Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 342 Long live the nine-headed snake Omegon: Today, we are all Alpharius!

Chapter 342 Long live Hydra Omegon: Today, we are all Alpharius! (Four)

[You don't know much about Ran Dan's alien shape, or the Ran Dan Empire. 】

[You only know that even though technology and development are booming today, the human empire that is undergoing a great expedition has launched three randan wars in succession. 】

[As a direct cost, several legions, nearly hundreds of thousands of Astartes monks were killed, and at least one Primarch and his entire legion disappeared. Dozens of star regions and uncountable humans and other alien races became It was the indirect cost of Ashes that narrowly defeated this war of terror. 】

[Even so, the war situation between the Human Empire and the Randan Empire was once so bad that the Emperor was forced to open the Night Labyrinth on Mars where the Void Dragon, a fragment of the Star God, was imprisoned, so that the overall progress of the Great Crusade was barely stabilized. 】

[Even if it is the forty-first millennium after ten thousand years, there are occasional reports of sightings of Ran Dan's abnormality in various parts of the galaxy. 】

[Now, you will face the terrorist attack of this super alien empire alone that can break the wrist with the human empire. 】

[You have a very ominous premonition faintly rising in your heart. 】

[That is, the sudden invasion of the Randan Empire on the planet Savor is aimed at you in all likelihood. 】

【You pinched the Rogue Trader's extremely fragile neck with a metal palm, and forcibly broke into the opponent's arms warehouse deep underground. 】

[The sailor team of more than one hundred people also quickly followed your order. 】

[They gave up guarding the goods and followed you into the underground warehouse of the Rogue Trader. 】

["Everyone is looking for armor and other defensive equipment to replace, replace those laser weapons in their hands or any other alien technology weapons that can be used, and don't let go of supplies such as ammunition and grenades, except for the necessary food supplies. In addition, you can bring as much ammunition and supplies as you can!"]

[You glanced coldly at the shelves full of various weapons and equipment around you. 】

【You left the trembling rogue trader with tears streaming down his face, and walked to the weapons rack. 】

【You temporarily put away the two alien short spears. 】

[You tore off the hood and cloak covering your body, and began to hang the weapon on the ceramic steel shell. 】

[You picked up two ancient Phobos-type bolt guns and stuck them in your waist, and at the same time filled the storage space of the power pack with bolt clips. 】

[You turn your gaze, look around, and find two Star Dart guns from the Spirit Race on the weapon shelf, and put them on the back of the power pack. 】

【At this moment, the paralyzed Rogue Trader frantically moved his thin pale legs and feet, and crawled to the side of your magnetic boots. 】

【"My lord! My lord! You and your subordinates can take whatever you want! But when you choose to break through, can you also bring me with you?"]

["I really don't want to be a low-level slave under Ran Dan's aliens. I heard from other alien races that the experience is simply worse than death!" Distorted, the voice whimpered and begged at you. 】

【You lower your head and look down at the other party expressionlessly. 】

【You leaned over slightly, once again lifted the crying Rogue Trader into the air with your huge metal palm. 】

【"Where is your escape route? I don't believe you will build your underground warehouse into a tomb with no way out!" You asked the Rogue Trader in a low voice. 】

【"My lord! It's just... over there! There are still a few large vehicles that have just been restored behind the wall. I originally planned to use them to trade with other people..."】

[The rogue trader tremblingly pointed to a metal wall of the underground warehouse with a bloody color of excitement in his pale skin. 】

[I didn't wait for you to give an order. 】

[One of your confidant sailors, 'Big Head', immediately ran towards that side with a comprehension. 】

【He propped his huge head up, stood in front of the metal wall and fumbled for a while, then turned some switch forcefully. 】

[Accompanied by a tooth-piercing mechanical valve turning sound, the entire metal wall moved slowly to the side! 】

[Just under the pale lights that are gradually brightening, two broken transport vehicles with bullet craters and melting marks on their armor, the Aurus armored personnel carrier called the emperor appeared in the sight of all of you. 】

[At the same time, several broken vehicles from the alien race were randomly piled up on the nearby ground. 】

【You can't help but take a deep breath, showing an ugly smile. 】

["Boys! Find someone who knows how to go up and see if you can start the engine! If you can barely drive, start carrying ammunition supplies up!" You immediately sent out to the sailors who were changing weapons and equipment with a grin on your face. Order. 】

【You dropped the frightened rogue trader in your hand, and let the other party join the ranks of carrying supplies. 】

[You turn around and continue to hang the ammunition materials you can find on your body, and fragment grenades are entangled on the ceramic steel shell by you one after another. 】

[Perhaps it is your plan to take the rogue merchant to run away, which won the other party's trust. 】

【You have received advice from a rogue trader, and found an iron halo that was still stained with dried blood from a corner of an extremely hidden warehouse. 】

[You performed a miracle through the great efforts of the Rogue Trader, and successfully installed an iron halo on top of the power pack. 】

[I haven't waited for you to be glad that the chances of a successful escape are greatly increased. 】

[At this moment, all of you clearly felt the violent vibrations and the vaguely horrifying howls from above the ground. 】

[This undoubtedly proves that the ground vanguard of the Randan Empire has successfully landed. 】

[It also represents the insignificant resistance of the technological oligarchs of this barren technological planet, which was successfully disintegrated and completely declared a failure. 】

[You take a deep breath. 】

[You quickly ordered the people around you to give up carrying more ammunition supplies, and forcefully squeeze into the two activated Aurus armored personnel carriers. 】

[Some sailors who really couldn't fit in sat on top of the armored personnel carrier as much as possible. 】

[It is much faster to risk being shot by the enemy than to run on two feet. 】

【Just when you are planning to drive the power armor into the depths of the underground passage first to explore the way. 】

[You accidentally found an Eldar jet motorcycle repaired by Rogue Traders from the pile of alien vehicles nearby. 】

【You dragged out this alien vehicle without hesitation, drove the power armor and straddled it. 】

[You hold the joystick of the jet motorcycle with one hand, activate the anti-gravity device on it, and pick up a loaded bolt gun with the other hand. 】

[Accompanied by the almost deafening engine roar of two Aurus armored personnel carriers. 】

【You shouted loudly at the crowd without looking back. 】

【"Come on! Boys! Let's bet our lives against Ran Dan's alien!"】

【"For the emperor—"】

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(End of this chapter)

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