Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 422 The final journey of an armor-piercing shell!

Chapter 422 The final journey of an armor-piercing shell!

boom boom-

The violent roar from a pair of bolters almost filled the dark night sky.

The shark guards wearing the Terminator power armor are constantly alternately covering with the help of large and small vehicles on the city streets, as well as the lanes between a large number of buildings.

They continued to advance towards the huge hill where Hydra's secret fortress was located.

While raising the bolt gun in his palm, he continued to engage in fierce firefights with the elite Hydra fighters who were entering the city streets.

At the same time, the Terminator armor was quickly driven to trample on the ground.

The running pace of the whole person is like that of a heavy tank. The chapter leader Taberus used the thick ceramic steel shoulder armor as a buffer for the impact angle, and unexpectedly knocked over a giant Hydra tank from the side with force!

This kind of heavy tank, which is much larger than normal tanks, does not matter what its overall combat effectiveness is.

There are also some design ideas of Warhammer Cosmic Force Brick Flying, which deserves more encouragement from bombs.

As for those hydra single-man tanks that are almost all over the city streets, but the armor quality is thin and stuffed.

As early as Tiberus's previous stealth assault, he had completely become the dead soul under the claws of lightning power claws!
chi chi chi-

At this moment, Tiberus, who suddenly raised two lightning power claws, quickly flipped the terrifying weapon on his hands.

Accompanied by an extremely ear-piercing roar.

The teeth of the chain saw in the palms of both hands suddenly turned rapidly.

In the next second, the hard tank chassis, which was strong enough to withstand the repeated bombing impact of a large amount of explosives, was quickly sawed a big hole.

It also completely exposed the tank driving crew who were hidden inside the armor with bloody faces!


At this moment, a tank armor-piercing shell with the thickness of the mouth of a bowl suddenly crossed the dark street where the street lights kept flickering.

Like a bolt of solid lightning, it crashed towards the tall and most eye-catching Tiberus!

Faced with this super-caliber armor-piercing shelling.

Even the sharks wearing Terminator armor can hardly bear it head-on.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive the injury.

Fractured limbs and even intestinal perforation are tragic events that cannot be avoided.

However, perhaps because of the Emperor's blessing.

Or Tiberus subconsciously swinging his lightning power claws to kill enemies.

This terrifyingly powerful armor-piercing shell even directly grazed the thick ceramic steel shoulder armor of the Terminator armor.

After forcibly drawing a dire dent, he also made a [-]-degree turn in an instant!
Then, it went straight through the walls of countless buildings and disappeared into the night!

At this moment, Tiberus quickly pulled back the Lightning Power Claw from inside the bloody giant tank.

It was as if a low-pitched cold hum came from under the metal helmet.

He struggled to move the magnetic boots of the Terminator armor.

Use the overturned giant tanks and the burning scrapped vehicles around them as simple cover.

Quickly launched another angry charge towards the Hydra giant tank that was adjusting the firing angle of the muzzle!
dong dong dong-

Tell the truth, Chapter Master Tiberus of the Carcharhas.

There seemed to be some signs of anger.

And that requires countless Hydra guys.

Use their lives to appease each other's anger.

Accompanied by bursts of intense thunderous sound.

A thick lightning flashed across the city suddenly.

It quickly fell from the sky, penetrated the fragile bodies of dozens of Hydra elite soldiers, and completely ended their lives.

At this moment, Mjolnir, who was wrapped in dazzling lightning, was tightly held in Sol's palm.

He quickly took a deep breath, and tried his best to ease the energy consumed by summoning Thunder.

Then, Thor swung the Thunder Hammer without hesitation, and danced Mjolnir into phantoms that were hard to recognize with the naked eye!

Along the entire street, he launched a merciless low-altitude impact on the elite Hydra soldiers pouring out ahead!
At the same time, the mechanical armors controlling the steel legions kept blocking the stray bullets on the battlefield.

And trying his best to drive a large number of civilians to evacuate to a safe area, Tony suddenly turned the flight direction of the mechanical armor.

He also joined the killing battle against the elite soldiers of Hydra!
chi chi chi-

With the tacit cooperation of Jarvis and Tony, a series of shock beams quickly crossed the air.

He took away the elite Hydra soldiers who were too late to hide in the bunker with great precision.

It has also successfully reduced the chances of them kidnapping civilians or causing casualties.

Today, Tony, who has experienced the battle in the slums and many fierce battles, seems to have gradually adapted to the rules of survival on the battlefield.

He no longer seems to be a superhero who simply distinguishes between good and evil and acts recklessly with his emotions.

Instead, he gradually transformed into a fairly qualified fighter, and he no longer felt much repulsion even for killing the enemy.

Perhaps the current Tony Stark is making great strides towards a true human hero.

The next moment, Tony, who was wearing a golden-red mechanical armor, landed heavily, and his two hard and heavy metal feet instantly cracked the asphalt ground below.

He quickly captured the attacking action of an elite Hydra soldier through the data on the visor.

Immediately afterwards, Tony, assisted by the artificial intelligence combat system, suddenly raised a metal iron fist.

After stepping forward, he abruptly punched the opponent away!

"Oh man, this must hurt!"

Tony grinned and glanced at the opponent who fell heavily to the ground, and couldn't help but complain.

Then, he raised his palm again.

Continuous shock beams were fired at the elite Hydra soldiers who raised their energy guns one by one!
"Hey! Tony! How's the evacuation of those human civilians?!"

At this moment, Sol, whose whole body was completely shrouded in the dazzling electric light, flew back to the vicinity of the street head-on.

Wisps of continuously jumping dazzling magic lightning instantly burned a large number of Hydra elite soldiers to death.

He didn't forget to turn around and ask in Tony's direction when he just landed.

"Most of the civilians have been brought to safety by the Iron Legion! Jarvis is also scanning the vicinity for lucky survivors!"

Tony repeatedly used his palm to fire shock beams one after another.

Without raising his head, he yelled loudly at Sol, who stood on his side and stood almost in a parallel diagonal line.

"Sol! Watch out—"

At this moment, there was a shelling warning buzzing that suddenly rang through Tony's ears.

On his data-assisted visor, he accidentally captured an armor-piercing shell that forcibly penetrated a large number of buildings, and it was bombarding heavily behind Sol's spine!
Tony, with his eyes wide open, immediately issued a warning to Sol who was not far away.

However, the tip of this warhead is spinning violently.

The armor-piercing shell that seemed to be driven by strands of red energy on the tail of the shell exploded behind Sol's spine!
boom -

Sol, who forcibly withstood an armor-piercing shell with his strong body, was instantly enveloped by an extremely violent explosion!

After that, his whole body was like a flying ball.

It flew heavily into the buildings near the street!

"David! Emergency situation!"

"Sol may need medical attention! Repeat, Sol may need medical attention!"

The next moment, Tony, who shouted at the communication device without hesitation, took off from the ground in an instant.

Against the laser beams from the enemy, he quickly rushed to the place where Sol fell!
At the same time, in a hidden room less than 50 meters away from the battlefield here.

A slender fingertip is slightly raised, and the knuckles of the white palm are still wrapped with wisps of scarlet energy.

Being grabbed by the palm of another man with slightly rough skin, it abruptly interrupted the other movements of the white palm.

"Wanda! What did you just do?!"

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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