Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 282 Another Miracle, Your Hell!

Chapter 282 Another Miracle, Your Hell! (Happy National Day everyone!)

In fact, Strange became Jessica's attending doctor.

It was also one of the coincidences that Rorschach hadn't expected.

Iron Man David arranged the best private hospital in New York for seriously injured Jessica.

And as the top neurosurgeon in the whole country.

Naturally, Strange is also a valuable resource and guest of honor for all major private hospitals.

At this moment, Rorschach, who had known each other, exchanged a few simple greetings with Strange, who had not stepped into that unknown world.

The topics of the two parties were nothing more than discussions about Jessica's illness, as well as complaints and emotions about the heavy snow in New York.

However, perhaps he was vaguely aware of the perfunctory and weirdness revealed in Rorschach's words.

With a polite smile on his face, Strange turned and walked towards the door of the ward on the grounds of not disturbing Rorschach's visit to the patient.

Wait until Strange closes the door and leaves.

In the brightly lit ward, only Rorschach with a peaceful expression was left.

And Jessica, who was lying quietly in the luxurious hospital bed, was as well-behaved as a quail.

"Boss, you..."

However, Jessica, who didn't wait for her eyes to roll subconsciously, spoke first.

Raising one hand, Rorschach suddenly took out a crystal clear ice-blue gemstone from the pocket of the black windbreaker, and threw it over Jessica's hospital bed.

Jessica, who opened her eyes wide suddenly, didn't care about aggravating the injury.

Grinning her teeth, she raised an arm wrapped in a white bandage almost instantly.

It successfully caught the small object with sharp edges and corners, which was cold and hard to the touch.

The next second, Jessica, who narrowed one eye slightly, hastily brought the ice-blue gem to her opened eyes and looked at it repeatedly.

At the same time, she asked Rorschach with a smile as if she was leaning over like Grandet.

"Boss, what is this? Is it a precious gem that David brought to comfort my wounded heart?"

"Oh, Jessica, what you think is beautiful, but it's a pity that David has no time to care about you recently. This is a panacea that can repair injuries and diseases from the genetic level. It has been lying here for so long. You should get up and move around!"

Rorschach stood there with a gentle expression, and said in a calm tone.

"Uh, well, so how does this thing work?"

Jessica grinned with embarrassment on her face.

After that, she stared suspiciously at the ice-blue gem between her fingers, and continued to ask.

"According to common sense, it should be a melting injection, but the current conditions do not allow it. You can just eat it directly. Don't stare at me. This is a suggestion from Mr. Connors."

Rorschach stared at Jessica who opened her eyes wide again.

A teasing smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Jessica's expression was firm as if she had stepped onto the battlefield again.

Without hesitation, he stuffed the ice-blue panacea into his mouth, and chewed it repeatedly.

"Hiss, it feels icy and cool, and the taste is not bad, even sweet."

The next second, Jessica, who was describing the taste of the panacea to Rorschach, trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the bandages and plaster covering most of her body burst apart suddenly due to the continuous and twitching force of the muscles.

There was a burst of extremely fine crackling and cracking sounds.

Not long after, Jessica sat up from the luxurious hospital bed with a look of shock.

With a smile on his face, Luo Xia said to the other party seriously:

"Battle Sister Jessica, welcome back to the team!"
The gloomy sky gradually dimmed.

The cold temperature has dropped a lot again.

Strange, wearing a heavy overcoat, was warming up his black sports car parked in the parking lot behind the hospital.

This private medical center is just one of the hospitals where he earns a lot of extra money.

It is not the public hospital where he has been for a long time.

At this moment, he is about to go to another nursing center located on the outskirts of the city for the last operation.

"After this single operation is over, the extra money before Christmas will not be earned. By the way, remember to bring a gift for Christine when you return to the hospital."

Strange, holding a burning cigarette between his fingertips, slowly exhaled wisps of blue smoke from his nostrils.

Even his mouth muttered to himself.

Then, seeing the sky getting late.

The sports car is almost warmed up.

Strange, who had burned the cigarette between his fingers to the end, dropped the cigarette butt casually.

He turned around and opened the car door, planning to get in the car and leave.

However, at this time, out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently glanced at two familiar figures who looked sneaky and sneaked out of the back door of the hospital.

A dark-haired girl in a black trench coat and hospital gown, and her unidentified young boss who looks mysterious.

"Jessica? And what's the name of her friend? Oh, Rorschach!"

Strange didn't seem to care.

He recalled the information about the two people.

While slowly sitting in the driver's seat of the black sports car.

After the car door was closed, both palms were subconsciously placed on the steering wheel.

Strange, who vaguely sensed something was wrong, suddenly remembered it.

The dark-haired girl named Jessica didn't want to be released from the hospital because her injuries were not fully healed.

Was he repeatedly blocked by him and the hospital?
Now the other party ran away secretly again, and it didn't look like they were trying to avoid medical expenses, so why?

Moreover, how did the black-haired girl whose injuries hadn't healed much get off the hospital bed?

It's a pity, when Strange, who came to his senses, turned his head and scanned the scene outside the car again.

The black-haired girl and the mysterious man had long since disappeared.

At this moment, Strange, who was slightly confused, subconsciously took out his mobile phone.

He wanted to communicate with the hospital here.

Tell the fact that the brunette girl was discharged from the hospital without authorization.

But in the next second, Strange, who frowned slightly, suddenly dropped the mobile phone in his palm on the co-pilot seat.

A sigh came faintly from his mouth.

"Strange, you're just a surgeon who came here to earn some extra money, and that black-haired girl is not an ordinary person, she should be a person with super powers, you'd better not meddle in your own business, lest you get into trouble."

Strange made a quick decision and stepped on the accelerator of the black sports car.

He drove his beloved car that was roaring violently, and started to drive towards the outskirts of the city.

Between this road, on the main road inside the city, the snow has been cleared fairly clean.

However, wait until the sports car driven by Strange officially enters the suburban area.

Strange had no choice but to drive the vehicle cautiously on the complex snow-covered road without any trace of clearing.

This also made him subconsciously complain about the employer of this operation.

Not long after, the sky outside the car completely plunged into darkness.

Frowning, Strange turned on the bright headlights of the black sports car.

Two shining beams of light shone on the snow-white road ahead.

Occasionally, more blurred spots of light are reflected around.

And slowly over time.

Houses around desolate roads are becoming scarcer.

It also made the journey to the sanatorium look even more weird.

"Let's forget about this surgery. I'll call my employer as soon as possible to explain the situation... After all, driving in this kind of horrible weather is a life-threatening job!"

Strange, whose brows suddenly relaxed, took a deep breath.

He first glanced at the snow-white road ahead that seemed to remain unchanged.

With the relaxation of the accelerator pedal, the forward speed of the sports car also slowed down slightly.

He stretched out a palm sideways and reached for the cell phone that was thrown on the co-pilot. ,
boom boom-

At this moment, there was a roar of engines from heavy motorcycles.

The road ahead with slight reflections on the snow-white ground.

A terrifying figure that seemed to be completely wrapped in the raging flames unexpectedly appeared within Strange's field of vision without any warning!
Afterwards, that terrifying figure who looked like an evil spirit descended into the world also drove the blazing heavy locomotive without hesitation.

Facing the direction of the black sports car, it crashed abruptly!
"What the hell is this!"

At this moment, Strange, who couldn't help opening his eyes wide, let out a terrified cry subconsciously.

His hands slammed on the steering wheel, and his feet stepped on the brakes hard.

Accompanied by bursts of extremely sharp tire friction and collision sounds.

The entire sports car almost rolled over and fell heavily towards the desolate ground on the side of the road!

 thanks for your support!

  Why do some people think this is a slap in the face routine?
  If there is no foreshadowing, how can other characters and events be drawn out?

(End of this chapter)

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