Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 257 Bucky's Wave Attack!

Chapter 257 Bucky's Wave Attack!

When the dark night gradually devours the last ray of light.

On the frontline battlefield in the slums, it was almost as bright as day.

Countless burning low buildings are like vibrant torches, reflecting everything around them.

Bucky, with an indifferent expression, was lying behind a trench just dug by the automatic servo robot.

He was chewing on a protein bar in his mouth.

While listening to the detailed report sent back by the investigation team.

At this time, the combat team had penetrated into the slums for nearly ten kilometers, and it was estimated that [-] to [-] people had been evacuated. About [-] hours had passed since the operation began.

Just half an hour before dark.

Countless frustrated people and fanatical believers controlled by the Blood Worship Sect seem to have entered a state of dormancy. They temporarily withdrew from the frontline battlefield and lost their traces.

This undoubtedly brought an extremely precious respite to the fighting team of the gang dogs.

Some autonomous servo robots in the reserve team also took advantage of this opportunity.

A large amount of ammunition, food and fresh water were transported for the exhausted people.

Bucky also quickly dispatched a few scouting teams led by local civilians to go deeper into the slums.

One is to cooperate with the continuous investigation of the automaton bees to find out the command hierarchy that the Blood Worship Sect has been hiding all along.

The second is to see if it is possible to find out a few more convenient and quick escape routes for those civilians who have not yet escaped from this place after being deterred by the Blood Worship Sect.

"Yeah, I got it... You should be careful, you don't have to make contact with the enemy, and try to ensure the safety of yourself and the civilian guides."

Bucky quickly hung up the communication device.

I tried hard to swallow the last bite of the protein energy bar in my mouth.

Feeling thirsty, he barely soaked his parched throat with the saliva he had just secreted.

Then Bucky smashed the taste in his mouth.

He turned his head and said to Old John who was sitting in the trench polishing his silver-plated saber:
"Old man, according to the investigation team's report, the believers of the Blood Worship Sect are conducting their daily prayer ceremony, and we still have at least half an hour to rest..."

"Moreover, in several other directions of the slum, a mixed formation of Mexican military and police has already appeared, but their manpower did not dare to enter this place, but they have been trying to meet many people who desperately escaped from the slum during the prayer ceremony..."

"Huh? This is a good thing. This undoubtedly reduces the pressure on us to evacuate the civilians a lot. It means that we are not fighting alone, and we can focus most of our attention on how to deal with the Blood Worship Sect... By the way, these Has all the information been collected by David?"

At this moment, Old John's thick carapace was covered with the enemy's stinky blood and traces of bullet scratches.

Even the neatly trimmed snow-white beard on his chin was almost stained crimson.

Without raising his head, he carefully polished the silver-plated saber in his hand, and asked softly in Bucky's direction.

At the same time, Bucky, who was lying on the edge of the trench, raised his head sideways.

He first showed half of his eye.

Very vigilantly observed the frontline battlefield where there were only corpses and flames everywhere, and no other movement.

Then, he retracted his body carefully.

He turned his head and looked at the various supplies thrown inside the trench, trying to find a bottle of fresh water to quench his thirst.

But after hearing Old John's question, Bucky, who felt more and more parched, said without thinking:
"It has been reported a long time ago, and the communication network was built by David, can it not know? Didn't David say that the battlefield command is up to us to decide on our own, don't worry... However, David has taken over some of the automatic machines. Bee, is looking for the real nest location of the Blood Worship Sect, it seems that the dear captain can't hold back anymore, can't he stay in the base and be a serious commander for a while?"

"Uh, old man, give me that bottle of fresh water you're sitting under your ass."

Bucky's voice just fell.

Old John pulled out a bottle of crystal clear fresh water from under his buttocks, and threw it over.

Subconsciously swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, Bucky quickly caught it firmly with his metallic mechanical arm.

As soon as he unscrewed the bottle cap, he took a few big gulps into his mouth and let out a hearty full belch.


"Tch... do you think Rorschach is a scumbag? His potential is as deep and profound as the god king Odin, how can it be like you, a man in his tens of years, still looks like a young boy..."

Raising the polished silver-plated saber, Old John nodded his head in satisfaction after observing the blade a few times.

He swiftly inserted the saber back into his waist.

He lowered his head and checked the several frozen grenades hanging from his waist.

Afterwards, the old John who turned his gaze squinted at Bucky with his eyes closed and rested, and said in a tone of hatred:
"I have slaughtered more than a dozen priests of the Blood Worship Sect this day. If it goes well, it will not be difficult to kill the bishops of the other party. When we hold a celebration banquet, everyone will come to me to congratulate , don't be greedy..."

"You are the reckless general of Asgard, and I am the cautious little marshal of human beings. Our two battlefield positions are different. I just try to bring everyone home safely while completing the task. As for There is no difference in how many enemies you can kill and how much credit you get..."

With his eyes closed, Bucky said a witty remark in a flat tone.

Immediately afterwards, his voice seemed to get weaker and weaker, as if he was gradually falling asleep.

Old John, who was sitting in the shadow of the trench, raised his mechanical arm and scratched his slightly itchy crimson beard.

He stared straight at the sleeping Bucky.

A kind smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, it didn't take long for the kind smile on Old John's mouth to almost disappear.

He stood up abruptly.

Slightly narrowed one eye stared at the dark night sky above the slums, and gasped!
At this moment, there seemed to be dozens of shadowy and huge figures rapidly approaching the front line of the position outside the range of the firelight projection!

"Bucky boy! Don't fucking sleep! The enemy's 'air force' is coming to attack!"

"Little bastards! Have you eaten and drank enough yet! Hold on to your laser weapons, cheer me up and show off your momentum! Valhalla still doesn't welcome your visits!"

"And those automatic boys also stand up for me! All the guns are aimed in the air! If I can't kill a single enemy, I will dismantle you!"

In an instant, it was accompanied by Old John's loud and clear voice.

The interior of the trench, which was originally silent, seemed to become active quickly.

Four lines of terrain from high to low gradually appeared under the night sky of the slums.

The gang dogs squatting in the trench eagerly replaced the energy magazines of the laser weapons.

They also opened the extremely rare thermostats, revealing the freezing grenades inside.

At the same time, an automatic servo robot quickly jumped out of its hidden position.

They occupied important places such as firepower points and commanding heights planned in advance in batches, and made all preparations for battle.

In the next second, the heavy logging guns located above the metal shell were automatically loaded with ammunition.

The pitch-black muzzle lifted slightly, locking onto the pitch-black night sky firmly!

Da da da--

In an instant, a series of dazzling ballistics composed of solid bullets forcibly tore through the night sky.

Accompanied by the fierce roar of a logging machine, the silence on the battlefield was completely broken.

A heavy feller gun autonomously controlled by each autonomous servo robot.

Without hesitation, they fired a terrifying and dense storm of bullets at the vampires who had lowered their flight altitude!

Even a single vampire struggled to flap the huge fleshy wings behind it.

The scarlet body also evaded in the air very flexibly.

But the terrifying firepower network composed of countless large-caliber physical bullets is not so easy to break through!
In the blink of an eye, two-thirds of the dozens of vampires capable of flying were torn to pieces by the bullet storm.

The remaining 'air force' also had to fall heavily towards the slums filled with flames!
However, before the gang dogs who had done their aiming action pulled the trigger of the laser weapon.

Try to annihilate those struggling vampires from a distance.

boom -

Accompanied by bursts of violent roar and dazzling fire.

All the vampires whose bloody bodies were covered with terrifying bullet marks immediately exploded in a large area!

"A flying 'ghost' meat bomb? It's a shame that the commander of the other side came up with such a ghostly idea!"

Bucky, who was observing the situation on the front line, murmured subconsciously.

Then, he immediately turned his head and shouted at Old John:
"Old stuff! Taking advantage of the failure of the enemy's surprise attack and the failure of the ground team to respond, we need to advance the overall front again! Let's see how far we can advance tonight!"

"Bucky boy! You are the commander! Then listen to you! I just want to kill myself!"

Old John, who couldn't help grinning ferociously, nodded heavily.

He casually picked up a special shotgun from the Hive Gang from the supplies in the trench.

Then, Old John, wearing a heavy carapace, jumped onto the top of the trench.

He turned his head and shouted loudly at the position behind him:
"Come on a team of brats who are not afraid of death and like to fight in close combat! Let's stab the enemy's ass!"

Old John's voice just fell.

More than twenty gang dogs in carapace jumped out of the trench and followed behind the old man.

The next moment, the assault team with Old John as the spearhead immediately crossed the front line.

A rapid and powerful advance was made into the depths of the slums.

Meanwhile, inside the trenches of the Fourth Front.

A mixed team consisting of a bunch of slum male civilians and gang dog squads also obeyed Bucky's command.

Holding the newly added laser weapons tightly, they crawled forward towards the trench position of the third front.

And the gang dog squad in the third trench is under the cover of more autonomous servo robots.

Quickly got up and ran towards the second trench ahead...

At this moment, if anyone can look down from the sky above the slums.

It can be clearly seen that the entire fighting team uses a strange method that looks like a wave.

Continued to attack deeper into the slums!

 thanks for your support!

  I just flipped through the introduction of Space Shorty, and I died laughing.

  Gw really dared to write in order to sell chess pieces. I have the opportunity to add a short story, let the protagonist become a short-bodied Furnace warrior, and show everyone the setting of these dwarves.

(End of this chapter)

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