Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 385 Surging Undercurrent · Green Fire Angel

Chapter 385 Surging Undercurrent · Green Fire Angel ([-])

The bottom hive of any human hive.

It can be said that it is one of the worst living environments in the entire galaxy.

Countless industrial waste and biochemical waste from top to bottom soaked almost every inch of the bottom nest.

Even in the air, there are particles of toxins that are almost visible to the naked eye, making it difficult to breathe.

Even if a commoner who has completely adapted to the environment of the nest enters here rashly, he may not survive for long.

In an instant, beams of light, like sharp swords, pierced through the dense darkness that had been in the Bottom Nest for countless years.

It also instantly frightened away a large number of bottom hive creatures of different sizes in the shadows, making terrifying noises.

At this moment, Luo Xia, who was wearing a six-armed cavalry, walked to the front of the beheading team with the blood sickle in his palm.

He glanced at the densely packed signs of life in the life detection device, and couldn't help but gasped.

If it is said that Luo Xia's understanding of the hive capital and even the bottom hive in the past was only on paper.

So now, he really understood what kind of harsh environment the people in the hive city lived in.


At this moment, a miserable howl suddenly came from behind the beheading team.

The quick-responsive Rorschach immediately drove the six-armed cavalry to run backwards.

Wait until Rorschach quickly arrived at the location where the sound came from.

Iron David was already standing there with the Chapter's banner atop the power pack.

It is using two metal palms covered in ceramic steel.

Pry open the giant gray shell firmly gripping the lower body of a defender.

Waste gray clam, a mysterious nesting creature whose specific source is unknown.

Normally, they only grow in the dusty wastes outside the lower hive walls.

These guys will use their sensitivity to vibrations to suddenly open their gray clamshells like a vice.

It swallows any living thing that passes over it in one gulp, like a naturally growing anti-personnel mine.

But under normal circumstances, waste gray mussels can only grow to about half a meter.

They want to completely devour a living person's difficulty.

I'm afraid it's even more difficult than the emperor getting up from the golden throne to dance disco.

However, after Rorschach's eyes accidentally swept across the industrial waste and green toxic substances everywhere nearby.

He didn't have any unexpected sense of surprise for the giant waste ash clam that could swallow most of the defenders in front of him.

Seeing the miserable wailing of the defense army slowly subsided, the strength of the struggle also gradually slowed down.

Iron David's rescue operation will take more time.

Without hesitation, Rorschach took out a bottle of Wanling Capsule from the storage space of the power backpack.

He drove the six-armed cavalry forward and poured out a handful of Wanling Capsules.

Rorschach suddenly lifted the breathing mask on the opponent's face, and stuffed the Wanling Capsule into the defender's mouth that kept vomiting blood.

Rorschach, who got up quickly, waved Tao Gang's palm at Iron Man David, signaling him to get out of the way temporarily.

Afterwards, he raised the knife with the blood sickle in his palm.

The sharp edge surrounded by green light instantly disassembled the whole giant waste ash clam into a bloody piece of meat with shell and flesh!
The defenders, who had stopped crying in agony due to the effect of the panacea, gradually came to their senses.

He quickly got up from the wreckage of flesh and blood.

Then without thinking, he knelt down on one knee in front of Luo Xia, as a gesture of saving his life.

Rorschach didn't pay much attention to this.

He shook the metal helmet slightly, holding the blood sickle in his palm.

Turning around, he passed through the crowd with a bit of fanaticism in their eyes, and walked towards the depths of the bottom nest.

For those who voluntarily followed him to Bottom Nest for decapitation.

Regardless of the other party's past identity and experience.

At least for this moment, they are all human heroes worthy of being remembered by the empire.

Even if the opponent is just a big head who can't play much role in the face of the rebels.

Rorschach was also unwilling to easily give up any comrades who followed him in battle.

Soon after, the beheading team led by Rorschach gradually found traces of the rebels.

To be precise, traces left by the corpses of the rebels were found.

At this moment, Rorschach, wearing a metal helmet, stared through the eyepiece at a wriggling ice mud like a slime slowly crawling across his field of vision.

It's inside the completely transparent abdominal cavity of this bottom nest creature.

A rebel corpse with a frightened expression was rolling back and forth, up and down in the faintly fluorescent digestive juice.

"All teammates, be vigilant! Be prepared for a firefight! We may not be far from the tail of the rebels!"

Rorschach made a very cautious judgment based on the degree to which the corpses of the rebels were digested.

He issued instructions to everyone in the beheading team through the communication device.

And as Rorschach's voice fell.

He has been following Rorschach through life and death.

There were only thirteen fanatics left, and they instantly clenched the power weapons or laser guns in their palms.

The fifty-member defense force also quickly lowered their heads to check the whirlwind missile launchers and heavy logging guns they carried with them.

They are always ready to meet the attack from the rebels.

At this time, the iron man David driving the power armor led the veteran Hassan and the psychic Lucy to the back of Rorschach.

It said to Rorschach through the communication channel:

"My lord, Lucy may have detected the location of the rebel army, and she vaguely sensed signs of a large amount of psychic energy flowing."

"Huh? Is there such a good thing? This also saves us a lot of tracking time."

"Lucy, come and show us the way!"

Without hesitation, Rorschach ordered the psyker Lucy to follow behind him.

He waved Tao Gang's palm again at the crowd.

Leading the entire decapitation team to the depths of the dark bottom nest and continued to advance.

However, with the passage of time and the approach of the rebel camp.

Rorschach could faintly hear the low hum of laser weapons and the familiar roar of physical ammunition.

Meanwhile, in the darkness far away.

The fierce flames constantly illuminating the dark sky quickly passed into everyone's field of vision.

"Who are the rebels fighting with? Bottom hive creatures? But the pollution and corruption of chaos cannot be easily resisted by a group of bottom hive creatures with teeth and claws?"

Rorschach, who was wearing a metal helmet, subconsciously murmured to himself.

He shook his head slightly.

Then he led the beheading team to speed up the pace of advancement.

After the people who turned off the light source quietly lurked above a high cliff.

Rorschach's keen senses could clearly hear the extremely intense firefights coming from the lower part of the cliff.

So, he ordered everyone around him to prepare for the battle.

While driving the six-armed cavalry, he carefully moved to the edge of the cliff, and carefully peeked down.

The next moment, a battlefield that was also very absurd to Rorschach completely appeared in his field of vision.

Just above this burning battlefield full of industrial wreckage.

Ragged half-breed acolytes rushed to the forefront of the battle line.

Armed with tattered physical ammunition weapons, they fought fiercely with the staggering Nurgle zombies one by one.

More than a dozen tall deformed bodies kept wielding the ugly metal sledgehammers in their palms, launching terrifying charge battles towards the Chaos Eggs that occasionally appeared in the tide of Nurgle's corpses.

At the same time, a larger distortion master and a disgusting Nurgle beast had fierce collisions one after another.

And judging from the hand-to-hand action between the two sides.

The soft and juicy Nurgle with a huge body like a slug has already fallen into a disadvantage!

But what shocked Rorschach even more.

Just in front of the temporary garrison built by the rebels.

A heavily armored Goliath truck is heavily guarded by two battered Leman Rus tanks.

Against the fierce firepower of the rebels, they launched a continuous and violent attack on the entrance of the garrison!

"For the four-armed God Emperor—"

"The rebellion can be lost! Chaos must die!"

In an instant, one after another battle roars continued to be shouted from the mouth of the gene stealer priest.

It quickly echoed over the entire battlefield.

All the Genestealers seemed to feel the blessing of some kind of psychic power.

Their attack on the rebels has once again increased a lot!

 thanks for your support!

  Haha, I didn't expect that.

  The chicken thief guards the gate of the country, and the leader dies in the country!
(End of this chapter)

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