Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 214 Villains who have made outstanding contributions to the future of mankind!

Chapter 214 Villains who have made outstanding contributions to the future of mankind!
Immediately afterwards, Iron Man David reported other things to Rorschach.

The first is something related to some Hydras.

In the recent period of time, the Hydra organization, which lost a core figure, seems to have completely entered a state of silence.

All Hydra personnel maintain basic regular contact.

Even assassination missions and interest activities in the financial market have temporarily stopped.

This made Iron Man David, who has been tracking the location of Hydra's important bases and the traces of core figures on the Internet, troubled.

At present, all it has in its hands are the locations of some small and medium-sized bases.

There is no high-value target in it, and it is not worth Rorschach's own shot.

Moreover, most of the small and medium-sized bases located in small European countries are occupied by the real S.H.I.E.L.D. agents under Nick Fury.

Together with the local law enforcement agencies, they eradicated and seized them one by one under various weird names.

Therefore, the current Hydra organization cannot attract Rorschach's interest for the time being.

Later, Iron Man David reported to Rorschach about the development of the Yashida family.

Using various means, the Yashida family, which has regained its proper status, has snatched one-third of the lifeline industry of Dongying from other chaebols.

Moreover, it may be that Hydra's brainwashing technology combined with the human empire's brainwashing text superimposed effect is too outstanding.

Mariko, who is full of loyalty ideas, has no teacher, and she plans to pay tithes to Rorschach.

So David, the iron man who was undecided, also asked Rorschach.

Whether they need to collect taxes.

If so, what kind of tax should be charged.

After all, Iron Man David, who now controls the unowned wealth of the world, plus the many industries acquired by Rorschach in the past, can generate an astronomical amount of wealth every year.

In the end, Rorschach, who had a detailed analysis of the power situation with Iron Man David, decided to ask the Yashida family to pay the arms tax.

That is to let Mariko expand their ninja team.

At least form a well-trained ninja corps.

At the same time, the thoughtful Rorschach also decided to let the Yashida family start using legal means to recruit orphans from all over the world,

and any adult human being who volunteers.

Whether it's building a loyal heir academy or training more berserkers.

Dongpu, which has been eradicated from the forces of Hydra, is undoubtedly a suitable place.
A few days later, a closed room located on the second basement floor.

Rorschach and Iron Man David with serious expressions.

There is also Connors in a white coat standing in front of a one-way perspective glass.

It's in the other half of the room divided into two by the see-through glass.

Three autonomous servo robots are slowly moving their mechanical tentacles.

A naked middle-aged white man was neatly placed on a metal experimental bed reflecting cold light.

"Armstrong Williams...Millionaire, serial killer, nicknamed 'Gamer', likes to kill ordinary people through various weird death games for fun, because he inherited a huge inheritance from his father, coupled with his meticulous personality , so he escaped legal sanctions countless times, and even killed many private investigators who secretly investigated the case. According to the statistics of many cases, he has at least [-] lives on his hands."

At this moment, Iron Man David, with blue lights in his eyes, spoke slowly to Rorschach and Connors.

However, the two people who heard the words of Iron Man David showed completely different states.

Rorschach with a solemn expression just nodded slightly.

He stared at the middle-aged white man in a coma inside the room.

It seems that I just saw a very qualified experimental material.

Moreover, when Rorschach captured the other party back from the city with his own hands.

He had already learned about the other party's bad behavior through some video data hidden as a souvenir.

Now, instead, it was Connors standing aside.

The whole person seemed a little restless.

"Rorschach, are we really going to conduct human experiments?"

With a solemn expression, Connors suddenly turned his head to look at Rorschach beside him, and asked softly.

Rorschach, who didn't seem to have any emotional fluctuations on his face, said without looking back:

"Teacher, this is a step we must take... and judging from what the other party has done, you deserve to die. Your scientific research spirit is worthy of praise, but your conscience will also understand that keeping such a person alive in this world , is a kind of indifference and disaster to others.”

"I know, I also understand... It's just that the temper, personality and life experience from childhood to adulthood are difficult to change for a while."

Connors, who raised his hand to tidy up his sparse blond hair, gave a wry smile.

He slowly said to Rorschach.

Rorschach nodded slightly.

He glanced at the automatic servo robot that was carrying medical and monitoring instruments, turned his head and said:
"Teacher, if you lack basic motivation, I can ask David to show you the recorded video of the other party killing ordinary people..."

"Rorschach, no need, I'm actually not pitying the other party's experience... but mourning my deep desire for human experiments. I hope to study the various changes that the super soldier serum will bring to the other party. Imagine how more human experiments should be carried out on the regenerative potion of severed limbs..."

Connors twisted his eyebrows and let out a deep sigh to Rorschach.

After that, without waiting for Luo Xia to continue to comfort the other party.

Connors, who was wearing a white coat, quickly passed through a metal door and entered the interior of the room.

After he approached the experimental bed.

An automatic servo robot immediately came to Connors' side carrying a square cooler box.

chi chi chi-

Accompanied by the subtle sound of the refrigerator box gradually opening.

Tubes of dark blue super soldier serum appeared in the air.

I saw that the expressionless Connors skillfully picked up a tube of super soldier serum and pinched it in his palm.

Wait until another autonomous servo droid quickly steps forward.

Facing the middle-aged white man who was still in a coma, he connected a large number of monitoring instrument interfaces one by one.

Without hesitation, Connors plunged a tube of super soldier serum into the body of the middle-aged white man!
"Ho ho ho-"

In an instant, the middle-aged Caucasian man, whose every vein was violently bulging, immediately opened his blood-red eyes.

He struggled violently like a dying fish.


It's a pity that the experimental subject whose hands and feet were firmly bound could only repeatedly raise his naked body, and let out bursts of painful cries that were almost roaring.

However, Connors, who had made up his mind, paid no attention to the pain of the subjects.

He subconsciously opened his eyes wide.

His eyes were fixed on the various data on the monitoring equipment, as well as the many changes in the opponent's body.

At the same time, Rorschach with his hands clasped and Iron Man David standing nearby.

He also stared intently at the middle-aged white man whose body shape was undergoing extreme changes.

Not long after, when the open-eyed middle-aged white man's constant struggle gradually diminished.

The experimental subject who was originally of average size turned into a tall man with bulging muscles!
The human experiment of super soldier serum was a one-time success!

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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