Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 418 Eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers!

Chapter 418 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Showing Their Magical Powers!
Brightly lit interior of the base.

A hundred monster machine guards and basically the same number of robot bees are neatly arranged in several rows.

The five units are comparable in size to the Terminator armor.

The Fortstar-shaped intelligent control mechs carrying the Hell's Hammer laser cannon on their thick metal shoulders also stood at the rear of the queue.

Now, the ready-to-go Intellectual Control Legion is waiting for a battle order to be issued.

At the same time, the defense forces of the three companies also neatly formed a square array.

They obeyed the company commander's order and began to check the weapons and equipment they carried on the spot.

The next moment, everyone who had completely reached a consensus on action walked out of the conference room at the base.

Chapter Master Tiberus gave a few instructions to the Astartes guards.

First through the assistance of Iron Man David.

Obtained the coordinate location of the task.

Immediately, he led a small team of monster guards and automatons onto a Thunderhawk transport plane.

Immediately, the opponent was carried by the driver of the Defense Force, and quickly lifted off to the mission location.

After the five Astartes personal guards nodded to Rorschach.

He also quickly led several teams of Ao monster machine guards to the Thunderhawk transport plane.


At this moment, Sol, who had a micro-communication device in his ear, quickly shook Mjolnir in his palm.

The whole person flew towards the sky like a bolt of lightning.

He will be under the guidance of Iron Man David.

Coordinate with five Astartes for a quick raid across multiple locations.

chi chi chi-

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the whistling sound of propellers resounding all around.

With the assistance of Tony and Jarvis, the Iron Legion, with as many as 30 units, began to gradually rise towards the sky.

He stared at the flight path drawn by the Iron Legion.

Rorschach and Doom nodded as they slowly put on the metal helmets.

Afterwards, carrying the necessary weapons, they selected several combined teams that were a mixture of the Intellectual Control Legion and the Defense Army.

He walked towards the Thunderhawk transport plane whose engine was roaring.
Rorschach basically had no difficulty with the battle plan specified by Baron Stekla.

It can even be said that the chicken was killed with a sledgehammer.

Only Chapter Master Tiberus and the five Astartes bodyguards were out.

Eleven small and medium-sized bases can be easily eliminated.

And all the Hydra fighters inside.

However, Rorschach, who has always been kind, is also unwilling to oppress the White Sharks.

Even the current fighting intensity is almost comparable to a beautiful holiday for the sharks.

In addition, Rorschach also wanted to test Latovilla's mobilization ability.

And whether his team can cooperate with the heroes to a certain extent, so as to adapt to the more complex and changeable battlefield situation in the future.

Not long after, because the selected medium base was furthest away.

Rorschach, who was still on the Thunderhawk transport plane, saw the battle process belonging to Chapter Master Tiberus through the tiny screen inside the metal helmet through Iron Man David.

Seems like a lack of attention from the Primarch afterward.

The fighting style and intensity of Chapter Master Tiberus is much wilder.

Wearing Terminator armor, Tiberus even launched an extremely fast airborne attack on Hydra's medium-sized base directly from mid-air.

His whole body was like a meteor shell falling suddenly and fell heavily into the center of the opponent's crowd.

Then, a bloody massacre comparable to the descending of the demon of Khorne completely produced uncontrollable fear in the fanatical fighters of Hydra.

And wait until the Ao monster machine guard and the automatic machine bee join the battle.

The only function they can play is to prevent the Hydra warriors who are defeated by fear from fleeing here.

"Tsk, it's really too cruel."

Taking a deep breath, Rorschach asked Iron Man David to change his perspective.

He intends to watch other people fight.

Therefore, Iron Man David live broadcasted the grand attack of the Iron Legion to Rorschach.

If Tiberus' fighting style is too bloody and brutal.

Then the Iron Legion controlled by Tony and Jarvis.

At least energy light effects or explosion effects are full of talents.

Seven or eight units are specially responsible for ground attack. The powerful heavy-duty mechanical armor is like a metal rhinoceros rampaging through the attacking group of Hydra fighters, tearing apart the fragile body of the enemy.

And more than a dozen mechanical armors with more dexterous and changeable flying movements.

Then it continuously casts a series of shock beams from the midair towards the many enemies below.

Incomparably accurate bursts of some Hydra fighters trying to set up anti-aircraft firepower.

Tony, who was wearing a gold-red mechanical armor, occasionally swooped into the crowd of Hydra fighters.

He used the red cutting laser above his arms to sweep across a circle.

The whole person quickly flew into the mid-air in a cheap way.

Flexibly dodge the laser beams from the enemy or the repeated concentrated fire of the bullets with large mouthfuls.

Seeing the progress of the battle on Tony's side, it looks good.

Before Luo Xia opened his mouth to speak.

The iron man David who was far away at the base quickly understood and turned the screen to Sol's side.

At this moment, Saul, whose whole body was shrouded in dazzling electric light, was playing match-to-flight with gunships that fired non-stop.

He relied on Mjolnir's flying speed and brutal physical strength.

It forcibly penetrated the metal shells of many armed helicopters, completely detonating the flying vehicles above the sky.

And between the ground strewn with burning wreckage.

The five Astartes personal guards relied on the large number of bolt ammunition they carried with them.

The hydra single-man tanks that continued to bombard were constantly destroyed.

Even if they are occasionally hit head-on by enemy shelling.

Relying on the unreasonable overall defense strength of the Terminator armor.

At most, it only damaged the ceramic steel shell, and occasionally turned somersaults, but there was no fatal danger.

"Master Rorschach, we are about to arrive at the predetermined target location, please prepare for battle in advance!"

At this moment, the Defense Force pilot from inside the cockpit reminded Rorschach.


Rorschach subconsciously shook the metal helmet and immediately turned off the internal screen.

As for the fighting situation on Doom's side.

He wouldn't have to look any further.

There is no special environment that can block magic.

Doom in power armor is a fast-moving sorcery turret.

Coupled with the bravery of the defense forces.

And the strong cooperation of the intelligent control army.

It is easy to deal with a medium-sized base of Hydra.

The next moment, Rorschach took a deep breath and drove the power armor to get up slowly from the cabin seat.

In one of his palms he held a blood scythe lingering in green light.

The other hand gripped the heart of the furnace.


Accompanied by the gradual opening of the cabin door.

A gust of wind, swept by the transport plane's engine, blew past the blue ceramic steel shell.

"Heretics of Hydra!"

"The angel of death has come—"

 thanks for your support!

  There is a good saying: let go of the plot of helping others, respect the fate of others, life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, so be it.

  Dark little thought: I want to sit and watch the whole world burn (serious face)!
(End of this chapter)

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