Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 389 The Surging Undercurrent · The End of the Green Fire Angel

The ground nearby was shaking.

Even the air in Bottom Nest seemed to be on fire.

Countless gene stealers and surviving rebels were completely gasified into wisps of smoke and dust the moment the nuclear explosion unfolded.

And with the aftermath of the nuclear explosion, the industrial waste in the entire bottom nest was completely ignited.

A large number of terrifying bottom hive creatures uttered desperate wailing one after another.

Soon after, the air in Bottom Nest also seemed to be burned out.

It was filled with a large amount of pitch-black poisonous mist that had nowhere to escape, and gradually spread towards the direction of the next nest.

chi chi chi-

At this moment, a powerful psionic energy of unknown origin descended on the inside of the Bottom Nest in the blink of an eye.

It actually quickly eliminated the terrifying poisonous fog and the continuous ground vibration caused by the nuclear explosion.

Let the restless hive return to peace once again.

At the same time, Luo Xia and the others, who desperately ran out of the range of the bottom nest, also turned their heads to look back.

The bright smiles of the survivors subconsciously appeared on the faces of everyone.

Rorschach and Iron Man David looked at each other.

After confirming that the nuclear explosion did not cause a large-scale tragedy such as the collapse of the hive.

The two shook their heads at the same time and let out a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Rorschach greeted everyone in the beheading team and walked towards the direction of other reinforcements.

At this moment, the battle for the next nest has already ended for a long time.

The naked corpses of a large number of Nurgle zombies were gradually gathered into piles, and then completely incinerated by promethium flamethrowers.

Because it was a battle against Chaos, those defenders and fanatics who died in battle were also treated in the same way and buried on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, many state monks and middle-level priests who obeyed the orders of the trial court.

At the beginning, the most basic screening was carried out for the personnel who participated in the battle.

For example, pour holy water on the other party that has been blessed by a high-level priest for a long time, or ask the other party to recite prayers.

Such behavior can not only cause a lot of damage to the Chaos Demon.

It may also spur uncontrollable violent resistance from those who are on the verge of corruption.

But Rorschach did not stop this, nor did he express any opinions.

He is well aware of the difficulties and troubles of Chaos, and he also understands the reason why the priests of the state religion act like this.

Even the soldiers who participated in this battle were combat heroes who successfully suppressed the rebellion and defended the hive capital.

But the pollution of chaos will not reason with anyone or anything.

Rorschach, who was splashed with holy water and listened to prayers, finally passed the review of the state priest.

With a blank face, he just wanted to take the giant elevator to leave the lower nest.

After thinking about it, he turned around and asked Iron Man David to take out all the panacea capsules on his body except the big panacea.

Rorschach, who was driving the six-armed cavalry, found a high-ranking priest who was in charge of the screening operation.

In front of the other party, he first demonstrated the effect of the panacea.

Then, Rorschach threw the panacea capsule into the super large holy water bucket brought by the other party.

Iron Man David also began to invite those soldiers who had undergone simple disinfection to come and drink holy water.

And the reason why Rorschach chose to do this.

One is to allow those who participated in the battle to recover from their injuries. …

The second is to eliminate the possible Nurgle pollution.

And the apprehension or cruelty of eradicating the state religion and the Inquisition.

To some extent.

Rorschach's support mission this time has been successfully completed.

Except that the car almost overturned because of the nuclear bomb problem.

The whole battle went smoothly.

But his follow-up rectification of Tetim's hive capital has obviously only just begun.

Especially Ms. Inquisitor Glendyll accidentally from the mouths of some defenders and psyker Lucy.

After learning that Rorschach, who is the emperor's angel, actually has the emperor's golden blood flowing through him.

The other party will come to him for advice and advice when he chooses things, big or small.

Rorschach, who knew it well, hesitated a little.

He also took advantage of the momentum of the donkey under the slope to become the controller who temporarily overcame the entire hive capital.

Soon after, many hive civilians in the middle hive and upper hive saw a big scene that they had never seen before.

Those aristocratic nobles in the past were hanged to death by the whole family in the most eye-catching display place.

And some hive city civilians who are familiar with the nobles also found out by accident.

In fact, these hive nobles who were executed all belonged to the faction of the planetary governor.

In addition, there are some arrogant nobles who have been stained with the blood of countless people and caused serious public resentment.

In addition, a large number of workers and civilians who participated in the Leman Rustank production mission also found that their living conditions have increased slightly.

At least the corpse is full of starch, and occasionally there will be some noble food that has never been seen before.

After everyone learned that it was the order issued by the Angel himself.

All of them are grateful and rejoicing.

He kept praising the emperor and the angels.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was hidden behind the scenes, truly became the uncrowned king of Tetim Hive City.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, the aristocratic class and the commoner class Rorschach who controlled the hive capital were also witnessed by the judge, Ms. Glendir.

Completely ended the seriously injured and dying life of the governor of that planet.

And over time, a bastard son who is said to be the planetary governor.

The young governor of the planet named Hassan also entered the sight of the hive city civilians for the first time.

Gradually took over the difficult task of managing the entire hive.

In fact, the so-called illegitimate son of the Governor.

It was Hassan, a Cadian veteran.

After all, the only requirement of the human empire for the planets under its command is to pay tithes on time, and basically will not intervene in other situations.

Moreover, this is the governor candidate personally hand-picked by the emperor's angel.

Coupled with the endorsement from the judge, no one can find anything wrong with it.

Of course, this incident has greatly stimulated the veteran Hassan.

He actually ascended to the sky from a big head wearing a sinful body.

It is simply unimaginable to become the Governor-General who controls the entire hive planet.

However, Luo Xia also told the other party plainly.

Put him in charge because he knows both commoners and mortal warriors.

It can make the life of the hive capital civilians not too bad.

If one day, Hassan, the governor of the planet, will also become like his predecessor.

Or stand on the opposite side of the human empire.

Then, the Emperor's angel will come again and take Hassan's head with his own hands.

At this moment, Hassan, whose expression changed from confused to determined, knelt down on one knee before Rorschach without hesitation.

Expressed a strong loyalty to Lord Angel.

And as a reward or a kind of insurance device.

Rorschach also took three tubes of the emperor's blood drawn from his body.

They were given to Hassan, the psyker Lucy, and the judge, Ms. Glendir.

Wait until everything in the hive capital is almost handled.

Rorschach and Iron Man David are also starting to prepare for their return journey.

When the thirtieth day is finally over.

A slowly tearing space crack quietly appeared in front of Rorschach and Iron Man David.

Unexpectedly, Rorschach didn't feel any uncontrollable strong suction from the space crack.

But in order not to miss the best passage of the return.

Rorschach, who gazed at Tetim Hive Capital for the last time, stepped into the space crack without hesitation together with Iron Man David!

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