Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 432 Goodbye, sharks!

Chapter 432 Goodbye, sharks!

In fact, Rorschach also vaguely guessed Tony's little thoughts.

It is estimated to be a tragic scene of the destruction of Hydra Island.

And the same experience of creating the fire storm catalyst once again stimulated the other party's fragile heart.

Let the other party reproduce a little bit of PTSD or something.

Or several large-scale battle scenes in succession.

It also made Tony worry that a similar situation would happen in his home city.

However, since Tony has made a corresponding commitment as one of the members of the 'Trial Chamber'.

Rorschach didn't bother to care about how they would deal with the last Hydra faction.

If the other party really couldn't deal with it, it would just be another bloody massacre.
Soon after, the people who were about to evacuate temporarily left a team of Ao monster machine guards to guard Hydra Island.

If there is no accident.

The newly renovated Hydra Island will also become one of Rorschach's sub-bases.

Of course, the name of the island needs to be changed.

And wait until everyone returns to the defense force base.

Tony and Sol bid farewell to Rorschach one after another, and gradually left the local area.

Rorschach and Tiberus stayed put and waited for a while.

Wait until Dum, who has dealt with many things in Sokovia, returns.

Rorschach quickly gave the other party a week's vacation.

Then, he led Tiberus and the Astartes guards back to the snow-covered Twin Islands base.

It was only at this moment that Luo Xia remembered it belatedly.

Tiberus and the others still have nearly a week of free time before returning to their hometown, the Ghoul Starfield.

So, he ordered Iron Man David to start preparing many supplies for the sharks that need to be taken back directly.

At the same time, Rorschach, who had pondered for a long time, also asked Tiberus cautiously.

As for the specific central idea of ​​this conversation.

Rorschach wanted to find out whether the other party was willing to continue fighting with him for a while.

And Tiberus also nodded unequivocally in agreement, and told Rorschach in a low voice.

The previous battle with the sharks was just a simple warm-up.

If there is still a need for them in the Lord Primarch, then just let them come.

Faced with such a straightforward answer from the leader of the White Shark Chapter.

Rorschach simply bluntly told the other party about part of his responsibilities.

That is, he can pass through the Faros Lighthouse and the Emperor's blessing.

Conduct support operations on different battlefields in different time periods of the empire.

Tiberus didn't seem much surprised when he heard this.

After he was silent for a while.

Slightly hesitant, he asked Rorschach if he had seen the Primarch Corax.

Rorschach expressed it to the other party without hesitation.

He had fought alongside Primarch Corax.

And whether it was the loyalist primarch or the rebel primarch, he had met several times.
Soon after, Rorschach, who was replaced with a six-armed Terminator, led Tiberus and the Astartes guards who had overhauled the power armor to the depths of the base again.

And Tiberus except for the lightning power claws held on the ceramic steel hands.

There is also a super-phase sword surrounded by green light behind the power pack.

This is regarded as a proof of acceptance that Rorschach bestowed on the Shark Squad.

It is also a testimony that the two sides continue to cooperate and fight.

As for the guards of the Astartes.

A pair of brand-new storm bolt guns and a large amount of bolt ammunition were carried by them.

After arriving at the circular square, everyone knelt down on one knee in front of the emperor's statue, silently praying.

Then, Rorschach turned on the simulator without hesitation.

Quickly chose a prayer support with a success rate of only more than 30.

chi chi chi-

In the next second, a space crack gradually opened and expanded.

Rorschach, Tiberus and the Guards of the Astartes return to the Warhammer Universe for the first time!
Whoosh whoosh!
In an instant, the tall figures of everyone quickly disappeared on the circular square.

And about ten hours later.

The armor of the six-armed Terminator is covered with bullet marks from explosive shells.

Rorschach was holding the blood sickle tightly in his palm.

Leading Tiberus and the Astartes guards who also had scars on the ceramic steel shell returned successfully.

Their support mission this time.

To a fleet of Imperial Rogue Traders hijacked by the Chaos Astartes warband.

And it took half a month.

Completely wiped out this one who has always refused to reveal its name.

And there are only more than 40 Chaos Astartes warbands.

However, Rorschach also passed the opponent's fighting style that is good at long-range attacks and the body structure that has undergone a lot of mechanical transformation.

Judging that they should be one of the scion of Perturabo, the rebel Primarch, a group of stragglers who left the Iron Warriors warband.

That is to say, Rorschach and Tiberus, plus the combat effectiveness of the Astartes' personal guards are strong enough.

Otherwise, the general Astartes combat squad may have difficulty dealing with this group of rebel heretics who advocate killing efficiency.

At this moment, Rorschach, who was standing on the circular square, once again obtained a throne coin.

He casually showed it to Tiberus beside him.

And explain that this is a reward from the emperor.

Tiberus, who lowered his head slightly, looked at the throne coin through the eyepiece, but didn't have much thought.

After all, it was a gift from the Primarch directly from the Emperor.

It's not a precious object that he, a chapter leader, can covet at all.

Soon after, everyone quickly left the ground.

They first went to the foundry on Second Son Island.

Let swarms of autonomous servobots quickly overhaul battered Terminator armor.

Then, Rorschach and others temporarily returned to the base for repairs.

During this time, Tiberus proposed to Rorschach again.

If the Primarch needs to get more Throne Coins.

Then the White Sharks Chapter is willing to assist the Primarch to fight again.

However, after thinking for a moment, Rorschach told the other party plainly.

It's not that he doesn't want to lead the crowd to fight.

It's that the remaining support missions are too difficult.

Even with a whole intelligent control army.

It is difficult for them to survive now.

Moreover, in exchange for the Primarch's own interests, sacrifice more battle brothers of the Shark Chapter.

It was never his Rorschach's fighting style.

What's more, the Carhats belonged to Corax's sons, not his own, Rorschach's.

Therefore, this proposal of Tiberus was rejected by Rorschach quite simply.

So, the sharks spent the rest of their time.

Basically, they are quietly waiting for the return time to come.

They only occasionally go to the gang dog's venue for some intense fighting training, which stunned the gang dogs watching.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiberus and Rorschach also started discussing.

How to effectively communicate and cooperate between the two parties in the follow-up and many other things.

And as time goes on.

The day has finally come for the sharks to return to the Void Fleet.

 thanks for your support!

  It's almost time to rewrite the enhanced simulation.

(End of this chapter)

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