Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 370 The Simulator Chosen by the Five Gods!

Chapter 370: The Simulator Chosen by the Five Gods!


[Simulator update has been completed——]

[Many new features are being restarted——]

[The simulation page has been replaced with: Golden Throne]

[Note: The consumption of simulation and other functions has been replaced by Throne Coins, please explore the specific method of obtaining it yourself]

[The salvage page has been replaced with: Faros Lighthouse]

[Note: The Faros Lighthouse must be placed in a real location before it can be used. Please choose the location carefully. 】

[Note: The resource time has been completely consumed and will no longer be obtained from now on. 】

[Note: All resource time has been converted into [-] ordinary salvages, and the probability of obtaining precious items has greatly increased. 】

[Note: Please go to the storage page to view the obtained materials. 】

[New special sacrifice page: Bronze Throne (Khorne)]

[Note: "Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull seat!"]

[Blessing countdown: eighty-eight (individual/group)]

[New special sacrifice page: Garden of the Loving Father (Nurgle)]

[Note: "Everything is rotten, and all living beings are immortal!"]

[Blessing countdown: seventy-seven (individual/group)]

[New special sacrifice page: Temple of Pleasure (Slaanesh)]

【Mark: "Cruel pleasures will end in brutality!"】

[Blessing countdown: sixty-six (individual/group)]

[New special sacrifice page: Crystal Labyrinth (Tzeentch)]

[Note: "Thinking about it for a long time, wanting to know, knowing too much and thirsting for it, only the holy and strange, don't be trapped!"]

[Blessing countdown: ninety-nine (individual/group)]

[New diplomatic function page, please explore independently...]

[New legion management page, please explore independently...]

[Simulator update time: [-] hours, [-] minutes, [-] seconds]

[Mark: "From now on, you are the real God of the Five Gods... If you can survive—they are happy."]


After about half a day.

Rorschach, whose eyes were slightly closed, opened them suddenly.

Everything within his line of sight undergoes extremely strange and strange changes in an instant!

Accompanied by the sound of flipping books resounding in the ears.

The simulator, which was originally like a transparent electronic page, turned into pieces of ancient paper in the form of parchment!
The first revealed mock page renamed the Golden Throne.

At this moment, Luo Xia seemed to have a rotting corpse in the glorious palace.

And that huge metal creation wrapped in rotting corpses!

And he seemed to hear the fierce cries from countless human beings in the entire galaxy in his ears!
"For the Emperor..."

"Please God Emperor, save us..."

"Cadia will never fall..."

"The Emperor bless..."


In an instant, strands of golden blood began to seep out of Luo Xia's eyes, ears, mouth, nose and other seven orifices!
Even the depths of his throat couldn't help but burst into an extremely tragic howl of pain!

Simply, all the illusions quickly faded away.

Only the thirteen most intense shouts were completely branded into optional texts that could be rotated!

[[-]. Prayer for help from the Cadian star area - the fall of Cadia]

[Note: Please note that entering and exiting the Warhammer universe requires the assistance of the Pharos Lighthouse. 】

[Note: Please note that since the support operation needs to go in person, please bring the necessary weapons and equipment, and make preparations to prevent chaos and corruption. 】

[Note: Regardless of success or failure, the basic support reward is a throne coin (can be exchanged for a chance to simulate)]

[Note: The possibility of being recruited by the Star Guard Cadian commando has increased. 】

[Note: The possibility of Chaos Forces Black Legion recruitment has increased. 】

[Mark: current support success rate: zero]

[[-]. Prayer for help from the Lamenters Squad - Slaughterhouse III]

[Note: Please note that entering and exiting the Warhammer universe requires the assistance of the Pharos Lighthouse. 】

[Note: Please do a good job of cleaning up the green-skinned orc spores. 】

[Note: Regardless of success or failure, the basic support reward is a throne coin (can be exchanged for a chance to simulate)]

[Note: The likelihood of Astartes Wailers being recruited has increased. 】

[Note: The possibility of attracting green-skinned orcs has increased. 】

[Mark: current support success rate: zero]

[[-]. Prayer for help from Ajimidon...]

[[-]. A prayer for help from the nameless Hive City...]



Rorschach, who tried to open his blood-red eyes wide, stared at the large amount of information displayed on the parchment-like simulator page.

However, he didn't have time to take a closer look.

Those special sacrifice pages belonging to the four gods of chaos also emerged one after another.

The 'Bronze Throne', 'Father's Garden', 'Crystal Labyrinth' and 'Hall of Pleasure' are completely spread out on both sides of the 'Golden Throne'!

In an instant, Rorschach's ears seemed to hear the deep laughter from Khorne for the first time.

The simple and honest whispers from Nurgle, Tzeentch's treacherous sneer and Slaanesh's unfinished sigh!

"Hehe, you guys are right. I knew all of this would come at a price! It's just that I didn't expect it to come so soon..."

"He is definitely not a good person... He must have asked for something else for being so generous to me!"

At this moment, Luo Xia, whose consciousness was gradually shrouded in thoughts, slowly raised his gray-haired head.

He stared at the completely completed statue of the emperor in front of him with a pair of bloodshot blue wolf eyes.

Rorschach with a ferocious expression subconsciously bared his fangs.

He roared hoarsely:
"Despicable living corpse! Do you dare to tell me yourself! Why did you come here!"

Rorschach's voice did not finish.

His whole body drove the Terminator power armor to get up quickly from the metal floor.

The super-phase sword tightly held in the palm slashed towards the statue of the emperor who was close at hand without hesitation!

Da da da--

However, at this time, there was a sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.

The tall figure of Iron Man David suddenly rushed to Rorschach's side.

With the blue light in its eye sockets flickering non-stop, it raised its two metal palms vigorously.

Firmly imprisoned the ceramic steel arm of the Terminator armor!

"My lord! Please wake up!"

Rorschach, with bloodshot eyes, immediately turned his gaze.

He stared at the Iron Man David beside him, gritted his teeth and growled:

"David, let me go!"

"My lord! Everything the emperor does is for the survival of mankind, and it is also for your own good!"

The iron man David with blue lights flickering and undulating in his eye sockets.

There seemed to be a tone of helplessness in the mechanical sound that was made hard.

"My Lord! Do you think He has a choice? Do you have a choice?"

"My lord! We actually have no choice! Please wake up from those true lies!"


The next moment, Rorschach let out a roar, and quickly raised his other pottery steel arm.

However, the waving metal iron fist did not fall on Iron Man David's metal head.

Instead, it bombarded his own face abruptly!

Along with the golden blood splashed onto the emperor's statue, the emperor's blood in Rorschach's body seemed to have played a necessary role for the first time.

He fell to one knee gasping for breath.

The tingling mind finally got rid of the extreme thinking that got into the horns!

"David, let go..."

"My lord, I think I'm fully awake!"

 thanks for your support!

  Simulator changes are long overdue.

  I just couldn't find the entry point, so I kept dragging.

  Now I can't procrastinate anymore, let's write it all at once.

  I have been fighting with the property every day for the past two days. Damn it, the kitchen at home was flooded by the backwater of the sewer again. I am going to install the check valve. It will be a headache for others.

(End of this chapter)

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