Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 379 Surging Undercurrent · Green Fire Angel

Chapter 379 Surging Undercurrent Green Fire Angel ([-])

boom boom-

Solid bullets from heavy logging guns.

Like a storm, it collided with the ceramic steel shell of the huge six-armed Terminator, splashing countless sparks.

Rorschach, who turned the metal helmet, reacted quickly.

He immediately activated the shield generator, which greatly increased the degree of protection against long-range fire.

In the next second, there were countless physical bullets intercepted by the invisible force field and gorgeous lasers that continued to explode.

A servo mechanical arm located behind the Rorschach powered backpack also suddenly turned!
A Gaussian blaster with green light inside the tube.

Without hesitation, they launched a continuous terrorist bombardment towards the firepower of the rebels!
Chi Chi Chi!
In the blink of an eye, streaks of bright green light quickly passed through the air and easily penetrated the metal bunker of the firepower point.

The combatants inside, together with the entire heavy logging gun, were completely annihilated into grains of green atoms that are constantly escaping!
At the same time, the Chapter banner was carried on the back of the power pack.

The iron man David holding the super-phase sword tightly in his two metal palms is also like a real Astartes.

An astonishingly terrifying charge was quickly launched towards the rebel's front position.

If we say that Rorschach, who is wearing a six-armed cavalry terminator, is like an immovable firepower fortress.

Then both the strength and the reaction speed are far superior to the ordinary Astartes Iron Man David.

Like a nimble and active spirit warrior, he easily avoided the firepower of the rebels, and crashed into the rebels' position!

Although Iron Man David seems unwilling to make more murders.

Even the super-phase sword waving repeatedly in the palm of his hand just slapped away the rebels blocking it from the side.

However, the completely chaotic rebel positions also provided Rorschach with good shooting conditions.

In an instant, the bolter and the heart of the furnace held tightly in his palm once again set off an astonishing bullet storm!
After countless dazzling blue plasma tides almost covered the entire rebel position.

Rorschach drove the six-armed cavalry Terminator to quickly hang the two firearms.

With his backhand, he pulled out the blood sickle surrounded by green light on the sharp edge from the back of the power pack.

An extremely cruel and frantic massacre was launched against the remaining rebels who did not collapse!

However, with the end of this battle.

Some situations that made Rorschach feel puzzled and surprised also followed.

Even if this group of rebels resisted to the last person.

But there was not much panic on their faces, only the glory of fighting to the death and the relief of death.

"If they weren't rebels, I thought I'd seen some famous star army..."

At this moment, Rorschach, who was holding the blood sickle in his palm, looked down at the mutilated corpses everywhere.

He shook the metal helmet slightly, and there was a fleeting murmur from within.

Afterwards, Rorschach, who had regained his silent state, drove the six-armed cavalry Terminator towards another position in the hive square.

dong dong dong-

Not long after, there was the sound of approaching heavy footsteps.

Just behind those metal bunkers covered with bullet marks and laser burn marks.

An astral army wearing an old carapace and a bald woman wearing a psionic booster timidly showed their figures.

Before Rorschach opened his mouth to ask them.

The two people who seemed to look at each other did not hesitate to put their hands on their chests in the direction of Rorschach, and knelt down on one knee.

"Master Angel! Thank you for saving our lives!"

Rorschach, wearing a metal helmet, looked down at the two people in front of him through the eyepiece.

He glanced past the blinking purple pupils of the Astral Army, and asked subconsciously:
"Are you Cadian?"

"Cadian [-]th, [-]rd Regiment! Hassan, Gunner of the [-]nd Armored Company! Cadian Stands Standing!"

Hear Rorschach's inquiry.

The veteran of the Star Militia Army, who was still somewhat cowering between his brows, immediately straightened his back.

He shouted without hesitation.

Rorschach shook the metal helmet slowly.

Remaining silent, he moved his gaze to the bald woman again.

"It's your... hmm?"

At this moment, Rorschach, with his keen senses, seemed to clearly perceive a very hidden wave of spiritual energy emanating from the bald woman!
However, just as he was vigilant and grasped the heart of the furnace, the blood sickle was about to be swung.

The bald woman who quickly withdrew her spiritual power suddenly raised her drooping head.

Even after being shielded by a psionic booster.

She still couldn't stop the extreme shock on her face!
"This is impossible! My lord Angel, you are actually the original..."

"No matter what you see or know, if you don't want to die, just rot in my stomach!"

In an instant, Rorschach quickly raised his hand.

The blood scythe with green light lingering on the sharp edge instantly landed on the shoulder of the bald woman.

While interrupting the other party's words, it seems that the whole head will be cut off in the next second!
"Thank you for your generous forgiveness!"

"Respected Lord Angel! As a humble psyker, I beg you to save us, and save the innocent people in this hive!"

At this moment, the bald woman whose face was changing back and forth instantly prostrated herself on the ground.

As if she saw a life-saving straw, she begged in a respectful tone.

"It goes without saying that this is what I'm here for."

"Now, you need to tell me what happened in Hive Capital and why the rebels started this rebellion!"

Rorschach, whose metal helmet shook slightly, withdrew the Blood Scythe.

Looking down at the two people in front of him through the eyepiece, he asked in a calm tone.

So, Cadian corporal named Hassan and this female psyker named Lucy.

Telling Rorschach what happened to the whole hive from their point of view.

Tetim's Nest, located on the parent planet of Adoma, is the most important industrial planet in the Morbian galaxy.

It is also one of the production worlds of the Leman Lust tank.

But not long ago, the Sixth Mobian Regiment, which had just evacuated to the hive capital for renovation, launched an attack on the imperial forces.

No one knows why they set off this rebellion, the only thing that is certain is that.

They chose to occupy the lower hive position of Tetim hive capital.

Repeatedly launched a continuous attack on the middle nest where the Leman Russ production line was stored.

The home defense forces to protect the necessary production lines.

They actually forcibly closed a part of the passages between the middle nests, and chose to rebuild their defensive positions.

As for the unlucky Corporal Hassan, the psychic Lucy and others.

It was just a victim thrown in by the judge who came to investigate the rebellion to investigate the movement of the rebel army.

(End of this chapter)

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