Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 400 Lord Cypher: Bearing the Primarch Sword, Two Guns to Debate Loyalty and Traitor!

Chapter 400 Lord Cypher: Bearing the Primarch Sword, Two Guns to Debate Loyalty and Traitor! (seven)
[In the sixth month, you carefully put on the Seiko Power Armor that belonged to Lord Cypher. 】

【You stared at the aging Lord Cypher in front of you, whose tall body was covered with various scars, and fell silent. 】

[You were led by the other party to a crown of knowledge that came from nowhere. 】

【Lord Cypher told you plainly that for thousands of years, he has prepared countless hiding places throughout the galaxy and weaved a large network of favors. 】

[These things cannot be fully recorded by relying on memory alone, and can only be instilled with the crown of knowledge. 】

【You and Lord Cypher have connected the crown of knowledge together. After activation, a lot of information about hiding places, as well as the favors or things that can be used have been instilled into your brain. 】

[Wait until you leave the crown of knowledge in a daze. 】

[Lord Cypher, with a calm expression, showed you a diamond-shaped crystal the size of a palm. 】

【"This crystal that looks like a creation of the spirit race is actually a black technological heritage from the golden age of mankind, the time-space crystal."】

【"Its existence allows you to control the flow of time around you to a certain extent. Usually, I use it to cooperate with my shooting ability without missing a shot, and to perform a special ability that I call 'bullet time', which also allows me to I have escaped from the predicament of certain death several times.”]

【"If there is enough time, it can even completely reverse a certain piece of weaponry. This is also one of the means I use to repair scrapped power armor."】

【"Of course, this is just its most superficial use. In fact, there is a small piece of pocket universe space debris inside the space-time crystal, which is used by me to carry many things that are difficult to carry with me, such as flying vehicles and centurion battle uniforms. And ammunition supplies, etc.”]

【"Next, I will also teach you how to use the Eldar's webway to travel through the entire galaxy... It is this indescribable special experience that makes me truly understand why the emperor wants to Internet channel technology, unfortunately, in the end, everything fell short.”]

【Lord Cypher, with deep and tired black eyes, couldn't help but let out a sigh. 】

[In the seventh month, just from the appearance, you, who are more like Lord Cypher, have learned a lot of precious knowledge from the other party. 】

[Lord Cypher even teaches you how to use the alien race to achieve your own goals. 】

[The only person in the Spirit Race that can truly trust and cooperate is the Death God Army, but you must be more careful. The Ark Spirit Race can only temporarily cooperate when both sides face chaos and other greater threats, but you must also be careful of the other party Backstab. 】

[As for the Dark Eldar, Lord Cypher's suggestion is that killing them as soon as they meet is the best choice. 】

[Moreover, many small groups of green-skinned orcs can be deceived and blackmailed, but the orcs with green-skinned warlords should stay away as much as possible. 】

[As for Necrons and Tyranid Zerg, Lord Cypher also admitted that he has relatively little contact with them, usually with swords facing each other and bombs intersecting. 】

[However, Lord Cypher occasionally encounters a chattering necron overlord chasing him around. 】

[The other party seems to want to capture him alive. Lord Cypher's suggestion is that that guy can't beat him at all. If you encounter it, it's better to find a way to get out as soon as possible. 】

[In the end, Lord Cypher also said earnestly to you, if you have to get lost in the subspace, praying to the Emperor repeatedly is your only savior. As long as you are loyal to the Emperor and the Human Empire, you will get the necessary guidance. 】

[In this regard, you couldn't help but smiled at Lord Cypher, and didn't say much. 】

[In the eighth month, Lord Cypher, who took off his power armor, seems to be aging much faster. 】

[It may also be seeing your rapid growth visible to the naked eye. In short, Lord Cypher is very calm about the gradual approach of death. 】

[When your training and knowledge are almost useless, Lord Cypher suddenly came to you with the Lion King sword wrapped in heavy bandages. 】

【You hang two ancient firearms on your waist with a solemn expression, and stare at the increasingly decayed Lord Cypher in front of you. 】

【"You guessed right, this is Primarch Ryan's weapon, the Sword of the Lion King... I won't pry into the secrets of your past, and I don't want to know why you know the origin of these things, but my only request to you is that unless you You are about to fulfill the difficult duty of Lord Cypher, otherwise, you will never be able to draw this sword!"]

【Lord Cypher said to you in a blunt tone. 】

【You nodded your head without hesitation, and swore to the other party in the name of the Emperor. 】

【"Thank you, kid... No, Lord Cypher, it's time for me to teach you the last lesson." There seemed to be a faint smile on Lord Cypher's always expressionless face. 】

【He solemnly handed over the Sword of the Lion King to you. 】

[You also slowly knelt down on one knee, took it with both hands, and carried it firmly on the back of the power pack. 】

【"Didn't you once ask me what is the difficult duty of being Lord Cypher? In fact, I can't tell you, but you have to kill the previous Lord Cypher in order to really see Those broken and even blurred memory fragments."]

["I believe that the original inheritance of Lord Cypher must not be like this, but since the collapse of Caliban, this ancient title that has been passed down seems to be cursed by some mysterious existence... When I killed the previous Lord Cypher At that time, countless memory fragments poured into my mind, and I instantly understood what my responsibilities were, but later, I suspected that maybe every Cypher lord had different responsibilities.”]

【"Now, you must completely end my life, so as to obtain your duty as Lord Cypher!"】

[The aging Lord Cypher seems to have gradually returned to his vigorous energy. 】

【He suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted at you in a deep voice. 】

【You took a deep breath, and your two ceramic steel palms clenched into metal fists. 】

【You didn't doubt the authenticity of the other party's words. 】

[In the process of getting along with each other for a long time, you gradually felt the warm heart of old Cypher wrapped in layers of indifference. 】

【"What are you hesitating for?! Do it!" Lord Cypher, whose momentum was gradually declining, couldn't help shouting at you. 】

【"Teacher... may your soul be blessed by the emperor, and return to the throne!"】

【You raised your ceramic steel fist without hesitation, drove the Seiko power armor, and pounced on the old Cypher who was smiling in relief! 】


[In an instant, just after your ceramsite fist pierced the old Cypher's decaying broad chest. 】

[A lot of fragmentary but extremely real memory scenes quickly appeared in front of your eyes. 】

[You seem to have become a personal experiencer of the ultimate secrets. 】

[You have personally seen the Primarch who is as taciturn as a lion, Lion King Ryan Johnson. 】

[You have seen the culprit Luthor and the fallen angel Zahariel corrupted by ouroboros. 】

[You witnessed the assassination of the previous Lord Cypher by the unnamed old Cypher. 】

[You even saw the emperor wearing golden power armor, whose face was always shrouded in golden light! 】

[At this moment, countless chaotic and real memory fragments gradually combined in your mind into a difficult duty that you can never get rid of and belongs only to you. 】

【"If one day I accidentally fall down, you must find a way to wake me up from the darkness...Little brother!"】

[At this moment, it seems that Lion King Ryan's low, emotionless words sounded in your ears. 】

【You instantly opened your closed eyes. 】

【You couldn't help but let out a murmur of surprise. 】

【"Could it be that I have already participated in the Caliban rebellion? This..."】

 thanks for your support!

  This article is basically a brain hole.

  For example, space-time weapons are basically not used in official history.

  For example, Cypher's inheritance method and memory fragments.

  And I changed the purpose of my loyalty to Lord Cypher from assassinating the Emperor to make him a god (guess) to awakening the Lion King.

  Even if it is a brain hole in the fan, in this way, it is another structure of ouroboros.

  The reason why Rorschach became the new Lord Cypher is because he will also participate in the Caliban rebellion in the future, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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