Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 299 Star Knight: World Engine, We Live To Death! (five)

Chapter 299 Star Knight: World Engine, We Live To Death! (five)
[The fourth month. 】

[With orders sent from the bridge of the battle barge Tempest. 】

[Dozens of Thunderhawk transport planes loaded with a hundred star knights, precious supplies and ancient fearlessness slowly entered the capital ship of the Ultramarines Chapter. 】

[Afterwards, the remaining combined fleet immediately retreated all the ships to the rear. 】

[In the icy void, there are no frigates or other special ships to cover the flanks of the ships, leaving only the Battle Barge Storm as the only attacking spearhead. 】

[At this moment, you have already put on the metal helmet, leading the entire Astral Knights group to stand on the deck of the cabin. 】

[A large number of assault vehicles and a small number of landing pods stand behind you. 】

[Countless precious technological relics and power weapons were sent to every star knight by the technical sergeant. 】

【You were even very considerate and personally sent a melta bomb to every star knight as a blessing. 】

[Located inside the bridge in the core cabin, orders from the master of the fleet, Shehz, were arranged for everyone in an orderly manner. 】

[The damage control team composed of countless mortal crew members quickly carried the repair machine servants to important positions such as the bow and the belly of the ship in advance. 】

[Their presence will increase the chances of success for the upcoming violent impact. 】

[Then, even the few remaining fighter squads on the deck of the cabin jumped out into the cold void like worker bees guarding the hive. 】

[When everything was ready, the battle barge Storm rushed into the void ahead without hesitation, and launched an unreserved and terrifying gallop. 】

[And its only goal is the planetary weapon battleship, World Engine, which is about to arrive at Wavencaster. 】

[As the distance between the two parties continues to approach and shorten, the World Engine seems to have discovered their existence. 】

【It immediately stopped the rampant huge size, and once again mobilized the facing direction of the round sphere. 】

[And according to the intelligence information you inferred, that side is actually where the opponent's main weapon is located. 】

[It is also a place where you must be more cautious. 】

[The next moment, a crescent-shaped alien fighter jet belonging to the Necrons suddenly rose from the thick dark clouds below the silver shield, and rushed towards the direction of the battle barge "Storm". 】

[Without command orders from the bridge, the few remaining fighter squads immediately stepped forward to meet them. 】

[Even if their own car is used as the last weapon, the pilots must clear a route for the battle barge Storm. 】

[In an instant, countless scorching lasers and plasma light spears pierced the icy void again. 】

[The defensive turrets of the battle barge Tempest and a large number of weapon arrays also joined the fierce attack against the alien fighter group. 】

【Accompanied by streaks of green Gaussian light beams, they forcibly penetrated the colorful void shields of the imperial ships. 】

[The huge metal hull of the battle barge Tempest suffered considerable damage almost instantly. 】

[However, at this time, Cortana, the carrier-based aircraft soul who is almost in touch with the master of the fleet, Shehz, and fully cooperates, has completely taken over the battle barge of the Storm. 】

[A considerable part of the ship operations that the mortal crew could not do at all began to appear in the cold void one by one. 】

[A large number of nearside defense turrets have been turned to shooting angles that are difficult to achieve under normal circumstances. A series of terrifying laser arrays and plasma light spears are constantly bombarding the alien fighters, clearing a safe path for the continuous advancement of the battle barges. route. 】

[At this moment, you can even clearly feel that the speed of the entire ship has undergone earth-shaking changes. 】

[Shortly after, the scarred battle barge Tempest escaped the entanglement of the alien fighter group by chance, led the few remaining fighters, and continued to launch an indomitable and terrifying charge towards the direction of the world engine. 】

["Battlemaster! There are still five minutes before the final impact! But most of the hull of the battle barge is seriously damaged, and we can't implement a soft landing!" Suddenly, the fleet master Shehzi's urgent voice came from inside your metal helmet sound. 】

【"Then activate the anti-propulsion engine and let Cortana control the battle barge to force a hard landing! As long as the jump team can successfully land on the ground of the world engine, it will be considered a success!"】

【You gave the order to the other party without hesitation. 】

[Your magnetic boots are firmly attached to the metal deck of the ship. 】

[Bursts of continuous bombardment from enemy fighter jets and the explosion and shock of the ship itself still make your tall body shake slightly. 】

[At this moment, the Battle Barge Storm, which has no retreat to speak of, has already opened up the full horsepower of the reactor engine. 】

[The huge metal hull poured all the firepower output of the defensive turret into the nearby icy void, and at the same time displayed almost miraculous mobility under the attack of the world engine's silver light spear. 】

["The countdown to impact is three minutes!" You heard the roar from the fleet lord Shehz again in your ears. 】

【You took a deep breath, and quickly waved your palm towards the silent astral knights and vehicle drivers behind you. 】

[Then, all the monks of the Astartes immediately lowered their heads to inspect the weapons and equipment on their bodies. 】

[Storm bolters and all kinds of powerful heavy firepower were held tightly in their palms, and power weapons were also carried behind the power packs. 】

【Accompanied by bursts of violent shocks and explosions. 】

【Your field of vision began to have wisps of black smoke floating wantonly, and even the breathing apparatus could smell the burning smell of the hull. 】

[You clearly saw bloody mortal crew members leading the repair servitors stumbling across the interior of the cabin deck, desperately running towards other parts of the cabin that were on the verge of collapse. 】

[You never officially announced your crazy plans with all the mortal crew. 】

[Apart from Brother Astartes, only the female captain Gretus and the navigator know about your crazy behavior. 】

[But all of them still choose to believe in your judgment, and also decided to live and die with the battle barge Storm. 】

["The countdown to impact is one minute! All crew members seek shelter immediately!" The fleet master Shehzi's roar interrupted your thoughts. 】

[You took a deep breath, gripping the metal handle of the storm bolter tightly in your palm. 】

["Countdown to impact...fifty-five...fifty-four..." At this moment, the mechanical voice of the carrier-based aircraft spirit Cortana suddenly echoed in your ears. 】

【The cold tone seems to reveal the last trace of nostalgia and nostalgia for the void of the universe. 】

["Cortana, activate the full-frequency broadcast... target, everyone." You suddenly issued the last command to the carrier's machine soul. 】

["Thirty... twenty-nine..." The icy countdown from Cortana, the ship's aircraft soul, continued. 】

[But your eyes immediately saw a green indicator light suddenly lit up inside the metal helmet. 】

【"To all the sailors and combat brothers... It is said that death is the end of everything, but I think that before this end, we can at least do a noble cause for the human empire, so that we are worthy The title of 'Wrestle with God'!"]

【You blinked your eyes subconsciously, and said to the communication device in a solemn tone. 】

【"I am the captain of the Star Knights, and I am also a currency sent by the emperor... Regardless of whether this battle ends successfully, it is my greatest honor to fight side by side with all of you!"】

[At this moment, with the buzzing of alarms everywhere, the countdown to the impact of the Battle Barge Storm is approaching the end. 】


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(End of this chapter)

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