Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 383 Surging Undercurrent · Green Fire Angel

Chapter 383 Surging Dark Tide Green Fire Angel ([-])

dong dong dong-

Rorschach drove the six-armed Terminator quickly onto the broken wall.

The four servo mechanical arms located behind the power pack were all raised instantly.

Whether it's a Gauss blaster, or a multi-tube melter.

Or ion rifles and storm bolters.

Almost at the same time, continuous fire bombardment was launched towards the tractor of the speeding train!

At this moment, a large number of local defense forces quickly spread out to the surroundings, looking for suitable combat bunkers.

Only those fanatics who didn't even wear carapace didn't care about possible casualties.

They kept chanting prayers, and raised their whirlwind missile launchers and heavy stump guns.

Cooperating with Rorschach's movements, he launched an indiscriminate bombardment towards the train tractor!

Just when the tractor of the train was still hundreds of meters away from the position of Luo Xia and others.

The continuous fire bombardment finally made the burning train tractor completely off the track!

Then, it kept rolling and swept towards the surrounding buildings.

However, Rorschach didn't feel the slightest comfort because the tractor head of the train rolled over to the ground.

Da da da--

Accompanied by the sound of intensive footsteps.

In this dim light, there were low roars one after another.

Nurgle zombies with festering skin and green fog all over their bodies staggered out of the dark shadow of the nest building!

At the same time, more well-equipped rebels hid behind the tide of Nurgle's corpses.

Waiting for the opportunity to launch counterattacks one after another in the direction of the suppressing troops!

"Mobian Sixth Regiment! You guys are really damned!"

Rorschach, who hastily glanced at the scene ahead through the helmet eyepiece, gritted his teeth and let out a low growl.

Without looking back, he shouted loudly at the crowd behind him:
"Cheer up, everyone! Listen to my orders!"

"For your family! Also for the thousands of civilians in the hive capital, we must stick to the entrance of the passage connecting the hive!"

"Chaos has corrupted the rebels and the hive dwellers! We cannot allow them to pollute the entire hive again! This is our birthright!"

"For the Emperor—"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Without hesitation, he drove the six-armed iron cavalry terminator to launch a fierce charge towards the forward of the Nurgle corpse wave!
While the heavy magnetic boots stomped on the ground repeatedly.

The Heart of the Furnace, which is ready to go, and the Scythe of Blood, which is lingering in green light, have already been held tightly in his palm!

"For the Emperor! For the Angel!"

At this moment, almost all the fanatics uttered a deafening and crazy cry in unison.

Armed with crude melee weapons, they also followed behind Rorschach without hesitation.

Launched a death-defying charge towards the chaotic enemy in front of him!
After most of the Home Defense Forces hesitated for a very short time.

Everyone immediately and methodically set up an airtight fire defense line and a temporary fire fortress around the entrance of the giant elevator!

One after another, the whirlwind missiles also quickly rose into the air, launching a covering bombardment towards the rebels hiding behind the chaotic enemy.

Facing this threat from chaos, everyone has no choice.

Whether it's for the empire or for yourself!

chi chi chi-

Accompanied by the dull sound of sharp blades quickly cutting into the flesh.

The blood scythe lingering in green light cut across a large group of Nurgle zombies first, cutting open their rotten and smelly swollen bodies!

In the next second, the Heart of the Furnace in Luo Xia's palm instantly lifted up.

Facing the tide of Nurgle corpses rushing towards him, he pulled the trigger hard!


In an instant, the plasma ball erupted from the heart of the furnace quickly formed a large plasma tide.

The Nurgle zombies within a range of tens of meters were melted into plumes of black smoke with a stench in the blink of an eye!
At the same time, the ion rifle located behind the Rorschach power pack also automatically launched a sniper mode.

Spiral beams of ion beams continue to pass through extremely long distances, shooting precisely at those chaos rebels who are trying to control heavy firepower!
At this moment, Rorschach, who was wearing a six-armed iron cavalry terminator, was able to firmly drag down most of the enemies on the battlefield with only one person's strength!

However, at this time, the casualties suffered by the fanatics who followed Rorschach in the charge became heavier.

Even if fanatics are never afraid of sacrifice, they can block ten with one.

But the hordes of Nurgle zombies are almost endless.

Even fanatics who fell to the ground and died will quickly get up and join this chaotic carnival.


Accompanied by a burst of dazzling explosion flames.

The multi-tube melta located behind the power pack violently erupted a stream of terrifying hot melt magma.

It also completely melted a rebel who was carrying a melta bomb and tried to fish in troubled waters to get close to Rorschach's back into wisps of escaping steam!
Rorschach, who didn't seem to care about the danger, kept waving the blood sickle in his palm.

Desperately harvesting the Nurgle zombies that keep coming up.

"David! Tell Judge Grendyll to let her take over the command of the entire Hive in the name of the Tribunal! Send more troops to the Hive immediately!"

"Also, send me all the crusaders and fanatics! If the caliph bishop doesn't listen to the advice, send him to the emperor!"

Rorschach's voice did not finish.

He immediately heard the mechanical voice from Iron Man David.

"Received, my lord... However, the head of the caliph bishop is in my palm. According to the information he accidentally revealed before he died, he has been tipping off the rebel command. His original intention was to use this Turn this hive into a church world."

"Then he will die unjustly!"

"David, when you and the judge mobilize the troops that can be mobilized by the nest, anyone who resists or disobeys the order will be punished as heresy! Shoot and kill!"

The voice fell.

Rorschach, who was waving the blood sickle back and forth in his palm, returned all his attention to the battlefield in front of him.

At this moment, many Nurgle zombies who had passed through the fanatic's line of defense had already had a brief exchange of fire with the Home Defense Army's positions.

Simply, the continuous firepower of the defense force also forcibly stopped the progress of the tide of Nurgle corpses.

Rorschach, who was wearing a six-armed iron cavalry, immediately changed his direction.

He was like a hot knife through butter.

Through the tide of Nurgle corpses, support operations were carried out towards the fanatics who suffered heavy casualties.

A few minutes later, the team of fanatics was gathered again, and Rorschach, who was once again the spearhead of the attack, continued to charge in the direction of the rebels.

Compared to these endless waves of Nurgle corpses around.

These heretics who betrayed the emperor and mankind are the real culprits of this chaos invasion!

Rorschach must try his best to eliminate these guys before they cause bigger troubles!
 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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