Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 271 Mortarion, Lord of Death: Shroud Dancer, King Rorschach!

Chapter 271 Mortarion, Lord of Death: Shroud Dancer, King Rorschach! (five)
[You drive the brand-new Khorne Terminator armor and slowly get up. 】

[You subconsciously clenched the demonic weapon that has grown blood-red living eyeballs and metal fangs, the Bloody Butcher's Scythe. 】

【The scene in front of your eyes is blood red, and a few words seem to be echoing in your ears one after another. 】

【"Chop, chop, chop—"】

【"Kill kill kill kill—"】

【You stared at the staggering Nurgle corpses with your scarlet eyes, and couldn't help but let out a deafening roar from the depths of his chest. 】

[You slightly lowered the metal helmet with the blood-red metal horn, and your whole body is like a steel bull in a state of rage. 】

[Your two blood-red magnetic boots stomped heavily on the metal ground, launching a terrifying charge towards the Nurgle walking corpses ahead. 】

[In an instant, the countless walking corpses of Nurgle who dared to block you were suddenly smashed into a large amount of fuzzy flesh and blood flying around by the extremely powerful impact force. 】

[Even the horrible healing ability and tenacious and vigorous decay ability bestowed on their corrupted bodies by the walking corpse plague cannot resist your arrival at all. 】

[Your footsteps show no sign of stopping. 】

【You gripped the Bloody Butcher's Scythe with one hand and swiped it vigorously. When the sharp edge danced back and forth, the living eyeballs on it vaguely gave out overlapping and echoing terrifying screams. 】

[Almost every Nurgle walking corpse that staggers has no time to react, and can only passively bear your endless anger. 】

[After only fifteen seconds, five or six hundred of Nurgle's walking corpses were completely torn apart by your crazy attack into rotting pieces of meat all over the place. 】

[Pods of green pus containing countless terrifying toxins and deadly virus bacteria are also constantly corroding the surrounding metal ground, and occasionally thick green mist rises up. 】

[At this moment, you who lost your attack target suddenly stopped the killing action. 】

【You stand in the center of the rotten meat all over the ground, subconsciously erecting the sharp-edged Bloody Butcher's Scythe in your palm. 】

[The tail of the extremely heavy demon weapon hit the metal ground heavily, making a loud roar. 】

[You slightly lifted the metal helmet with the blood-colored metal horn, and couldn't help but let out a terrifying roar that stopped abruptly. 】

【"Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God! Skull Sacrifice..."】

【"...Golden Throne!!!"】

【Your tenacious consciousness and soul fire finally rose up to resist, and broke free from the endless desire for bloody killings and heavy restraints. 】

[The blood-red scene in front of you slowly faded, and the range of vision barely returned to normal. 】

[You subconsciously take a deep breath of the bloody air that has no chemical smell. 】

【It was the first time that you were so close to the red line of irreparable chaos, corruption and depravity. 】

【However, you no longer have the fear in the past. 】

[At this moment, all that remains in your heart is the deep hatred for being controlled by Chaos, and the endless anger for Khorne's forced blessing. 】

[You stand still for a moment in silence. 】

[You drove the Khorne Terminator armor back to the arsenal. 】

【Through your icy gaze through the helmet eyepiece, you have swept across the dazzling array of weapons and equipment that are even terrifyingly powerful. 】

[You have come to the front of a mountain of melta bombs. 】

[You easily picked up boxes of melta bombs and started to walk around the passages of the entire arsenal. 】

[You have almost evenly distributed the melta bombs that have been connected to the detonating device throughout the entire arsenal. 】

【You are ready to die with the death guards on the entire 'Terminator' and the Primarch Mortarion. 】

[You put away the detonating device that can detonate all melta bombs continuously after some manipulation and fumbling. 】

【After finishing everything, you left the arsenal with the Bloody Butcher's Scythe in your hand. 】

【You start to drive the Khorne Terminator armor towards the upper cabin and the bridge. 】

[Although the arrival of the plague of walking corpses has completely destroyed your plan to use the surviving navigators to turn the tide and save all the fallen Death Guards. 】

[But you still want to try your best to see if you can save the original fate of Mortarion, the Primarch. 】

[Even if you fail in the end, it is better to die in your hands than to become a puppet of Chaos God. 】

[Along the way, countless thick green mist began to spread inside the ship. 】

[A large number of ship repair servitors and a small number of mortal crews have also been transformed into shambling walking corpses of Nurgle. 】

【You kept wielding the Bloody Butcher's Scythe, and ended their tragic fate. 】

[You also saw with your own eyes the death guards who were surrounded by the dark bee swarms of the Destroyer Plague, and were constantly tormenting their powerful bodies and fragile souls. 】

[After countless Astartes monks saw you, the death shroud that was obviously 'corrupted' by Chaos. 】

[They still clenched their weapons, trying to hold on to the unbearable endless pain, and stood up to attack. 】

[You stare at the Death Guard through the visor of your helmet. 】

[You waved the scythe of the bloody butcher without hesitation, and bestowed on them the only dignity left, which is also the only dignity you can give—the relief called death. 】

[In an instant, accompanied by the continuous sweeping and chopping of the bloody butcher's sickle. 】

[The shattered corpses of death guards almost covered the metal ground behind you. 】

[Even the scarlet blood flowing around seems to have covered your Khorne Terminator armor with a tangible but invisible bloody cloak. 】

【You drive the Khorne Terminator armor and move on, holding the Bloody Butcher's Scythe that is stained with the blood of countless Astartes monks in your palm. 】

[You enter the elevator that connects the upper and middle cabins. 】

[Shortly after, with the subtle sound of the mechanical valve in the elevator continuously turning, you who successfully arrived at the upper cabin slowly stepped into a new battlefield. 】

[You have just walked forward for a certain distance and entered a huge and empty ancient auditorium]

[You can almost see the death guards around you who are kneeling on one knee, or slapping the metal helmet vigorously, and occasionally screaming in uncontrollable pain. 】

【However, just when you subconsciously raised the scythe of the bloody butcher, intending to grant the only relief to the Astartes monks in front of you. 】

【Wearing the armor of Barbarus in iron gray as the main body, supplemented by green shoulder armor. 】

【The terrifying figure with a huge body of [-] meters high and the huge scythe named 'Nirvana' on its back, unexpectedly slowly crossed the gap left between countless death guards, and walked towards you. 】

【You couldn't help but took a deep breath, and subconsciously clenched the Bloody Butcher's Scythe, whose blood-red living eyes kept turning. 】

【That is the Lord of the Death Guard who has not yet fully fallen, the Pale King... the fourteenth Primarch, Mortarion! 】

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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