlucky one who was sent down, it is best to fend for itself. 】

[So, a well-loved internal fire finally broke out on the day you arrived. 】

[The remaining [-]-strong team split into two factions, one for the revolutionary cause and the other for survival. The contradictions between the two parties were difficult to reconcile. 】

[Until the red-eyed revolutionary team chose to detonate their ammunition stockpile, and died together with the rebel forces. 】

[So far, the uprising team on the planet Chiaval has drawn the final curtain like a drama. 】

[You can't help but let out a sigh. 】

[You still got two suggestions from Corax. 】

[One is to find a hidden place and try to survive as much as possible. He thinks that obtaining supplies with your skills will not be a problem, and he will also select suitable important cities as soon as possible to complete the deterrence plan and force the tech unions that are caught in civil strife to surrender. 】

[The second is to choose to start from the beginning and pull up a revolutionary team little by little, but the right time, place and people are not on your side. 】

【You let out a breath slowly. 】

【Your fingertips suddenly touched the metal button in the gap of the thick metal armor. 】

[You told Corax without hesitation, let him prepare the atomic mining bomb, and choose to release it within a week. 】

[Corax didn't ask you why, he just remained silent for a moment and agreed to your request. 】

[You gently hung up the communication channel. 】

【"People, you must rely on yourself."】

【One of your hands subconsciously clenched the bloody double-edged axe, muttering to yourself. 】

 thanks for your support!

  500 points reward for the sow in your backyard!
  Thanks to DK Qin Ge for the 500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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