Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 412 The Scientific Pillar of the Nine-Headed Snake: Anim Zola!

Chapter 412 Hydra's Scientific Pillar: Anim Zola!

If you have to use a word to describe the fighting style of Chapter Master Tiberus.

Then the only word that Rorschach, who couldn't help opening his eyes wide, could think of was 'cruel'.

Moreover, it was a cruelty that could not be easily described in words.

At this moment, struggling to drive the ancient Terminator armor.

Tiberus, who wields lightning-powered claws with both hands, shoots at a large number of solid bullets and laser beams.

Forcibly rushed into Hydra's fire defense stronghold.

Every time he swung his huge lightning power claw.

Several heavily armored Hydra fighters who had no time to dodge were completely torn into pieces of flesh and blood flying around.

Not even the last scream of death!
Even these Hydra heavy warriors are almost the elite among mortals.

But neither their dynamic sight nor reaction speed.

Still unable to keep up with the berserk attacks of Chapter Master Tiberus.

No amount of struggle by the opponent could delay the cruel death.

On the contrary, it will result in the most tragic way of death.

A heavily armored soldier who kept yelling "Long live Hydra" saw the battle situation falling into a critical moment.

Without hesitation, he pulled out a few high-explosive grenades from his waist, trying to rush towards the dead corner behind the terrifying figure of Tiberus.

In the next second, the quick-responsive opponent abruptly slapped the entire head into the chest cavity.

Even the headless body was completely engulfed by the flames of the explosion it caused.

And another group of Hydra heavy soldiers trying to turn the shooting direction of large-caliber heavy machine guns.

It was also swept away by a lightning-powered claw on the palm of Tiberus, together with the heavy machine gun itself, completely split in two!
At this moment, it wasn't just the bolter in Rorschach's palm that temporarily stopped roaring violently.

Even the roar of the bolters of the five Astartes Guards had long since ceased.

They seem to think that after Chapter Master Tiberus himself initiated the charge.

The ultimate fate of those heavily armored Hydra fighters has already been determined.

After dozens of seconds, the flesh and blood fragments of dozens of Hydra heavy warriors were evenly smeared on the ground of the passage corridor with a radius of more than ten meters.

Even the metal ceiling surface above.

It also accidentally hung and adhered to several strings of viscera and broken bones shaking back and forth.

Wisps of scarlet blood continued to drip down.

At this moment, the ceramic steel shell of Chapter Master Tiberus was almost completely covered and soaked by a large amount of blood.

He flicked the sticky blood stained on the lightning power claw casually.

Then, the other party slowly drove the Terminator armor to continue to move forward, and pressed the up button of the large elevator clumsily.


Accompanied by the low sound of the mechanical winch starting to turn.

The thick magnetic boots stomped on the flesh-and-blood Rorschach and the five Astartes guards repeatedly.

Taking advantage of the short gap while waiting for the large elevator to go up, he came to the back of Chapter Master Tiberus.

There didn't seem to be any desire to communicate with each other among the people, they just waited quietly for the arrival of the elevator.

The Guards Astartes were used to this.

Moreover, the battle tradition of the White Shark Squad is to keep silent and fight in silence.

On the other hand, Luo Xia felt a kind of shock far beyond expectations, as well as occasional envy and envy.

Although he knew that the leader of the White Shark Chapter in front of him was a super strong man far beyond the ordinary Astartes.

But I never thought that the opponent's combat power could suddenly reach such an inhuman level.

Even if the enemy is just a group of Hydra heavy soldiers that Rorschach can handle easily.

But Rorschach asked himself.

For the time being, he still can't do the brutal killing mode that is as smooth as the other party's.


The crisp sound of the large elevator successfully reaching the upper floor.

The little thoughts that made Luo Xia distracted came back together again.

Taking a deep breath, he followed Chapter Master Tiberus and the Astartes personal guard into the interior of the elevator.

Then, the heavy elevator door slowly closed.

Everyone in power armor was accompanied by a burst of soft music.

Gradually, it fell rapidly towards the depths of Hydra's Antarctic base.


About a minute later, the heavy elevator door opened smoothly again.

Rorschach, who was staring at the front, also instantly saw Hydra single-man tanks with muzzles ready to fire on the spacious underground square through the helmet eyepiece.

And a Hydra robot whose overall shape is like an octopus!

"Form a defensive formation! Protect the Primarch!"

Chapter Master Tiberus quickly issued a muffled order to the surrounding Guards Astartes.

Then, he struggled to drive the ancient Terminator armor.

He rushed out of the interior of the large elevator first, and went to seize the space suitable for launching a fierce charge.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was also not slow to react, was also struggling to drive the power armor.

Without hesitation, he sidled through the defensive formation of the Astartes Guards.

With his backhand, he pulled out the blood sickle lingering in green light from the back of the power pack, and launched an attack on the nearest Hydra single-man tank!
chi chi chi-

In an instant, scorching laser beams that were as thick as bowls continued to bombard from the long and narrow muzzle of the Hydra single-man tank.

An Astartes bodyguard who briefly diverted his attention because of Rorschach's sudden action.

Being hit by a scorching laser forcefully on the ceramic steel breastplate of the Terminator armor, the whole person subconsciously took a step back.

However, with the powerful defensive capabilities brought by the Terminator armor.

The opponent only staggered for a moment, and quickly adjusted his posture.

And immediately raised the bolt gun, and launched a very fierce counterattack with the Hydra single-man tank!

boom boom-

In the next second, the Hydra single-man tank still maintained the thin-skinned and stuffed style.

The explosive bombs fired one after another forcibly penetrated the thick armor.

It directly detonated the internal engine or energy facilities, thus triggering a more intense sacrificial flame!

Accompanied by an explosion that suddenly illuminated the entire secret base.

The five Astartes guards simultaneously seized the Achilles' heel of the Hydra single-man tank.

They quickly rushed out of the elevator, relying on the bolt guns in their palms.

The mobile point shoots the most threatening Hydra one-man tanks.

At the same time, Rorschach, who was waving the Blood Scythe in his palm, also relied on the unreasonable sharpness of the space necromancer weapon.

Forcibly split the thick armor of the Hydra single-man tanks.

He casually flipped the sharp blade surrounded by green light, easily ending the Hydra driver inside.

On the other side of the battlefield, the chapter leader Tiberus who almost danced the two lightning power claws into the blue lightning.

It also successfully attracted the crazy attack of most Hydra robots.

And, every one of them tries to jump into the air from the ground.

The Hydra robot that used wrapping tactics against the ancient Terminator armor from above its head will be completely torn into pieces of broken parts that flash with lightning by the lightning-powered claws that suddenly slashed through the air!
And just when everyone was fighting their own battle.

dong dong dong-

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps resounding all around.

A ten-meter-tall humanoid mechanical creation slammed into the metal wall of the secret base.

And turned around and quickly attacked the center of the battlefield!
At the same time, on the huge screen located on the chest of the humanoid mechanical creation.

A distorted face that was barely made up of green pixels also let out a deafening roar of anger:
"Damn intruder! This is my private territory, Anim Zola!"

"Who sent you to kill me?! Is it Strucker or that dirty, ugly alien bug?!"

 thanks for your support!

  Dr. Zola uses the settings in the comics.

(End of this chapter)

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